Synergestic Black Fuse vs Audio Magic BeesWax

Like to ask if any Audiogon Members compared the Synergistic Black Fuse Vs The Audio Magic BeesWax ( top of line). Let me know what differences in sound quality, what equipment was it in, and how does it compare between the two fuse. Current all my equipment has The Black fuses; I am just curious WTF Audio Magic is So Expensive! Is it worth a big jump with the Audio Magic??
This is a good thread and here's my input on this, take it for what's its worth.

About 5 months ago I took delivery of my Ultra Platinum modified McCormack DNA-1 to replace a B&K 200.2 which has and still does serve me well.

Needless to say the DNA-1 is a respectable step above the 200.2, I was immediately taken in upon first listening. The DNA comes with standard fuses and I was told the amp responds well to upgraded fuses, I opted to have the amp built with stock fuses so I could add later for comparison.

I let the amp run for a good 2 months or so and decided to try one of the Synergestic Blue fuses, I started with the mains fuse. Now I don't have a dedicated "go to" album or track for critical listening, but I do have a few very familiar albums I use, so somewhat dedicated I suppose.

 Peter Gabriel "So" album has some tracks that will let you hear any changes in your system, namely "Mercy Street" and " Don't Give Up". The entire album can be argued that some tracks are mastered for the MTV era which is understandable, but some tracks have many critical passages and nuances that can test your system, as well as strong midbass in some tracks.

I left the lid off the amp after installing the fuse to perform an A&B test of the stock fuse. I did use the "So" album as my first test and listening to Gabriel's and Kate Bush's high vocals in "Don't Give Up", what was immediately apparent was the detail in the upper registry, of their vocals, especially as they taper off each lyric.

I thought, this was placebo so I listened to the track 3 times, then changed the fuse back to the stock. Right away, the upper registry was just high pitched vocals, namely Peters, starting to give way to the limits of my tweeters or the rig in general. I listened a couple more times then changed back to the blue. Again, the vocals just had that last bit of warmth and tone to the highs. Gabriel's vocals retained the grit and slight warm tone all the way to the top and Bush's vocals were delicately soft and liquid throughout. With the stock fuse they were clear, the high notes started to blend together slightly,  but missing that level of tonality.

I went back and forth 3 times, results were the same. It really comes down to your system, some may not hear a change, could be what fuse you decide to replace first. I would personally always start with the first fuse inilne with the components input, I chose the amp and it's mains fuse.

This doesn't stop at the vocals, snare drums, ride cymbals, bass guitar, seem to have that last bit of focus and detail and I will contribute that to a cleaner power delivery.

Overall I'm impressed and didn't think a fuse would make an immediate, noticeable difference. However if you think about it, why have all this nice, high-quality copper wire or silver in some places, and feed this with a thin, piano-like wire joined by a cheap metal end cap? That's a lot of current for an amp to pull through a cheap thin wire, why not maintain the flow as efficiently as possible.

I will surely purchase again, I agree the price is a bit more than a normal fuse, but it's a safe bet it's not a normal fuse. Not putting words in anyone's mouth, but just because it's a "fuse" does not mean it falls into the category of cheap, automotive-style fuses that are "just a fuse". IMO, it's another component in the chain that can surely be overlooked.
I have a couple of blue SR fuses that I believe have provided a cost effective improvement to my system. However, I concur with Goergehifi's point regarding corroded fuses. 

I experienced a great improvement to my system when I replaced the visibly corroded fuses in an Aragon 4004 MKII amp with a cheap set of fuses from Radioshack. The Hifituning fuses were the only fancy audio fuses available at the time and thought that they were awful when I replaced the Radioshack fuses. 

It's only a matter of time until our current audio fuses start to corrode as well. 
I concur with Goergehifi’s point regarding corroded fuses.

Corroded wouldn’t be the right word, I think stressed through many turn on currents and more crystallisation is more the way to explain it, which will "harden" the fuse element, and cause it to blow one day when it can’t flex any more.
This is why incandescent light globes are at their brightest just before their restive element blows one day, again always at "turn on".

