Too good a post to waste

On a thread that is a running example of the textual equivalent of nonstop cat videos. So here it is again.

I could understand the cables are snake-oil doubters and take them seriously- in 1980. Back then there was no internet, Stereo Review was pretty much it, and Julian Hirsch was the Oracle of all things audio. Stereo Review and Julian Hirsch said if it measures the same it sounds the same. Wire is wire, and that was that. 

Even then though J. Gordon Holt had already started the movement that was to become Stereophile. JGH took the opposing view that our listening experience is what counts. Its nice if you can measure it but if you can’t that’s your problem not ours. 

Stereo Review and the measurers owned the market back then. The market gave us amplifier wars, as manufacturers competed for ever more power with ever lower distortion. For years this went on, until one day "measures great sounds bad" became a thing.

Could be some here besides me lived through and remember this. If you did, and if you were reading JGH back then, I tip my hat to you, sir! I fell prey to Hirsch and his siren song that you can have it all for cheap and don’t really have to learn to listen. Talk about snake-oil! A lot of us bought into it. Sorry to say.

But anyway like I was saying it was easy to believe the lie back then because it was so prevalent and also because what wire there was that sounded better didn’t really sound a whole lot better.

Now though even budget wire sounds so much better than what comes off a reel you’d have to be deaf not to notice. Really good wires sound so good you’d notice even if you ARE deaf! No kidding. My aunt Bessie was deaf as a stone but she could FEEL the sound at a high enough volume, knew it was music. The dynamic punch of my CTS cables is so much greater than ordinary 14 ga wire I would bet my deaf from birth aunt Bessie could "hear" the difference. Certain so-called audiophiles here, I'm not so sure.

Oh and not done beating the dead horse quite yet, according to my calendar its 2020, a solid 40 years past 1980. Stereo Review is dead and buried. Stereophile lives on. A whole multi-billion dollar industry built on wire not being wire thrives. Maybe the measurement people can chalk up and quantify from that just how many years, and billions, they are out of date and in denial. 
"...I’m pretty sure you used the word fester incorrectly..."
Yes, in the post involving geoffkait, he meant to use "pester".
" example of the failure of the school system."
This is a progress. We are not ridiculing public schools anymore.
And while I agree my brain is festering on a bit of Jim Beam, wishing you and everyone else out there as good a fourth as possible.  Fireworks cancelled here.
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The “genius” who lists “stock cables” on his profile Audiogon Systems. That says it all. And I am being nice for the rest of his / her stuff.

Moving on...
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The “genius” who lists “stock cables” on his profile Audiogon Systems. That says it all. 

No way.

Yes way!

Not only freebie rubber power cords, but lamp cord to the speakers. 

Nothing to do now but apologize. Sorry, almarg. I had no idea. Sorry.

The “genius” who lists “stock cables” on his profile Audiogon Systems. That says it all.
Seems like a meticulous person who thinks that "everything matters" and lists it without hiding. Including the brand of stylus cleaner.

Well, maybe he was embarassed to list Magic Pebbles, but we can understand that.
Not only freebie rubber power cords, but lamp cord to the speakers.
Not totally accurate statement is it now?

  • Signal Cable Digital Reference Power Cords.
    • Vampire Wire Speaker cables.

We can all read MC, well I hope we all can.

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uberwaltz, if there was a plot...

...we're down to sifting sand though fingers, looking for some trace of it...;)

Random disassociation seems to be more entertaining in the long run...

Too much lead and heavy metals in the fireworks....yeah, that's it....
Gentlemen (and others), this thread is not about me or my system. My initial lengthy post which precipitated much of the recent argument provided technical explanations supportive of the belief that cables can sound different depending on the application in which they are used. That belief being widely (and IMO correctly) held by many audiophiles.

Subsequent responses insulting my system constitute "argumentum ad hominem." As stated in that Wikipedia writeup:

... argumentum ad hominem is a term that refers to several types of arguments, most of which are fallacious. Typically this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself. This avoids genuine debate by creating a diversion to some irrelevant but often highly charged issue.

-- Al

It is very easy to mock someone’s system.... In this thread anybody who will look mine will consider me nut.... Feel free to do it....

But it is better if we go on with arguments and discussion tough...

Just my grain of salt....

«Paradise for one is hell for another, my dear...»-Groucho Marx

Al, I was not criticizing your system, I was complementing your writing style, which can sometimes constitute an illogical argument in itself. It’s the art of the legal mind to sway audiences with language. Sometimes it’s just too good to be true. Unemotional, careful, logical, courteous, friendly. 😃 Johnny Cochran springs to mind. As I said you almost had me going on your excellent by fallacious argument that fuse directionality is actually produced by the fuse holder. Kudos on that one! It was very convincing! 🤗
Thanks for that clarification, Geoff. To be sure it's clear, though, I was not referring to you when I referred to "subsequent responses insulting my system."

-- Al

Many posts around here claim some science and technology that is frequently unreadable. Some of the time because it may be too complicated for me, some of the time because it is poorly written.

There is nothing wrong with being able to present one's thoughts in a readable manner. I cannot argue if almarg's post was correct, or not, but it was readable.

Now, if instead of equaling decent writing skills with incorrect statements, one could argue about them in similar and coherently written style, it could be beneficial. Otherwise it is just whining "Yo re convincing and therefore you must be wrong because I am right and have never convinced anybody."

Timely tip: never get into any kind of technical debate with a history or English major. 

Many posts around here claim some science and technology that is frequently unreadable. Some of the time because it may be too complicated for me, some of the time because it is poorly written.

There is nothing wrong with being able to present one’s thoughts in a readable manner. I cannot argue if almarg’s post was correct, or not, but it was readable.

