The best plug in filter ever!

Puron AC Power Conditioner by Greg Voth

After reading rave review of Puron AC plug in filter, I had got one 10 days ago.

For your information my system is very complicated with bi amping and three Farad linear supplies.

Thus I have 14 power cables, one main power conditioners, three isolation transformers.

I had tried plug in fliters from quiet lines, quartet stecker, IFI, furutech, Nordost Qv2 and QX2 fliters.

I still have all of them in my system without selling any of them.

I am collector. 😁

All of them had brought slight improvement but not drastic change.

But as soon as I inserted Puron Ac filter, it made background black with more details and clear bass.

The stereotimes review is spot on.

Encouraged by the result, I had ordered two more of them so that I can insert more of them close to amps and Dac.

Now my system got transformed with more vivid and clear sound stage but not overetched.

This is the best 750$ that I had spent during last 5 years in my audio system.




@goofyfoot Mark also offering 30-day in home trial or money back NO QUESTIONS ASK, he said.

Good stuff. I just hope price doesn’t go up.

Wonder whether Puron will develop a power strip? Anyway, I’m interested in trying one of these, how do I place an order? Sorry ordering isn’t clear to me from reading through this thread. Thanks!


Your note struck me in a good way

There are ideas that are being looked at in other areas. Products like Puron serve an appropriate purpose dealing with “noise” which is our enemy for best playback

As well, DC on your Mains is a destroyer in achieving the best sound possible. DC Snubbing is a MUST for getting the most out of your hi fi (in my opinion).

There are some incredible technologies being looked at by people I know that should be/will be, Game Changers. I don’t really think it’s appropriate for me to post these ideas here. If you would like to discuss the next step – feel free to e-mail me at



Glad to read your more fully fleshed out opinion of Puron. Thank you.


My Furon update,

So I have my 2 Purons in system for about 3 weeks or a month now and they sing beautifully … still.
How can I characterize them?
Well, With my HFC MC-05s plug-in filters, I can clearly hear their characters and what they do to my system with an impact of.. say, 2-3% of over all improvement of each 05 filters. (I also have HFC MC-1s in my system)

With Purons , it seems to work differently, they just makes my music more beautiful and complete. it’s so hard to explain it but it probably got something to do with clocking and timing? It removes graininess and white noise and the “S” sound. Music is smoother and effortless but never warmer or darker. What I love most about Purons is how they improve sound-staging and imaging. I can “see” singers, performers cleaner and clearer. I’m not going to say a Puron can out perform my HFC MC-1s(because I paid too much for them, lol) but these Purons can easily surpass my MC-05s.

My next test will be removing them Purons from my system and play without them for a week…

So, I have definitely changed my opinion of the Puron filters after continued use.

I have owned or tried: (as many of us tweakers have)

Nordost QX1, QV2, Furutech NCF, and the Add Powr eau2 units. I also have tried the Akiko products and I also own High Fidelity Signature + Helix MC-.05 filters. And probably a few more that I can't remember.

The first thing that convinced me of the Puron’s effectiveness is how much it improved my video. But it takes about 15 minutes to show its worth.

So, plugging and unplugging the Purons quickly really does not help in its evaluation.

It may or may not be a simple concept but whatever, it works well!

Dollar for dollar the Purons are the real deal and worth the cost based on the improvement in audio and video.

To me it is not a band-aid approach, the components are still the same, but the interference that comes through our AC is reduced. I’m glad I got a chance to try it, don’t knock it till you try one.

The next new " best thing" item may even reduce that interference further or perhaps eliminate it.


“There are plenty of products in this genre – size, shape, price all quite similar. Sudkee’s tech is different as I’m told”


I’m sure as each of aforementioned brands / products claims to lower noise and improve our listening experience to a certain degree. There is a market for ‘tweaks’ like Puron, Akiko, eau2, Qk1, ipurifier and NCF so why not. Let the end users decided what they like and prefers in their unique audio systems.

IME, they are temporary solutions to bigger problem elsewhere and tweaks like these serves as band-aids until something else comes along.

Not for me I guess, too much noise in the business structure. Kind of like that Nano Flo cable guy. 


An edit to the review is in process now. I’ve reached out to Dave.


Sudkee’s response to the two articles was well appreciated. He has seen them and was pleased


There are plenty of products in this genre – size, shape, price all quite similar. Sudkee’s tech is different as I’m told. I have tested a few of these. I like the Puron a great deal and this is why I am happy to Distribute.

Sudkee has asked for my recommendations in other countries. I’ve made a few already.