A slow-blo fatigue ageing right to left

A fast-blo fatigue ageing left to right

Cheers George
Maybe corroded was the incorrect term to use. Is "tarnished" a better word?  
Stabilant-22 is farbetter then progold ,or any other contact enhancer.
the Synergistic Blue ,The best sounding fuse out there at the moment .
The best sounding out there — meaning available in the entire world today?
Please tell us the full universe of fuses which you have compared directly in the same component in the same system to the Synergistic Blue.
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As I’ve oft noted amplifier manufacturers, for whatever reason, appear to be far behind the power curve. Gee, everyone and his brother uses aftermarket fuses. I bet Mr. Pass is behind the power curve for wire directionality and power cords, too. You’d have to be set in your ways not to at least explore the possibilities. But he’s probably a nice guy. Do amp designers dream of their own electrical circuits? 😳
I bet Mr. Pass is behind the power curve for wire directionality and power cords, too.
How dare you belittle Nelson Pass, that would be a BIG NO, Nelson Pass would never believe in voodoo fuse BS, and neither would any of his colleagues that are worth their salt.
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Solution? use a BIGGER FUSE..
Nelson would say, Oh dear!!! with a head shake.
And both of you know better than Nelson Pass, what a 1st order "furphy"
All the tweaks are dependent on system and personal taste.

Until you try out in you system, you never know.

Other peoples opinion is just reference not a rule to be followed.
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and ignore the hoopla.
This is also directed at Nelson pass in a round about way.
--------------------------The only hoopla is your own--------------------------
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There has never been an amplifier or anything else damaged by an audiophile fuse. When they blow prematurely they actually prevent any damage. So would all the paranoid schizophrenics please put a sock 🧦 in it. And thanks for mentioning wire directionality, another thing the paranoid schizophrenics are way behind the power curve on. This is all probably a simple case of circuit compulsion obsession and self admiration. Pass Labs has a policy. Well, la dee da! Who cares?
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Uh, oh, looks like I’ve been called out by the Bloviator-in-Chief. Actually, I'm not demanding proof, I'm asking for evidence. Any evidence. Follow?
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I can't say I compared high quality fuses and don't know everyone's case as to what gear they use, but I  can say I get a good laugh out of the doubting thomas's that rear their negativity here in this thread just to see their own spew, (exactly what it is too) . I was one of those doubting dopes in the begining of my journey and again, everyone's different and has different goals. Mine was to simply hear the labor of my love of music and my personal music library that is ripped in insane levels (All FLAC of course, leaving the formula out of this discussion) at the best possible delivery as I could without going too crazy$$. All of my music is stored on a Synology DS918+ NAS and I listen to nothing else as why would I?/ 28K albums strong and still adding weekly, so enough of why I do not need Tidal or the likes of anything like that. I simply set up 20-50 albums at a time and hit shuffle. Bliss. 
Bringing me  to gear...I own the Auralic Vega G2 and it is the by far nicest sounding network player in its price range so after adding top of the line XLR IC's and an amazing Power cord along  with top of the line Wireworld Ethernet cables (of Course I run a dedicated 20 amp line to all of my gear) things are sounding amazing.....HOLD IT!!!!!!!!!!!! You mean a simple change of a fuse in my Vega G2 will result in better soundstage, and overall tone will improve??? Really???? Damn skippy it does. Or I just am imagining it because I spent some of my hard earned money?? NOT, I changed out the factory installed fuse with the Beeswax SHD Ultimate and no need to wait 100 or more hours to hear that instantly I thought I just got a new network player! I have zero skin in this game nor do I work for Beeswax or any place that sells  these fuses. I am just sharing what gear it made a huge difference in for me and please don't listen to the the negative and bored people in this thread with all of their puke as that is just what it sounded like when I read their hogwash. The fuse lit the sound of my Vega G2 up like a beautiful Christmas Tree and I am  going to enjoy the amazing sounds of what I have now for a while before adding the Auralic Leo GX Clock to my set up. I'd love the hear the doubting dummys take on adding  the Leo Clock! lol Who cares what they say..yes the high quality fuses make a difference in high quality gear, Period! I just happen to go with what I read to be the best and with my VEGA G2 nothing but the best would do.   Happy listening people. I know my ears are happy.Hope this helps!!
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I don’t doubt some people are sure they hear something. I’m pretty sure it completely in their head though
Of course it’s "in their head." Everything we hear is "in our head." We hear with our ears and brain, which are located in our heads.
Nobody’s anecdotal assertions are going to be as convincing as those of physicists or electronic engineers.
It’s not especially wise to favor the anecdotal observations of one group over the anecdotal observations of another. That’s what leads to "group think."
What are we to do with all the physicists and electronic engineers that do hear a difference in fuses? Maybe we can take their cards away.
kosst_amojan writes:
I don’t doubt some people are sure they hear something. I’m pretty sure it completely in their head though.