Congratulations glupson for being able to sound out the words. Even the big long ones? "Kuh Paa See Tance. Kuhpaaseetance. Capacitance. Got it! Wonder what that means? Oh well. At least its readable!" A dazzling display of logic.

Probably unintended, what you have done is called damning by faint praise. Look it up. Go on. Live a little.

PS- Stock Power Cords. (oh and you can see the lamp cord going to a speaker in a photo too!)


If you could read with comprehension, you would ask me to give you writing lessons. If I thought you could learn, I would even consider agreeing to it. However, two negatives would not make one positive writing lessons for you.

I know Al is more than capable of speaking up for and defending himself on here although my guess  is that he is probably done with your banality but.....
WTF is wrong with you?

This from a guy who has the arrogance to name system parts after himself, I mean seriously... Miller Solid Core Door???

I guess I have to post again as you willfully ignored these parts of Als system.

    • Vampire Wire Speaker Cable
    • Signal Cable Digital Reference Power Cords
Now yes he does also state stock power cords but you know I have some of those too, like on my Nak cassette deck where it is a captive power cord, did you ever think along those lines at all?
Actually did you ever think before you decided to deride a member who has been of great service on technical questions to MANY members here over the years?

Just sad........

Does anyone know why lamp cord is universally considered bad?

Wouldn’t there be an application in which it may be better suited than some other cable? What makes it universally bad for every audio application? Are all lamp cords in the world exactly the same?

Because people hang themselves with lamp cord ....

Never with an audio cable....


Bad joke sorry......

Because people hang themselves with lamp cord ....

Never with an audio cable....
It does make sense. Audio cables are often not flexible enough.
The only thing of value I’ve read on this thread so far came from.....drum roll....Almarg. 
Uber you know the answer, no bigger ego exists save that of his hero Dumpsterfire.
There's gotta be SOME value in my two cents worth...
Oh for sure... About 1 cents worth....

First you have to define lamp cord.
Then what gauge, colour, blahblah.

Becomes nearly as tedious as Audiophool cables......
Yes I had noticed his ego is writing checks his abilities cannot cash.


"First you have to define lamp cord.
Then what gauge, colour, blahblah"

Are you telling me that all the lamp cords are not the same, but as speaker cables they are equally bad?

Who do I consult to clarify that? almarg? millercarbon? Choices, choices...

my super deluxe Crate and Barrel lamp came with 6’ of cord, and included the new four charm quark particle....
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i have some vampire, and Fulton and even the first Monster in my vintage system, which i would put up as sonically satisfying...

LONG live Al !!!!
Thanks, Grant ( @tvad ). You are correct on all counts. And yes, I am delinquent in updating my system description thread. There have also been a few relatively minor changes in the past year or so (mainly due to problems which have arisen with the vintage tuner and cassette deck), but the major one is the amplifier change.

And thanks as well to some of the others who have posted recently. You know who you are.

Again, though, as I said earlier:

... this thread is not about me or my system. My initial lengthy post which precipitated much of the recent argument provided technical explanations supportive of the belief that cables can sound different depending on the application in which they are used. That belief being widely (and IMO correctly) held by many audiophiles.

Subsequent responses insulting my system constitute "argumentum ad hominem."

-- Al

Three more notoriously bad sounding cables I cannot imagine. 😬 Well, the Polk Was pretty terrible, too. 
Who do I consult to clarify that? almarg? millercarbon? Choices, choices...
Try a crystal ball, as likely to get an answer you like.
Or the old standby, the 8 ball.

Johnny Cochran .. really? ’If the glove doesn’t fit...’
and you know Neil A misspoke and said ’a small step for man, but a giant leap for mankind’?

Back to Stereo Review. I subscribed to it for a year or two, until I noticed that every review of a questionable component (including some serious lemons) ended with  (the sound/performance/etc).... 'was among the best we have heard in its class'. You had to stop and wonder what that meant.

After I stopped my subscription, I kept getting free copies for the next 6 months, showing they cared more about the size of their subscriber base than on the amount (20 cents or so) I was paying them per issue.
"There's no-one left alive - must be draw."
So the Blackcap Barons toss a coin to settle the score.

"Notice he doesn't deny any of it.
No system.
No degree.
No knowledge.
The one person who claims to have met him at a show said he enjoys making fun of audiophiles because.... they love audio.

If you can find one constructive comment in 23k posts, please provide a link.
And still can't find even one constructive comment in any of his 23k posts.


Yes, but it's still very early days. 

Magic pebbles and teleportation tweaks obviously need more careful testing and evaluation, don't they?

What about these glowing testimonials from the machinadynamica website? :

[I purchased a 6-bottle suite of Machina Dynamica's Brilliant Pebbles that gave quite audible improvements to my tubed amp & DAC and CD transport in a nearfield listening setup. More clarity, detail, texture, deep bass pitch definition and a lot less digital glare." Sept 2005]

[I cannot listen to my system any more without the pebbles." - Hans-Peter, Switzerland, 2004]

[NEW!! "Geoff, I have the better part of an hour determining the efficacy of the Teleportation Tweak, may I claim it has exceeded all my expectations? This from a violin instructor. My initial evaluation of the Teleportation Tweak is that any bass boom that had existed is totally gone. I must admit this is the best tweak I have ever attempted." - Singapore, June 2011 (distance 9660 miles or 15500 kilometers)]

[NEW!! "How in the world does this work, but I have clearer sound and better imaging. You have to try it to believe it!!!!!" - April 2010]

[NEW!! "The Machina Dynamica Teleportation Tweak works! All I can say is that it increased detail, definition and focus, and increased depth and imaging in the soundstage."]

["Another logic defying tweak from Geoff. In fact, he has outdone himself with this recent invention. The man is truly gifted...a genius who is also humble! I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Geoff. " - December 2007]

This all counts for something, doesn't it?
What does this all tell us?