I got a demo unit from SOS and then eventually purchased one from a dealer on Audio Mart called DLE design.
The best plug in filter ever!
Puron AC Power Conditioner by Greg Voth
After reading rave review of Puron AC plug in filter, I had got one 10 days ago.
For your information my system is very complicated with bi amping and three Farad linear supplies.
Thus I have 14 power cables, one main power conditioners, three isolation transformers.
I had tried plug in fliters from quiet lines, quartet stecker, IFI, furutech, Nordost Qv2 and QX2 fliters.
I still have all of them in my system without selling any of them.
I am collector. 😁
All of them had brought slight improvement but not drastic change.
But as soon as I inserted Puron Ac filter, it made background black with more details and clear bass.
The stereotimes review is spot on.
Encouraged by the result, I had ordered two more of them so that I can insert more of them close to amps and Dac.
Now my system got transformed with more vivid and clear sound stage but not overetched.
This is the best 750$ that I had spent during last 5 years in my audio system.
rsf507, I tried and ended up buying a Telos Mini Quantum Resonator. Seems like a lot of names.. Anyway, at this time I did not like the effect it had on my main dedicated line. It seemed to make everything more one dimensional and reduced the "air". I did however find it worked pretty good with my modem/router/etherRegen/After Hours clock/power supply room. This room is away from my main system and on a different circuit. It seemed to add that extra filtering that improved the streaming sound quality. ozzy |
recklesskelly, Stick in this hobby long enough and you will be a convert. Yeah, it does sound kinda crazy but each addition did add more to the sound quality. I also noted that since I have my sub woofers on a different dedicated line than my main system, the amount of Puron’s on each line needed to be the same. Otherwise, there was too little or more bass... ozzy |
These Puron’s are really something! On my video dedicated line I have 3 Puron’s. Yesterday I watched the Terminator Blu ray on my Oppo 205. What amazing picture quality! There is a close-up scene on Kyle Reese face, on his chin he has a scar, but now this scar looks like a stick-on scar or a leech. Anyway, the Puron’s really bring out the image quality. ozzy |
So today I now have 3 Puron’s on each of my dedicated lines. When I connected up the 3rd Puron to my main system which shares the outlets with my Niagara 7000 which provides power to my Lumin X1 and my tube mono blocks the sound kinda shifted to a much wider but bass deficient sound. My sub-woofers (4) were plugged into a separate dedicated line via a couple Niagara 1200’s and at this time only had 2 Puron’s. Hmmn, but once I inserted the 3rd Puron into that line everything locked back into place. So, each of these Puron’s are quite dynamic and when using them with a few dedicated lines like I am using, it is very important to balance them out with equal Puron’s. BTW, 3 Puron’s per each dedicated line is better than two. Much deeper, wider, more articulate sound and overall, a greater enjoyment to my system. ozzy |
joenies, I commend you for sticking to it. I know what you mean about playing the same music over and over, it can get old fast. I also agree that most power conditioners due more harm than good. Except the Niagara 7000 even when used with my mono amps there is a big improvement. But originally, I did not like the Puron’s plugged directly into the Niagara. Perhaps I didn’t give them enough of a chance, so I am going to try it again. ozzy |
sgordon1, What improvements do you find with the copper sleeve over the Puron? BTW, way back when, I started the thread on Audiogon about placing a copper sleeve over the power cord IEC. At that time, it seemed to increase detail. I have since gone to using much better power cords. Here is that thread. ozzy |
Imagine the large gauge wire we run to our systems. Then we use large gauge power cords to connect the items to the power supply. Then all of this goes through a tiny hairlike fuse wire. Bypassing this bottleneck has got to improve the signal/power transfer. After a few more days I will post my results. I am expecting big things! ozzy |
I have 7 Purons. 2 are on each dedicated line and another where my modem/ether Regen plugs in. I have tried 3 on a dedicated line and I thought it bleached the music too much. But try it, you never know. I used the QSA red/black plug at the wall outlet that Mike (Tweekgeek) let me try on my Dragon power cord that connects up to my Niagara 7000. First off just looking at the cheapo QSA plug attached to my very expensive Dragon power cord was a little unsettling. But I would have kept it if it impressed me. But it didn’t. I couldn’t tell any improvement with it all. Now it could be because I was using it in front of my power conditioner. It’s good that Mike will let you try it. Again, you just never know. ozzy
nasaman Try this. Buy CyberPower Systems GC201, Extension Cable with Two Gounded Outlet - Prime Buy It’s even available through Amazon. ozzy |
So, I just removed the 3rd Puron from my main dedicated outlet. I’m back to thinking 2 Puron’s are enough on a dedicated circuit. But I did place it in my computer room on a completely different house circuit into a power strip that has my Modem, Uptone Regen, clock etc. At this location, the streaming audio quality has just gone up a notch. Highly recommended placement. ozzy |
nasaman, I think I have answered this question before, but I am glad you brought it up again. Now that I have removed the other devices, I just retried my dedicated line using 3 Puron’s. Yes, 2 is better than one and I now believe 3 is still better. There is more minute detail coming through. I also can say that the closer you can place the Puron to the wall outlet that your system is plugged in the better it performs. So, try to avoid extension cables etc. ozzy |
tksteingraber, Well, that’s interesting. Thanks for trying the Puron without the HF plug in. BTW, I ordered some of Ricks new formula which he says is even better than the 1260 and the Q-45T. With the Puron’s I have found that not only do I not need the HF, but I also removed some Noise Destroyers I had from years back on my video and also no longer have a Puron plugged into my Niagara 7000 I just have them plugged into the wall. To me, it does things much better on its own. But hey, we all have different equipment so our results will vary. BTW, Thanks thyname for the cover. ozzy |
68pete, What I have noticed that a few hours after applying the NPS-1260 to the blades on the Puron the sound got kinda dark sounding. But today everything is great! So, there was some sort of reaction. I also have some bad news. I know you are a very big proponent of the High-Fidelity equipment. But what I have now found is that the Puron’s perform better without the HI Fidelity Plug ins. When I removed the 3 Hi Fidelity MC-.05’ that I had the dynamic range increased, the bass got deeper, there is more detail within the soundstage and more of that alive sound we all treasure. Try it without the HI Fidelity stuff for a while. Let me know what you think. I just sold all my HI- Fidelity plug ins. The Puron’s are better without them, at least IMHO. tksteingraber, you may want to try the Puron without the High Fidelity MC- Pro. ozzy |
So, as I keep experimenting, here is the latest. First off, trying the SR tuning dots on the Puron’s does change the sound somewhat and it depends on where you place the dots. In the end, I preferred the Puron’s without the tuning dots. Then, I went back to trying 3 of the Puron’s within my main dedicated audio circuit. I now feel that 2 Puron’s plugged into the wall outlet where my Niagara power conditioner plugs in and then one more Puron plugged in the first bank of outlets in the Niagara gets me the best in sound quality. This sounds better than just having 3 Puron’s plugged into the wall outlet or having the 3 plugged into the Niagara. Also 2 Puron’s plugged into my dedicated AC video line really makes the image pop! Highly recommended for those who have a home theater system. The colors are more vibrant, and the image is much sharper and denser. ozzy |