This is NOT a new concept. I personally own one from iFi, I had it for a couple of years, and paid about $70 - $80 or so back then (I see the "new and improved" version is $109 now): 

It did not do anything for me. I still keep it, as it comes handy with the polarity and ground check led lights.


The very first line of the review on Stereotimes states the following

“Distributed by Vera-Fi Audio LLC, the Puron Power Conditioner doesn’t require a big lift”

I am the Distributor and Sudkee Chongmankhong is the owner of Puron


Sudkee does not use the name Vera-Fi – only I do.

I also appear here where Vera-Fi is used –

Different site, but the name is there on product, etc. as well as Credit Card Processing.

I will send a note to Dave and ask if he might clarify – he knows that I’m the Distributor only, and not the Inventor




So who is what and who sells what?

Puron AC Power Conditioner by Greg Voth (


Product reviewed:

Puron Power Conditioner $249US



Vera-Fi Audio LLC

9025 Crestview Drive

Denton, Texas 76207


Phone: (818) 584-6870


If Sudkee doesn’t use the company name Vera Fi maybe he’d appreciate your reaching out to them to clarify the possible misrepresentation made in the reviews, give credit where credit is due

This is in fact, NOT my product. Sudkee is the Inventor and it’s manufactured in Thailand buy a very reputable Contract Manufacturer

I hope Sudkee will join – maybe even post.

Dave Clark received his samples directly from me and he knows I have a site that’s almost ready.

Dave and Carol are on FB and other platforms – you are welcome to check it out with him







I understand your curiosity

Perhaps Sudkee will allow me in the future.


I DO understand where he is coming from. He’d like to become a bit more established before sharing his work-product.


For now – I take direction from him. He’s in Thailand and I believe he is reading these threads. At least I think so.


@verafiaudio  A point of clarification please . You have stated that this is not your product and are essentially just helping to sell it. However, those 2 reviews call the product Vera Fi Puron which seems to imply that it is your company. What am I missing/misunderstanding?

I am not a tweak atheist and I am a firm believer in the LessLoss products 640X is freaking awesome and I am next moving to the Firewire Speaker Filters.

LessLoss also explains how their filters work and components work.

. LessLoss: C-MARC™ Wire and Cable on Vimeo

LessLoss_DFPC_Skin-filtering-Power-Cables on Vimeo

LessLoss-Firewall for Loudspeakers Stere

LessLoss Firewall 64X Original

I read the PF articles. They do lend credibility. The problem I have is the lack of any explanation about the product,. Why is it such a secret?

There are plenty of devices that use electronic internal designs or ceramic / crystal formulations encased in a carbon fiber tube, Rational explanations are always welcome and stimulate sales.

@lowrider57 Akiko makes tuning sticks with RCA’s, XLR, and prongs for outlets. They also make sticks that attach to cables. Here’s the website;

Sorry, late to the discussion. I started using Akiko Audio ten or so years back and have been happy with the difference they make. I saw on the Akiko website that a new, copper colored triple enhancer was introduced. Apparently this new filter is like the original triple enhancer on steroids. It seems cool but I doubt I need it. The game changer for me was when I plugged an XLR tuning stick into the back of my DAC. With the Akiko products, there is a significant burn in period. Until completely broken in, they create some graininess which can be difficult to endure. Anyway if I’m not mistaken, I believe Akiko Audio was the first to offer these plug in filters. 



I understand the essence of your post. No where do I use the word “Clock” in my posts.


There are a number of products that use similar form factors – perhaps because of the physical constraints/needs of direct plug in (to the wall or socket)

I have said often to simply try it.

Tonight, there are two nice articles that were published about Puron. I hope you’ll read them. Puron did win an Award – but both are very worthwhile reads.

Happy Holidays


Brutus Award Here


Please give this one a read also



@antigrunge2  :"This looks similar to Add Powr’s Eau2 or Eau4 as well as Stein Music’s Quantum5"    I agree. There is something suspicious about this and the inventor/designer that makes it disingenuous. "Clock timing??!!". Really, Mr. Schifter?!  Perhaps this is another knock-off....!?

I am now diving into this phase of audio. Just ordered an Add Powr Sorcer x4 with 30 days return policy. I therefore think it's a worthy move, if nothing else, to learn.

Post removed 

Yep I hear you @thyname just like atheists everywhere they want it their way and only their way.

Typical ASR noob troll @normb is. 

Ignore them and they just dry up and blow away like dog shite. 

@jerryg123 : you are wasting your time. Whatever you show them, even if you somehow got Einstein from the dead to show something to them, is NOT going to change their mind. This runs very deep. 

No one trying to convince anyone to buy anything. Also as I stated earlier to you trollers there is data out there just not Amir’s rubbish. So like the MSM or Politicians if the data will not support your agenda you attack.




