Static on Vinyl

Here is my greif...............

I am getting some major static electricity every time
I remove an LP from my Turntable platter.

Here is my setup:

The platter is a Teres coccabolo (hardwood)
& I get the static with or without using my Herbies way excellent turntable mat.

I installed a grounding conductor screwed to the brass
platter spindle & grounded it to the tubed preamp & no

I also use a Mapleshade Ionoclast static buster on the vinyl just before dropping the stylus, & still the bloody
static is their when I pull the vinyl from the platter
after the LP has gone thru the grooves.

any thoughts? ? ? ? ?
Thanks, very interesting. I guess that would not be good for speaker surrounds, belts on turntables, and the cartridge suspensions you mentioned. I imagine it is a slow process. I plan to research it some more.
What I ment is that during ionization ozone is produced which attacs rubber.
Bydlo, I was not aware that ionized air makes cartridge suspension rubber decay faster. Could you please elaborate on this? Thanks.
I second that. I'm using a small industrial ionizer ION Model 6421a. When getting something like this do get the corona discharge unit rather then the alpha-particle unit. The latter uses a small radioactive source which emits ions continuously. The major parameter to look for is ion balance in volts, the lower V's the better. Good luck!

PS I use it only when cleaning the record and then from time to time when playing, but not contiuously--ionized air makes cart suspension rubber decay faster
I'm a big fan of the 3M Benchtop Air Ionizer 963 - like this

It's essentially an overpowered Furutech destat powered by a power cord (instead of batteries). They are used in the electrical and computer maintenance industries - can be found for cheap on eBay as used/liquidated items. I have two - one I found for $14 the other $40 (new they are hundred$ aimed at commercial budgets).

I keep one on a record shelf and simply rotate the record in front of it before placing on platter. It also provides a gentle breeze over my VPI 16.5 RCM to prevent the inevitable static buildup during vacuum mode.

Hell, I also use it occasionally on my speakers, cables and kit. To test for static, I keep a piece of packing styrofoam on a thread - hold it near anything and watch it react.

In short, I fracking hate static.
well I did a little experimenting & found a cure for the
static on my table. I have a ground wire from the teres
spindle assembly to the wall receptacle ground, But was still
getting static (lots of it)..... I figured that because the platter is made of natural wood that It is non conducting,
& not allowing the static to transfer from vinyl to grounded
what I did.....
I simple placed a strip of copper ribbon about 3" long on
top of the spindle flange allowing the ribbon to lay across
the wood platter. I then pushed a rubber washer about
1/16" thick on the spindle to concentrate pressure onto the copper ribbon. (the center hole on the rubber washer is a tight fit on the spindle so it stays put)...
the result....
No more static! Now that the static has a pathway to ground
it stays off the vinyl. I'll bet this would work on acrylic
platters the same.
I huff some breath on my Audioquest carbon fiber brush before giving the record a final sweep before I play it. The moisture in my breath seems to neutralize the static. Learned that one from Jim at Audio Ecstasy in S.L.O.--thanks Jim!
A Nitty Gritty record cleaner may help. The way it works is you liberally apply a cleaner/distilled water mix to the surface of the record with a brush.

Then, you rotate the record with the vacuum running to pull off the liquid and dirt. If you do this to both sides before you play, the record may be less dry and less prone to holding static.
A Nitty Gritty record cleaner may help. The way it works is you liberally apply a cleaner/distilled water mix to the surface of the record with a brush.

Then, you rotate the record with the vacuum running to pull off the liquid and dirt. If you do this to both sides before you play, the record may be less dry and less prone to holding static.
A Nitty Gritty record cleaner may help. The way it works is you liberally apply a cleaner/distilled water mix to the surface of the record with a brush.

