Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
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Rsf507, wow!, never heard that from any taralabs cable's, no matter the cost or model,  what equipment where you using? , those two model's of cable's you are referring to are system dependent,  if I can be any help to you the next time you want to get taralabs cable's,  let me know,  as a matter of fact,  the Taralabs website has cable component matching,  a good basis to start from,  but in the end, let your ear's be the judge,  their is always a taralab's model to fit your needs. 
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Hi, my name is Rob and I am a musician. The Nordost and Taralabs are too lean for me. I bought Western Electric 16ga tinned copper speaker cables, very musical, bare wire to terminals. Since they cost only about a $1.49 a running foot when I bought them, now unavailable, I sold my Taralabs and Nirvana cables...I am very happy with the WE 16ga and pocketed about $20,000. Now the Taralabs does a couple of little things a smidgen better, but overall I enjoy the WE16ga much, much, much better. ;) Best, Rob of course YMMV.

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Hi Zephyr,
Well, many in the Audiogon community members did same as me,  see my response under another cable discussion. Unfortunately the Western Electric 16ga is no longer available, seemingly. Best, Rob

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I tried but none of my equipment is listed. And I'm a dealer so find this a bit frustrating.
Hi Steven,  I appreciate the season greetings email,  merry Christmas to you and happy new year. 
As far as bass weight is concerned, my taralabs zero gold I/C's and Omega gold speaker cable's, cobalt power cord has a lot of bass weight,  I admit,  way deeper and bigger than the taralabs model,  The One,  however,  the bass is not exaggerated at all,  the cable's I have are a great match for the modified krell 700cx amplifier I have, this amplifier doesn't have the bass that the krell fpb 200 amplifier that I had in the mid 90's, the fpb 200 likely had exaggerated bass, but I had fun listening to that amp back in the day,lol, I had horn speaker's that were 103db sensitivity,  talking about slam!, I had taralabs,  The One cable's on that system,  but the interconnect was extraordinary in that day, taralabs no longer offers what I had,  a stereo grounding station,  and 2 mono block grounding stations,  three in all on the same interconnect,  talking about a low noise floor, lowest for the model,  The One,  I've ever heard to this day.
"The Omega Evolution speaker cable is as perfect as any cable could be. Blending a remarkable  soundstage with instruments hanging delicately in space and absolute neutrality allowing every nuance to  shine though. Truly a platinum standard for both tube and solid-state systems alike." – Carl Jerritts / APEX  Audio
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Hi John,  I know Apex Audio is a Tara dealer,  as well as a dealer for many brands of cable's. 
Jazzonthehudson, I  have sent 150 pic's to two member's of audiogon on this thread of my system! , I have nothing to prove! , I do not want a system page!, back read a few post and you will know I recently sent the pic's to these gentlemen. 
John, when did you get the Vienna acoustics speakers? , I do not recall you having them a couple of years ago? 
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Jazzonthehudson, you have never asked me for pic's of my system by way of emails, I  enjoy audio and experiencing the journey with others that become friends with me, you seem to be rude, why don't you get to know someone and be a gentleman? , I do not know you sir, I would like to learn from you,  and enjoy our association,  merry Christmas to you. 
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Hi pops,  when I  used the taralabs the one speaker cable's with the zero gold interconnect,  it was not as lean as useing the one interconnect,  however,  when I finally matched the zero interconnect with the matching omega gold speaker cable's,  that was a huge heft in bass! , then I followed through with the cobalt power cord with oyaida termination's, the sound become rich sounding with big deep bass that literally was a revelation of what's possible with cable's. 
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Melbguy1,  Did you know where I live is like the gold Coast of Australia? , where I live has world famous beaches and attractions,  I'm also 45 minutes from Pensacola florida, beautiful beaches! , I also live in a house, unlike you that lives in an apartment! , let's be honest here! 
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Yeah calvinj,  I'm in Bama, my closest beach is 25 minutes away,  and Gulf Shores AL,  is also 45 minutes away from me, we have the most beautiful beaches in the world here in South AL,  and North West Florida, calvinj,  I sent pictures of my system to two member's on this thread,  150 of them to each gentleman, do you have a system page? , I do not believe you do,  I don't want a system page,  I'm hoping that I can do some changes in 2016 with my system,  cheers 

calvinj....if you don't have system pics then you are no different than audiolabyrinth....Do you have any..?..
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Melbguy1, I do not understand why you said those things about the u.s.a. for? , America is the greatest country on earth! 
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Calvinj, I have $20,000.000 worth of gear,  three components, speakers, digital player, amplifier,  now my cable's,  $43,000.000 retail,  what did I actually pay? $9,500.000!!!!,  not that is anyone's business,  however,  I consider you a friend,  so I'm telling you here now,  happy new year calvinj. 
Now,  this thread is about taralabs,  not me! , please,  let's stick to the topic of the thread,  thankyou in advance. 
Just would like too say I have personally heard the evolution o and omaga and I truly understand why audiolabyrinth enjoys. To me most outstanding sound. Merry Christmas to all.😜
For those of you who continually want to bash audiolabyrinth you all are just jealous of the fact he has a better system than you. I myself have personally heard his system and this gentleman knows what he is doing considering if one has been in audio for more than 30 years the experience and learning along the way you should know what you are talking about along with doing. So that being said, Cheers Mate🍻