Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!

I wrote an extremely long review of 4 cables auditioned in my system recently. I pontificated for way too long and it was more an outlet for me to tell a story that cables do matter and how much each design can make your system sound. The last cable through was the Teo GC IC purchased here and it truly was a game-changer in how it shifts our paradigm about what wire gives us as "truth" and what this slurry of Ga-In-Sn can do better (IMO). Not a technical review but an emotional roller coaster through 4 different topologies:


I'm happy to re-broadcast that here but it is very long (6+ MSWord pages long). I'll point to it for now and take your advice.

Bottom line is the GC cable is truly stunning in what it can do and for us mere mortals who cannot spend thousands on cabling, I believe it can elevate anyone's system to new heights.


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Being that I only need a single pair of RCAs, the extra cost is definitely worth it in my system. The GC may be a few rows closer in presentation but doesn't come close in retrieving hall effects, ambiance cues or conveying multiple layers within a complex orchestra recording that the Rs does convincingly...

I have had the Splash Rs in my system for 2 days now and I’m liking the improvements over the GC in several areas. First, even though they are NOT fully burned-in, the Rs captures WAY more low level detail which is very obvious on acoustic instruments such as Guitars, Cellos and Violins; this was one of the first thing I mentioned to Ken after my GC had time to burn-in and settle.

Also, I’ve noticed a Big difference in floor noise, channel separation, imaging and sound-staging with the Rs in place. Everything is located within its own space and the depth of the soundstage is massive with “Pin-Point” imaging. No doubt that the Splash Rs is a much better cable…

The Teo GC is good on vynil as well....is so quiet the black background become blacker.... this is an amazing cable...on my other system same performance...
Confirmed @bluenose - that's the plan.

They are starting to sound really good - have been tweaking for about 2 weeks now...
It is quite a price jump from the Game Changer to the next model up which, I'm assuming is the splash, at present?

I believe you're right @bluenose that it'll sit between GC and Splash - I'll confirm with Taras later today.

Cables warming up now with some Art Pepper...
I can't help but wonder if and when the TEST01 becomes a finished product where it might sit in the TEO lineup? It is quite a price jump from the Game Changer to the next model up which,  I'm assuming  is the splash, at present?  Please correct me if I'm wrong., cheers, bluenose
They don't sound bad at all, but putting them in certainly wasn't some sort of revelation or wow moment with them as other posters have reported.

I have found the cables take 50 to 80 hours to break in @kclone at which point the system really settles into its glory. Patience... report back once they've had time to settle. Both my Splash and Standards took about that long.

Taras is coming by again today to do some more critical listening of TEST01 prototype cable. Should be interesting... 
Okay, yeah because I am a little concerned.  They don't sound bad at all, but putting them in certainly wasn't some sort of revelation or wow moment with them as other posters have reported.  It could be that the Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA IC was working so well in my system it makes them hard to beat.  I put the Splash between the pre and the amp, maybe after a few days I will try it between the DAC and the pre.  Also, I have a GC on order that will hopefully be here in the near future that will give the full Teo effect instead of mixing.  
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I just installed the Splash a couple of hours ago.  Do these make any noticeable changes over time?

Had the STD M2 years back and also the $20K Ref for a few weeks.

K&T are great guys to deal with and I got to meet Taras in Atlanta in a Home of a friend showing off his new speakers. Nice friendly chap that loves music and easy to talk to.

All reports on this Teo cable is as I heard them. It's like installing a great 300B tube into your system. Real life like sounds that cause you to know you made a great buy by owning them.

One of the few audio mistakes I have made was rhe ridding of my AN 300B amp and the Teo StD MK2!!
I'm looking to hear from someone who has (or had) a Teo digital cable in their system. If someone has experience with both the Teo and the Cerious Graphene Extreme (my current digital cable), that would be great.
Hi, Tommylion.  You might try asking Essential Audio if Teo is busy making product. Essential Audio is an American dealer for Teo, I believe. They have Teo on their website. Good luck, cheers, Bluenose
Does anyone have experience with Teo digital cables? The wonderful increase in musical information I’ve gotten with the GCs between my DAC and Pre has me wondering how much more is getting lost between my Transport and DAC.
Hey @janehamble - you're all good on your order. Teo crew is slammed with orders and are spending their time building and shipping rather than trolling the forums... Ken indicated target ship dates for most recent orders. Every cable is made to order and auditioned before shipping so you know what you get is *gettin' on the bus* worthy.

Taras told me last night they're working flat-out to get the cables shipped, but patience is needed... but certainly worth the wait!

Has anyone tried their speaker cables?
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Hello Gak, it’s all good. Yours (or that of others from those few days-as time periods go).. will be going out the door mon--tues-wed, kinda thing.

We got hit with a big lump of sales at that time, and it’s stuck in our manufacturing craw. We’re giving it the Heimlich, and it’s working itself out.

On the other side of such semi-golden news, I am personally notorious for underestimating the time it takes to get things done. So be sure to reserve a few grains of salt for possible use.

I placed an order April 13, so far no response of any kind. Just waiting  it out.