Would you please list for us a few of the things you have actually compared and been unable to hear any difference between?

Or is this all completely in your head?
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@kosst_amojan, so you are a comedian when you aren’t nay saying on audio fourms, huh? Good on ya mate!

So as I was (and still am so convinced of the sonic improvements) Took an hour yesterday and as it is very easy to change out the fuse in The Vega G2, I did just that. This isn’t even a 2 month old unit so please save it on the installed fuse may be old...wait...Auralic even stores a spare brand new 10 cent fuse in the slider that houses the fuse...let me try that one real ahead. The new bliss I hear with the Beeswax Ultimate SHD (That’s just the one I went with) was GONE!! Hello, my ears must suck??? That or I need mental help?? (well maybe I do? lol) No, there is no question that the factory installed fuse was and is no match for the upgraded fuse as when I put that buzzer back into action, it was game on. An ear lift that even Dummy Hoy could hear! (Don’t know who Dummy Hoy is?? Go look that up and start nay saying on the deaf fourms as you remind me of a real life Dummy with your spew. Wish I had you here in my home to do this A B for and shut ya up once and for all. Hell, my wife even asked me what I did to the stereo and commented how good it was sounding. She could give two craps but she picked up on it as well and the Auralic Vega G2 sounds amazing even with the stock fuse. I just took it up a nice notch. Now go listen to what ever no upgraded fuse rig you own and let us crazy folks imagine we hear a nice difference with upgraded fuses will ya??. Your replies really show your arse! Unless you put an upgraded fuse to the test, run along. Don’t go away mad, just go away!

Happy Listening and note to the wiser than I "Everything in this hobby makes a difference" (thanks Joey C!)
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Actually, it’s empirical evidence. It’s a fundamental piece of the scientific method pie 🥧. OK, let’s suppose for the sake of argument it is anecdotal evidence. It would then be 90,000 anecdotal reports against, what, 3 who claim it can’t possibly work or claim it didn’t work for them. Who ya gonna believe? 
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How about you actually demonstrate your claims with an actual measurement.
Why should we make measurements to suit your sensibilities? You’re free to conduct your own tests.

Of course, you’ve already admitted that you don’t know how to do that:
I haven’t conducted my own anecdotal research ... if I did, it would be totally meaningless because I can’t apply adequate controls ... I do know for certain that psychological factors do influence what I and others hear. It’s something I have toyed with in an unscientific way and I’m satisfied with my results ...
So you demand scientific rigor from others, but you’re satisfied with your own casual experiments?

No one here owes you anything.
90.000. Where did THAT number pop up from? 🥧 🥧 🥧
If you are claiming of 90,000 fuses in use in audio equipment, at least 4,500 have had aftermarket fuses tried.. Maybe.. maybe...

>>>>>What on earth are you going on about? This was all covered many times. Try to pay attention.
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It's ALWAYS on those who make an affirmative claim to prove the claim with a plausible theory and valid evidence. Sans a plausible theory and valid evidence, the claim is rightly written off as nonsense.
An example of an Appeal to False Authority.
Geoff is making a Texas sharp shooter fallacy. He's claiming that because 90,000 boutique fuses have been sold to happy customers, they must do something, while deliberately ignoring the billions of fuses billions of people use every day quite happily as well. His argument could just as easily be flipped to say "Because billions of common fuses have been sold with overwhelming customer satisfaction, common fuses must be superior". Neither argument is necessarily logical or accurate because both presume sales volume somehow correlates to technical capabilities. It's an idiotic presumption on it's face.
An example of Base Rate Fallacy.

Unless I'm mistaken. For a better understanding, check out this:

One will recognize a lot of fallacious arguments listed that are continually used here.

All the best,

What's the name they give to the fallacious argument that says you have to prove what you hear to anyone else?
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It’s ALWAYS on those who make an affirmative claim to prove the claim with a plausible theory and valid evidence ...
Nonsense. No one here owes you anything. This is a hobbyist’s group, where everyone is free to share their experiences without suffering demands and attacks from you.

Beware the audio guru.
In the real world there’s such a thing as third party (independent) verification and validation. There is no onus on any person or company making any claim. Anyone is free to promote or market or demonstrate his product be noone is required to prove any aspect of the product himself. In this hobby there are reviewers perform, ideally, third party testing and verification. In the real world roads don’t stop at the edge of town. Roads keep going.
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