The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


@steph_alex The way to determine fuse directionality for a given circuit, at least for best sound quality, is to listen to a fuse in both directions and select the direction that sounds best. Interesting that you choose a different path, but how do you know if the measurement you’re taking correlates to best sound quality? Or do you ultimately listen and if so, what is the point of taking the measurement?

yours in music,

Ted Denney III

Lead Designer/CEO Synergistic Research Inc.

Hi Ted, thanks for your message.

I thought the point of the fuse directionality was that the current should flow in the fuse in a certain way.

I am using a Farad Super 3 LPSU which is proposing your fuses as upgrades, and on the circuit board, there is an arrow for the fuse direction. When tested, the arrow is from hot to neutral so that led me to believe this was the correct way.

So I tested as a reference point and started to listen like this. I also tried to reverse but so far it sounded better this way.

Maybe you can tell us more about directionality?





Electricity will flow regardless. The reason to pay attention to fuse directionality is to get better sound quality. And because directionality is ultimately determined by what sounds best in the complexity of not only a single circuit, but in the complex interaction between components in the system as a whole, there really is no better way to determine what sounds best than to listen. You can of course measure, but you’ll than need to listen to confirm your measurements correlate to SQ which is subjective. For these reasons it seems straightforward to simply listen and make the call on a fuse by fuse basis.

I hope this helps,

Ted Denney III

Lead Designer/CEO Synergistic Research Inc.


If this is the case why do you include information that comes with your fuse telling you the current should flow left to right as you view the fuse from the S to R? If it’s just a lottery.

I have 4 fuses in each of my pre and power amps. It’s pretty ridiculous to expect someone to try each fuse in both directions each time you fit a single fuse in terms of time consumption (fitting and testing) whilst trying to mitigate expectation basis. Particularly as the difference between a fuse one way and the other is not night and day but relatively subtle in my experience with all audio fuses I've used (AMR, SR, Black, Blue and Orange)

@clifton below is what our website actually says regarding how to place Purple fuses for best performance.

Note:  If you are switching from an Orange fuse to a Purple fuse, start by inserting the Purple fuse in the same direction as the Orange fuse being replaced.  If the Purple fuse is not an immediate improvement, flip the Purple fuse in the alternate direction.



Just finished listening to Prokofiev’s 3rd Piano Concerto with Martha Argerich, Claudio Abbado and the Berlin Philharmonic. A great performance of great music!


With fully broken in SR purple fuses in my CD transport, DAC and amp, it was definitely closer to being in the room than I have experienced before, with my system. This is also true with other music I’ve listened to yesterday and today; Altan’s The Gap Of Dreams, Mile’s Davis' Kind of Blue, and some of my favorite songs by The Cure, for example. Isn’t that what this hobby is all about?


I am really happy with what these fuses bring. IMO, in my system, they are a great value for the money.


I just changed Purple fuse into my PS Audio BHK Preamp and the sound opened, it was a huge improvement. Other 2 Purple fuses are on the way for PS Audio Stellar Phono Preamp  and PerfectWave Transport SACD.

Just one question Ted: why you do not produce 3A value rate fuses?

5x20 mm slow blow series comes only in 2.5A or 3.15A, not a 3A model available from any European dealer.

PS Audio engineer team in Colorado - I already asked them = said that I ABSOLUTELY MUST follow this spec for fuses in my PowerPlant P12 regenerators, only 3A value rate fuses, nothing else nor 3.15A neither 2.5A. It’s the EU schuko version of PSAudio P12, not the US model.

so I cannot use your Purple fuses right into the component which has the best performance in sound quality due to rolling fuses, and especially from your Purple fuses as reported from a lot of forum members here and folks of PS Audio forum.

thank you for your reply and if custom fuses would be available I’d immediately  buy them for sure directly from your factory. I love them after experienced how great they improve SQ in my system, congrats Ted.


happy new year (we all hope!) 






Buy a PowerCell? Just kidding. If you have the dealer you purchased your other fuses from contact us, we may be able to build what you’re looking for. Not sure as I’m not at the factory. Hope you had a merry Christmas, and a wonderful new year.

Yours in music,

Ted Denney III

Lead Designer/CEO Synergistic Research Inc.

My purples finally arrived today.

I need to remember to not order from the UK in December.

24 days to arrive.


You say I can put them in amp/Dac, power them up but don't need music playing through them?


I once knew a Robert...



Hi Ted,


here below the answer received from the dealer:


Hi Geoff,

I have spoken to SR and they Only do the 3.15amp fuse 

Mark Dolbear

Luca what are the exact fuse specifications for your PS Audio regenerator? Size/value/fast or slow. Also if you know, is this a common value for their conditioners?


