The review wehave been promising is up


that's cuz nobody will buy anything from him when they meet him and talk to him LOL


couldn't agree with you more that's all they ever do is come on here and try and sell and push their stuff, the guy even thinks paradigm persona sound good LOL, that beryllium midrange and tweeter are so bright and edgy it's not even funny, and he even thinks that the monitor audio platinum aren't up there with the best. a friend of mine compared the platinum 500 to the $75,000 focal and he said that the platinum 500 was much better.

audio Troy we don't want any of your shameless advertising to push your products on here this is for people to give their comments about things, if you want to push your crap go to the sales page on this site.

Of course he is. He wrote another post about it. Unclear why Audiogon allows a salesman to harass us to buy stuff from his store. 

I agree with above that the review out of context of direct comparison is pretty useless. 

Virtually all TAS reviews are like this.  Never bother to do comparisons, and frequently they don’t even list the equipment in the reference system so you can’t even infer what they were using as a baseline.  And, when they do bother to list the reference equipment they frequently leave out the reference piece that would be comparable to the review component.  They go to great pains to not be held accountable for any of the crap they just feel like spewing out.  Useless, self-affirming drivel is all it really is. 

Maybe it’s just me, but any time Troy responds, my first instinct is to assume the worst, like a slimy used car salesman. I agree with above that the review out of context of direct comparison is pretty useless. 

rs507 anyone who hears one tends to purchase one they sound amazing.


Twoleftears there is no advertising going on by us in the absolute sound.


Mr. quint Has had a lot of other servers his last server was a 15k Baetis reference.


as per the plug in most people prefer the server with it Mr. Quint is a classical music purist he objected based on not wanting to change the artists intent rather then a distinct sonic preference.


if you check other reviews is is always the same the 432Evo outperforms the competition





We have found that the overall sound quality of the server is so high as it is the plug in being used or not makes very little real difference.


the fact that Mr. Quint actually purchased the demo piece speaks volumes about the servers performance, especially when he already had another $15k server..


Another point we offer a two week unconditional return trial

Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect NJ

US. importer 432evo music servers.



Adding all that technology to adjust to 432 or many other settings, then people will just turn the whole thing off.

More Absolute Sound hype.

Gotta sell that advertising.

Bottom line is the reviewer did not like the 432 playback mode. Other than that, I have nothing to add to what @soix already wrote so eloquently above. 


Typical TAS crap review. He says it’s the best he’s heard then conveniently never mentions what else he’s heard much less compares it directly with a comparable competitor. While the 432 is clearly a very competent product, without any context this is just another “review in a bubble” where the reviewer relies only on very fleeting auditory memory while singing the review product’s praises. The review would’ve been much more useful and informative if the reviewer made any effort whatsoever to put the 432’s performance in the context of at least one other competitive product or at minimum bothered to simply share what other products he’s heard that form the basis for his opinions. But that would take more work and involve accountability for the assertions being made in the review, and we surely can’t have that. Argh!

I wish Valin had reviewed the base model at $3500. Instead he opted for the Aeon at $7500. Quite a difference in price! At least he warned us about the factory default setting of 432hz - which should be disabled by buyers because it fundamentally alters the pitch and timing of modern instrument recordings.