Then, you rotate the record with the vacuum running to pull off the liquid and dirt. If you do this to both sides before you play, the record may be less dry and less prone to holding static.
Simply hold the lp on edge, against the inside of your hand and chest. With your free hand, tap the label area several times (sharply - like you mean business), then proceed to play the record. You will enjoy a static-free performance every time.
I was having the same problem with my Oracle and ended up running a ground to the outlet from my preamp. That seems to have cured the problem.
I received a kenetronics model sw141 with the ground wire on monday, and this brush works fantastic. It doesnt just push the dust around the lp. This brush picks dust up.
I had the exact same problem, static every time I lifted the record off the platter, and when I touched the peripheral ring weight on the platter after playing the side, snap crackle pop. I have a VPI s'master and I was using as a phono cable, Analysis Solo Crystal rca-rca. I recently purchased a Hovland Groove 2 phono cable and PRESTO no more static. TOTALY gone. Could it be the shielding in the cable? Go figure.
Also, make sure it is a record you haven't played for 6mos. or so, otherwise the static may have been created on the last go 'round.
Are you rubbing your records before you play them? You know, with a brush? Try playing a record first for 20-30 seconds, then raise the stylus and proceed with your dry cleaning (if any) and watch the problem appear.

Since the wood platter won't conduct static away from the record, I doubt using a conductive belt with a path to ground from the motor would make much difference. You'd also have to change the motor capstan from the existing material to a conductive one. Neither the old black plastic nor the new resin capstans are likely to be good conductors either.


P.S. I use the metalized/holographic mylar belt long favored by Galibier owners. It provides a bit more torque than the 2 mil (clear) or 1 mil (black) mylar Chris provides. Better resistance to stylus drag, but no difference regarding static buildup or discharge that I've noticed.
Different problems but different solutions.Humidifier good idea especially for winter as everyone say's.Since some folks buy expensive ceramic lifters to get wires off synthetic carpets (I know some who have found the old isolators they used to use on power poles a flea markets or antique stores and it's cheaper and they work fine)this use of Static Guard might work.But for gods sake don't use sheets it under the LP's!
Call Bes Nivera at Music Direct.There might be something other than Zerostat out there.Old Dust bug was good idea.But imagine Bes or maybe the folks at PS or other Power Conditioner companies MIGHT have some idea we haven't come up with here.I don't have to much problem just mid winter and wife needs humidifier anyway.Wish Zerostats didn't wear out.They have become expensive.
Cripes, I goofed up on my last post, How can I
edit the post?
I was refering to the Air HUMIDIFIER that some of You
mentioned, But I wigged out & typ'od in air (purifier)
by mistake....DUH.
Okay I'm home from work.......Daaaaaaamn!
& I thought I was the only one!
Thanks for all the feedback.....

I forgot to mention That I also use a hunt brush, &
the floor is hardwood. Oh yeah..& the phonostage has an earth ground.

Okay.... That makes sense to me about my hardwood platter
is an insulator & therefore isn't directing static buildup
away from the platter.

Hey....Here's a thought...I am using a 1/2" tape drive
I got from Chris Brady, Mylar (or similar). Maybe I
could use a belt that has better conducting properties,
metal particles coated on the tape, Then install
a grounding conductor on the motor housing. (mine runs
on 12volts, so currently has no earth ground.

maybe one of those (expensive) carbon platter mats would help. probably, But I think they are +$200.00 Ouch.

Also.....I am now wondering if the problem is being
caused by an air purifier (ionizing type) that I have inside the room. Hmmmm. I think I will disconnect it
& see if anything improves.
I pretty much need air purifier since I live right next
to one of the most busiest freeways in so, Cal.
(hideous air quality) You should see the black toxins/grunge that the purifier pulls out of the air!!!
That is staying, Or I'll be heading to the grave!