Post removed 

@lucapelliccioli  --- I am not in EU, but here in US, it will practically be zero issues with getting a 3.15A fuse for something that has a 3.00A original fuse. 


thank you for your opinion.

as mentioned before, the engineering team of the manufacturer PS Audio informed me by email TO NOT USE OTHER THAN 3A.

In power plant in particular.

they did communicate very clearly,



SR fuse tolerances are VERY tight. Much more so than standard off the shelf fuses. We have never had a complaint that they did not blow when protection was needed. in fact if we are getting complaints, it’s that they are more protective than standard fuses. That said, I will look into building a 3 amp fuse but honestly I cannot imagine our 3.15 amp fuse not blowing when an off the shelf 3 amp fuse blows. Still, it’s always best to go with manufacturers recommendations regarding fuse values.

Thank you Ted,

I appreciate so much your kind answer.

Awaiting news from you as soon as possible, meanwhile happy new year. During these days we must all stay safe with our families, listening to music why not.


For information: I have PS Audio P10 and P5 240V. Both had 3.15A stock fuses.

Chiming in, maybe not adding much to the discussion;

I made a bunch of cable evaluations this week and reached a major improvement level but not finished quite yet. Once I hit this week's new level, I was awaiting my Purple fuse so I inserted an Audio Magic SHD beeswax I had in the parts bin and was surprised how good it "sounded". So my expectations were higher that maybe the 'fuse thing' will add improvement. Last night I received the Purple and threw it right in and it sounds slightly different but still nice given one hour of use.

I cannot use the AM SHD long term as it is a 6.8 amp rating and this piece of gear only requires a 1 amp SB or 2 amp std blow. Alfred backed me up if the 1 amp were to blow but it did not, so I'm good to go.

Logically, it makes sense that if we can get more of the electrical pulse/wave to move freely through the choke point, we should have sound that the electronics are fully capable of generating. Much like getting the 'right' cabling in place and hearing how your speakers actually play like $30k speakers instead of $5k speakers now that they are unleashed.

All good things.

I did not have any impact from a FEQ and 15 HFTs last week, but I gave it a shot. Overall, "Tweak week" turned out pretty good for me with the new cabling and fuse so I'm happy with the improvements. 

Yes finding the right cable combination and then adding a SR purple fuse will a greater impact. 

Dear Moderator, why did you cancel my previous post answering Ted about P12 model in Europe?

So sorry if I did not respect any rukes here, just tell me which one in particulare from the reason that my post were surely not





Profanity content


thank you, my aim is to understand where I was wrong.



You most likely did nothing wrong.

Sometimes posts just arbitrarily disappear.

Try reposting, it ought to stay.

Thank you, I was afraid some misunderstanding occurred. Phew!

The disappeared post was date 30th dec, unfortunately I have forgotten the whole content. Anyway I tried to explain to Ted that EU version of the PS Audio P12 gear has a 3A fuse recommended from manufacturer, so lots of customer in Europe (and maybe Asia) would be happy if a 3A Purple fuse will be on production from SR.

Hope that helps.

so lots of customer in Europe (and maybe Asia) would be happy if a 3A Purple fuse will be on production from SR


And I am pretty sure that all these customers in Europe and in Asia are pretty much enjoying their units with a 3.15A fuse 😂


I already told you that there are absolutely zero issues with using a 3.15A fuse instead of 3A. But again, it's up to you to do it, or not.


I’d like to back up what Ted and @thyname have expressed, “they are more protective than standard fuses.” This I speak of comes from experience @lucapelliccioli.

Though I completely understand your concern (it’s better to be safe than sorry) the 3.15 amp would suite just fine.



Not wanting to start any debate, and I don't remember seeing it discussed before, can you without giving away any product confidential information relate what makes the fuses directional?

 A member no longer on A'gon would say that it was because all wire, including in fuses, is directional due to the extruding process.  Hoping you can shed some light on this.

Thank you thyname and dabel,

I appreciate so much your opinion. Please let me explain better my thoughts:

I talked to PS Audio team, the manufacturer of the P12. They stated very clear to avoid the 3.15A fuse and stick with the 3A model. It seems that also Ted (even if he thinks the 3.15A would be ok) admits that is better to respect manufacturer recommendations.

At the end I prefer to try the right way: searching for a logical solution! A production of 3A Purple fuse according to SR if possible in order to satisfy a personal need and probably part of the market need (Asian and European customers who want to keep their warranty rights valid).

if SR can produce them, that’s fine otherwise I will search for other brands like QSA that have on catalogue a 3A fuse model.

