Sub woofer naive question day

I am a geezer and have had decent audio equipment for better than fifty years. But have never owned a sub woofer. What is the proper way to implement the speaker into a system with an integrated amp that does not have a specific sub tap? The amp has a line out and a pre out. 


Does the subwoofer have speaker level connections?  What type of speakers are you using? 

Post removed 

Currently Spendor D9. But will be getting some Burchardt e50’s and their sub10. 
I believe the answer to the question is yes. 
However this will answer the question

Guess I cannot post a screen shot. 
In amongst the pictures is a schematic of electrical layout.

It looks like the sub10 is designed to work best with Burchardts's active speakers. As Deep_333 states, you would connect your amps pre out to the sub10's input and then connect the sub10's output to one of Buchardt's active speakers input.

Despite what they call it “20Hz@94dB 40Hz@100dB” is a dramatic -6B roll off.

Does their app allow you to adjust more gain at 20Hz?



Thanks everyone. 
The responses are more helpful than y’all will ever know. 

SVS now sells an adapter to drive any subwoofer that has an RCA input, using a speaker-level connection. I have not tried this product, but it's inexpensive and comes with a home trial period.

When it comes to sub(s) two is better than one and one is far better than none. REL has lot's of videos as doe Youtube.

If I can ask a related question, when an amp has a “sub out” does that connection normally cover the entire frequency spectrum or just the lower end? Maybe there is no “usually”?

"Sub out" indicates a low-frequency output, intended to be fed directly to a powered subwoofer.

Speaker level inputs on the subwoofer would be the best way to go.  A lot of good subwoofers have speaker level inputs.

Get a REL sub. It connects to the speaker taps with a Neutrik Speakon cable. No need for a specific sub tap.