Okay.....many of You mentioned an air purifier, Hey Great idea, I never even thought of that. It looks like I will
be experimenting here & see what I come of with.
I will check back later with any findings.
Socoaste i feel your pain, i am having the very same problem, now that its good and hot down south the A/C is drying the house of humidity, a good thing for comfort but not so for vinyl pleasure, i think that a humidifier will be bucking the A/C. i remember a tip from john at summit audio, this item
is available on ebay, as doug mentioned above it grounds the lp eliminates static, i am getting one today will let yall know how it works,
viridian - good one...thank goodness voltage ain't amps or I'd be a crispy critter for sure. Static Guard comes in a spray can. You can buy it in the laundry section at the grocery store. My wife used it to de-static clothing (that's what they sell it for). I urged caution about inhalation toxicity.
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I tried dryer sheets, even placing smaller pieces on platter and they stick to the record as I pull it, I am a bit surprised I have such an issue with Vacuum hold down and clamp I thought that wouldnt be an issue.
Is your tube preamp grounded with a clear path? I know this may sound simple, but some power cords have no ground, and some have a resistive ground, that's why I ask.

If your preamp does have a clear path to ground, then try the humidifiers as mentioned above. Also, a anti-static brush like a Hunt/Decca etc will help, but not as much as the Talisman from Walker Audio IMHO.

Happy listening,

Viridian - What do you think about spraying "StaticGuard" on the carpet around the equipment rack? I have a winter static discharge issue (me to equipment) if I'm wearing rubber soled slippers etc. Just minor static with vinyl LPs now (summer). I do use a ZeroStat gun.

Timrhu - how are you using the fabric softener sheets? Are you actually wiping vinyl with them or just placing them on carpet or something around equipment.

Someone had posted about wiping interconnects etc with anti-static sheets.

Thanks, GH
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I have two room humidifiers (and one on the furnace) and have tried everything under the sun to reduce or eliminate my static problems. At the moment they're not troublesome, but in dry summer and winter periods the only thing that will really work is a dust bug type device wrapped with anti-static copper tinsel (sold only in 72-foot minimum lengths unfortunately). If you find the dust bug and want to try this, I'll be happy to send you some. I also have a length of the same stuff connected from a screw on my linestage to the center screw on a wall outlet. Oh, and you might try wearing leather-soled shoes when approaching the turntable. I know, sounds weird. Good luck, Dave (BTW, I found the Zerostat/Ionoclast devices next to worthless if the static problem is severe.)
Has anybody tried fabric softener sheets? They are great at removing static.
Do you have wool carpet on the floor under or hanging behind the system? Some other materials will cause this as well... I am now using most carpet in my room made out of Olefin, some type of synthetic polymer.. and it is relatively cheap, and basically Anti-static fiber, not like other carpets adding static to everything.. Since changing to it, no static issues on the analog rig for me, unless I put a Felt mat right on the platter and thats just bad anyway which most know. Its a very common carpet fiber you can buy anywhere too. Its just a suggestion, cause this could be your real problem, most will not think of it, it was a problem of mine.
Dont be so sure a Humidifier will work, I use one right next to my deck and it wont cure platter static, I got my dad a Zerostat for a birthday gift but couldnt afford my own, so next I am going to try my own gun. To be honest my Humidifier isnt a very expensive unit...$65.00 but being on fixed income I do what I can so another unit may help more than mine does. I only really have trouble with pulling off the platter so Stat gun should be perfect for my needs.
I had zero luck with my Mapleshade Ionoclast. A Zerostat works much better for me.

Contributing to the problem is that a cocobolo platter (both yours and mine) makes a poor conductor. Static buildup from stylus/groove friction has no easy evacuation path, so it stays on the record. I don't have huge problems with it (adequate humidity) but if I did I might try installing a grounded wire with a few carbon fibers that ride against the record surface. Providing a conductive path from vinyl to ground might help - or not - I haven't actually tried it.
You would be amazed what a Humidifier will do for your analog set up. I have a dedicated room that is also climate controlled and if a room is to dry this will lead to what you are decribed. Does not have to run all the time.
When this is a problem for me, I use a photographers anti-static brush. If you apply the brush to the turning record, it will dissapate the charge very quickly. If you can find a Kostiner, buy that one as doesn't need maintenance to remain effective. The old standby StaticMaster brushes work fine and are easy to find, but the need a periodic recharge with a new cartridge of encapsulated polonium 210. Sounds scary, but the stuff is contained in a way that is safe. The Zerostat gun also does the same thing in a bulkier package.