Static on Vinyl

Here is my greif...............

I am getting some major static electricity every time
I remove an LP from my Turntable platter.

Here is my setup:

The platter is a Teres coccabolo (hardwood)
& I get the static with or without using my Herbies way excellent turntable mat.

I installed a grounding conductor screwed to the brass
platter spindle & grounded it to the tubed preamp & no

I also use a Mapleshade Ionoclast static buster on the vinyl just before dropping the stylus, & still the bloody
static is their when I pull the vinyl from the platter
after the LP has gone thru the grooves.

any thoughts? ? ? ? ?

Showing 1 response by undertow

Do you have wool carpet on the floor under or hanging behind the system? Some other materials will cause this as well... I am now using most carpet in my room made out of Olefin, some type of synthetic polymer.. and it is relatively cheap, and basically Anti-static fiber, not like other carpets adding static to everything.. Since changing to it, no static issues on the analog rig for me, unless I put a Felt mat right on the platter and thats just bad anyway which most know. Its a very common carpet fiber you can buy anywhere too. Its just a suggestion, cause this could be your real problem, most will not think of it, it was a problem of mine.