Would be nice to get some kind of acknowledgement or reply to messages.

@janehamble I know they are super backed-up but I agree, getting an acknowledgement would be cool! I'm seeing Taras (one of the partners) tonight and will mention it.
So I placed an order 5 days ago.  Would be nice to get some kind of acknowledgement or reply to messages.   Guess I'll just sit tight.....should be next week, with luck. 
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I just ordered a pair and am interested to compare to my Groneberg TS Premium ICs between my ARC Ref5SE and Sanders Magtech.

I was interested in the Reference & thanks to Ken for his help.

Although I would love them they're a bit beyond my budget at the moment.

Great communication.

"Wow, x sounds so real!"

Freaky, isn't it @tommylion ? When I first auditioned Teo cables, I ran back to the rack to see what components were swapped in while I wasn't looking! It just works...

I suspect it might take getting in a pair of Splashes to do so.

Teehee... you truly owe it to yourself... run with the GCs between the DAC and the Pre and a pair of Splash ICs from the Pre to the Amp. Just glorious. I'm currently running with Splash between the Meitner MA-1 DAC and the Audio Valve Eklipse pre and a pair of Standards between the pre and a pair of BHK 300 mono blocks. Lovin' it...
The pair of GCs between my DAC and Pre are now officially broken in with 200+ hours on them. A typical thought when listening is "Wow, x sounds so real!" I am having one of those "shake your head and wonder how it can get any better" moments. I know it can, though, and will be ordering another pair for between my Pre and Amp soon.

It’s difficult to find any fault with them. I suspect it might take getting in a pair of Splashes to do so.
Hello Ozzy,

you sent a message on the 19th (at 11:13pm, which is effectively the 20th), and received a reply on the 24th (Monday), according to my email record...(ie, two business days). Which is a bit long, apologies for that.

I sent a message through the Audiogon system and never did get a reply.


How does someone register there cables with you? I've asked several times now via emails through my audiogon purchase, your web site and through a question in this thread.

apologies for that, we are just a few people, and sometimes things like this slip a bit, with so much being on one's plate.

If you pm me we can exchange emails and the serial number of the cable, and that can stand as the record until we can make it more formal.

How does someone register there cables with you?

Hey @daver143 - I wouldn't be too concerned. You bought the cables from Teo so they know what you bought, when and by whom - my guess is you are golden.
How does someone register there cables with you? I've asked several times now via emails through my audiogon purchase, your web site and through a question in this thread.

 Your lack of response to any of those has got me a little concerned with what type of support I would receive if I actually did have a problem. 
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Obviously, whatever one calls it doesn’t change how it sounds, but it is good to know what to call it properly.

This may shed some light on the subject:


teo audio,

can you clarify what the proper scientific term is; "slurry", "fluid metal", something else?
What I’m saying is the Teo cable dude told me a long time ago HE called it a slurry. It’s not my word. It’s obviously not liquid metal. I thought we already covered that.

It’s a slurry. Metal cannot be a liquid at room temperature. Well, except for Mercury.

Teo says it’s a "eutectic" blend of Gallium, Indium and Tin, similar to what is used as a replacement for Mercury in thermometers.

eu·tec·tic yo͞oˈtektik/ CHEMISTRY
relating to or denoting a mixture of substances (in fixed proportions) that melts and solidifies at a single temperature that is lower than the melting points of the separate constituents or of any other mixture of them.
a eutectic mixture.

slurry. /ˈslʌrɪ/ noun (pl) -ries. a suspension of solid particles in a liquid, as in a mixture of cement, clay, coal dust, manure, meat, etc with water.

So you’re saying that one, or more, of the above elements is suspended as solid particles?
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It's a slurry. Metal cannot be a liquid at room temperature. Well, except for Mercury. 

If anyone has compared the GC, or other Teo cables, to Audio Note (copper or silver), I’d like to hear from them.


If the conductor in these cables is not liquid metal, then what would you call it?
Besides, who do you trust to do the shoot out?

@geoffkait  Which is why I think the return policy is golden - cause at the end of the day, you can only trust one thing - well two things - your ears.

Taras brought over some liquids and that's what I did - we went from my Kimber cables to the Splash RC to the Standard and I drew my own conclusions. Right now I'm using a mysterious TEST01 cable of theirs using Eichmann plugs between my Audio Valve Eklipse pre-amp and the Meitner MA-1 DAC and the Standard between the pre and the PS Audio BHK 300 mono blocks. Taras is looking for my feedback on the TEST01 prototype.

4 posts
Almost need a cable shoot

yeah, like that would only take what about 3 years to do correctly. How long is break-in time? 200 hours? Besides, who do you trust to do the shoot out? 😬

Just a thought here. The very best IC I've heard in my system[so far] has been the Analysis Plus Golden Oval. A friend of owns it. I currently use a very nice Audio Sensibility Signature which is very nice[in my system]. A friend also uses the same A S. Signature. Now has anyone heard the Teo Game Changer compared to a Analysis Plus Golden? Just wondering? Cheers, Bluenose