Use of ad hominem replies is an admission that you lack any relevant argument.

I suppose you will now ask me how long I must have waited to use ad hominem.

I don't mind if you buy these things. I hope you enjoy them. But when you encourage others to buy them, with no theoretical mode of action - apparently it's a secret - you must expect wary people to say 'convince me'.


Hmmm…some pretty impressive sounding grammar…

“…insupportable shibboleths are challenged in online forums”

How long you must have waited to use “shibboleths!”




Appreciate your question

With respect to Puron, I’m just the Distributor. Sudkee, the owner came to my attention from a long time friend in Thailand (Wuti L) who was our Distributor for Audio Alchemy there. He told me about the product and introduced me.

I tried the first sample for more than 2 months and was really impressed. I told Sudkee I would be happy to help.

Puron is not based on Magnetics etc. In my two systems at home – and while using it with my Core Power EQUI=CORE 1000 I did notice a lower Noise Floor and improved “information retrieval” – the Attack and Decay of instruments and voices were improved.


I signed up to help here in the US and Canada and I’m introducing friends I’m made while at Audio Alchemy, Genesis Technologies and Core Power to Sudkee.

Sudkee did explain the product to me – I was impressed. Lots of thought went into it. He asked me NOT to say anything about his tech and I will do as I was asked. I’ve made suggestions about “Timing” and Noise Floor, etc. I stand by those comments. I’m not an EE, but I do love the results. Zero returns thus far.

Like many things in Audio… Listening and Evaluating in one’s system is the ultimate test. I hope you’ll try one

Happy Holidays,




PS – I’m sorry I did not really answer your question.

My bad, folks.

I was under the impression that audiophiles were on the main seekers of actual, verifiable, quantifiable, information.  Yes, yes, “how it SOUNDS” is ultimately the goal here - but hearing is so different for so many people. Reading reviews and commentary on XYZ speakers, or amps, or DAC’s or phone cartridges teaches us this in every post.

Imagine my surprise at the overt hostility presented upon asking basic questions about gadgetry.

1 - what does it do?

2- how does it do it?

3- how well does it do it?

4- compared to what?

5- Is this effect uniform, reproducible, cost-effective?


Apparently these questions fly in the face of the fanaticism present in a small percentage of very vocal defenders of the faith.


But I’ve been on the innerwebs long enough to realize there are enough self-absorbed, aspergerish kids who can’t converse on par with a civilized world and maintain without acting out.


I’ll keep asking the questions, you do you.

@normb glad you enjoyed it. Cool dog, Why do you ASR and tweak atheists have to shite on what people believe in or say works.

Just go hang with your cult and shut up.

Have you tried them, filters that is? 
Bet not they cost as much as your DAC. 



Thanks for this link. It’s far more useful than the preadolescent ad hominem sort of comment you preceded it with.

But I’ve gotten used to the childish audio geekazoid insults one reads when often insupportable shibboleths are challenged in online forums.

I could respond in kind with “I know you are but what am I” but the effect would, I’m sure, be wasted.


“My advice is to plug it in – in the same duplex where your plug strip resides of Power Conditioner”


I would appreciate some insight on how Puron is different from Furutech NCF Clear Line or Nordost QK1 & Qv2 plug-in modules. Thank you! 

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 I don’t understand.  Everything in my system stays on 24/7 except my integrated amp and when I turn it on  everything is quiet. Are you all saying you have white noise hissing from your speakers ? I have lived in three houses in the last 10 years and really never heard anything. I have also changed bits n pieces over that time and then last year I bought a brand new second setup.  The first brand new kit since the late seventies/early eighties. And it’s completely quiet.

Have I just been incredibly lucky?

@normb you ASR clowns always ask for blind tests well there is a pile of data out there. 


OK. ASR. I understand. Maybe you should not frequent this thread. Stick with ASR.


I don’t read ASR. If I did, I would only own cheap China crap

“Legitimate [test]data” vs anecdotal opinion (anecdotes are not “evidence”).


 It’s why I put a link in a comment a few posts ago referencing ASR’s review of the Furutech whatsis.

If you read (both past or present tense) it, you wouldn’t ask that question.

@normb :

i think I’ll wait for some legitimate data, not anecdotes.

What is your definition of “legitimate data” and why? Thank you




Perhaps not an exact answer to your question, but I am using the Purons with a Add- Powr Symphony I/O AC harmonic Resonator, and a Sorcer X4 within my system to good affect.



Can you use the Puron in conjunction with the add-power eau2?


Has anyone did a direct comparison?