I love the improvement in SQ that the Purple fuses offer (now I’m using them in other components) and I would like to thank so much Ted for his kind approach reserved to me, awaiting his final decision about production possibility. It means a very customer oriented company and CEO. I think so, also in case he has to decline, I suppose it’s not easy during these difficult days adding products on BOM.

Hope other EU customers can find helpful these posts.

You’re overthinking this one … Purchase the 3.15 and place your mind at ease.

Ok @dabel, send me 2 6.500 euros checks as insurance if something goes wrong to my 2 P12 gears and I’ll certainly do. LOL

Outstanding comeback! I’d never put another man’s gear or wallet in harm’s way. If this is of any comfort, my pre blows 3.15 fast SR Purples … but not a 3 fast bussman. The slow blow tolerance, why would that be any different. You’ll do what’s best for you.

Now, if I could only collect on thee substantial amount of US dollars that I’ve so generously helped out others with ;-)


Anyway thank you @dabel for your suggestion.

Happy new year and stay all safe my friends!

A member no longer on A'gon would say that it was because all wire, including in fuses, is directional due to the extruding process.  Hoping you can shed some light on this.

That is the prevailing theory, yes. It is also a predictable and repeatable phenomenon. The only complicating factor, when a cable in an audio system has multiple conductors, if all conductors were not aligned for directionality, so that they are all in the same direction relative to their pull or cast as formed, determining directionality becomes splitting the difference between how many conductors are going in one direction and how many in another which can make differences less dramatic. But when you have a single conductor, or all are aligned, it’s incredibly easy to hear the difference.

Dear @ted_denney 

I hope you will find the time to verify the possibility to produce the Purple fuse slow blow 5x20mm of the rate 3A following our previous emails.

if not let me thank you anyway for your kindness 

@lucapelliccioli after researching with a handful of US dealers and audiophiles we have found that many have 3.15 amp fuses presumably stock or from the factory. I understand you don’t feel comfortable putting in a fuse that is .15 amp over rating, and we respect that. But it does not appear to be a problem from our query. 

I liked the purple so much in the preamp, I popped the top to my amp and found the fuse and also replaced it yesterday. Letting it burn in. Good stuff.



Post removed 
Post removed 

Two purple fuses installed into my Add Powr X4 and BSG QOL. A QSA Red was in the X4 and a Violet in the BSG. 48 hours and counting. Will report back at 300 hours.


I had 4 QSA yellow fuses in my Manger S1 speakers that I took out because I got the value wrong at 6.3A to 10A. Running stock fuses now.

My manufacturer told me either 3.0 or 3.15 will work without any problem in his system.  

For those of you who recently put in the Purple fuse, how did you put them in?  Did you put the fuse in with the writing left to right?  Did you have to change the fuse after listening because you thought it was in the wrong way.  Did it vary by component?  

I wouldn't know my left from your left, so no help there. And besides, I just stuck them in and went for it. If it was bad after running for a few days I could swap it 180 degrees. My second one has maybe 30 hours on it so no way to tell yet. it didn't make everything go sour at the start, so.......

I installed in one way, listened for 20 minutes and heard nothing better. Pulled it out and turned it around and heard better sound, along the lines of a good tube upgrade. I think it makes my system sound better. Would it make more difference if my cables were better, or less if my speakers weren't so resolving? Probably. 

When I installed the purple fuses, I put them in the same direction that I had the orange. Then I reversed them and sure enough the purple sounded better in the opposite direction!

So, you gotta try it both ways to be sure...


I certainly could use a little help.

I have a Copland CTA 305 tube preamp made in Denmark.  There is nothing in the manual or online about fuse values.  I took out the two fuses and wrote down the values as:

T2L 250v

T1AL: 250v

I don't see anything near these on aftermarket fuses for sale.  Can someone relate these values to SR fuse values?


Do you know the physical size of it? Is it 20 or 32 mm long?

The T1AL looks like a one amp slow blow.

The T2L is a 2 amp I believe.


Both of those, either fast or slow blow, are available as SR Purples. Try High End Electronics or similar vendors.


Thank you very much for the above information, it certainly helps.  Regarding physical size, the fuses are 5x20mm,

I am following up on my post when a first received the Purple fuses many weeks ago. They have burned in nicely, although I think they sound much better right out of the box than past versions.

Everything has gotten even better, with more overall thrust and solidity, yet at the same time, a more liquid and detailed sound with cleaner and more piercing transient attack. Imaging has improved and soundstage size has increased. Let's face it, $200 is no small amount for a fuse.  Though, this has been no small upgrade and has been more subtsantial than many component upgrades that I have made.  Dollar for dollar, euro for euro, these may be the most cost effective upgrade that one can make in a stereo system. I would upgrade to the Purples before spending money on anything else. Very impressive and I find deep solace in the fact that any naysayers will never enjoy this level of performance.