Speaker recommendation thread (Organised by tiers of price)

The aim of this thread is to create a list of speakers that people enjoy and recommend and to organise the speakers into a list based on their MSRP. Please recommend speakers that you have personally heard or own and enjoy. I will add the names of the users who recommend a speaker next to the speaker name (and if someone already recommended the speaker you had in mind please feel free to recommend it again because I will add your name as well).

Please feel free to include gear that was used to listen to your recommendation and some impressions (although you do not have to).

This list may be useful to new buyers to get a general sense of popular models to help guide what to audition during the purchase process.

[Under $1000]




Pardigm Persona 9H @smodtactical


Magico M2 @smodtactical



[Over $200,000]
Post removed 
Guys so apparently I cannot edit the original post... bummer. So I will make this post the full list:

[Under $1000]
Dali Oberon series @audiotroy
Kef Q 550 @audiotroy
Kef Q 750 @audiotroy
Quad S1 @audiotroy

Quad S4 @audiotroy  
Quad S5 @audiotroy
Quad Z3 @audiotroy
Qaud Z4 @audiotroy
Kef R 5 @audiotroy
Kef R 7  @audiotroy

Golden Ear Tritron 1R @audiotroy
Dali Rubicon 6 @audiotroy
Dali Rubicon 8 @audiotroy
Legacy Signatures @audiotroy
Paradigm Persona 3F @audiotroy
Kef Ref 1 @audiotroy
ATC SCM 19 @audiotroy
SCM 40 @audiotroy

Pardigm Persona 5F @audiotroy
Kef Reference 3 @audiotroy
Kef Reference 5 @audiotroy
Dali Epicon 8 @audiotroy
Wilson Yvette @audiotroy

Legacy Aeris @audiotroy
Kef Blades  @audiotroy

Pardigm Persona 9H @smodtactical, @audiotroy   
Vimberg (model?)  @audiotroy
Wilson DAW   @audiotroy

Magico M2 @smodtactical


Wilson Alexia @audiotroy 

[Over $200,000]
Kharma (which model?) @audiotroy 
Ok so the forum will make this thread hard to realise because you cannot edit posts over 30 mins long. So I guess people can just make recommendations and I can keep copying the list and adding things so the latest list will be at the end of the thread.
Post removed 
I personally do not find this useful as price is only a very loose indicator of performance. Those that believe that money buys performance in audio are sadly mistaken. 
Post removed 
@modtactical - Shilling for @audiotroy here too!  Same post on audioshark and avsforums.
I just replaced my 803D1 with a pair of Revel F208 and they are amazing much more detail more in depth 1000 - 5000 range also looked at a set of Focal Aria 948 liked those also I know Focal has released again some more electra 1028 Be and 1038 Be great value for the money
In the $1000 - $5000 range, while that is a wide range in that price band, my personal choice is the Dynaudio Special 40. Especially if looking for standmounts. I auditioned many standmounts in that range, and for my listening preference it was far and away the right choice. Have a pair in two different residences. 
I still love my Harbeth C7es3.  Great speaker for live concerts and electronic music.  Vocals are also great.   3400. dollars. 
"Guys so apparently I cannot edit the original post..."

"Guys ..."

thank god this place isn't just guys, there's enough testosterone on these pages to float a boat. And of course the boat would be a big one too
Egglestonworks Viginti's ($39,000)

Among the 3 best I have ever heard (and the other 2 were $20,000 to $50,000 more.  Without a doubt, the best I have ever owned.
I can only comment on speakers I've personally owned and listened to over extended intervals (with the exception of #2 on my list of 3):
1) <$200 = Audioengine 2 which is a really good speaker for background listening and occasionally for more attentive focus, especially when coupled with an Audioquest Dragon Red and an Audioquest Jitterbug.
2) <$1000 = Magnepan LRS which I just recently purchased to replace #3. This speaker has had rave reviews but - as I just got mine a few days ago, a purchase I made based on reports from sophisticated audiophiles - I can't give a listening impression based on personal experience.
3) ~$2000+ range = Vandersteen 2C series which have been favorably commented on favorably by many knowledgeable reviewers.

That's my very limited list and it's based on a price ceiling, as you can see, with listening pleasure being the main parameter within those ranges.

$1,000 - $5,000 ~ Tekton Pendragons

I have been living with these speakers for almost 6 months, and I love em so far. Cost is obviously kept down substantially by buying directly from Eric Alexander and Tekton. A great buy at a little under $2,000.
$2k Dynaudio Special 40's. I have these at work at they are amazing
$6k Dynaudio C1 Confidence Platinum. I have these in my lounge and the are outstanding stand mount speakers. (coupled with a Dynaudio Sub6 subwoofer)
$16k Dynaudio C4 Confidence Platinum. These are in my listening room and are just killer.
$60k Dynaudio Evidence Platinum. I have listened to these and have chosen not to leave my wife over owning a pair. They are outstanding. They had a Dohmann Helix 2 turn table hooked up thorugh Thrax amps and they were just revelatory in such an effortless way.

You get the Dynaudio theme here, coupled electrocompaniet amplification they just sound so clean and detailed. Be warned though Dynaudio's like a lot of juice to really shine. 
You know what I’m going to say (and what herb Reichert says)

Under $500

Wharfedale diamond 225’s ($449/on sale now for $349)
Believe it or not, the diamond 220's sounded fantastic as well at $349. I sold them to buy the 225's

I love them so much I have two pairs.

I own other speakers but can’t comment on those, as I have not even removed them from their boxes due the fact I love the above diamonds so much. When I tire of the diamonds then maybe I’ll give the others a go....(harbeth & spendor) bought and own them just because of the legend lol, who knows, maybe they will sound better than the diamonds, and maybe not...price point is meaningless...its all in the design and expertise of the designer.
<<thank god this place isn't just guys, there's enough testosterone on these pages to float a boat >>
Over the past 10-20 years I've been noticing the use of "guys" and "you guys" to refer to a mixed gender group.  I wasn't raised that way, but it seems to have become the norm, so I've succumbed.  None of the females I know have objected.

A couple of my favorite speakers:

Upper $30K range is the big Eggleston Works Viginti.

Just above $10K is the Legacy Signature SE.

Both full range speakers and filled the room with sound.


$5001 - $10000
Magnepan 3.7i

Musical Fidelity Nu Vista 800 Integrated Amplifier
PS Audio Directstream DAC
PS Audio Directstream Memory Player
Two Definitive Technology Supercube I subwoofers

Very happy with this setup
Hello guys and girls (@keegiam) ;)

@sfseay He was the first one to make recommendations so I simply added them to the list... for some reason he deleted them.

@mijostyn I am not trying to say 1 speaker is better than another based on price. Simply that these are speakers people enjoy organised by price that way if you say 'Hey I have $2500 to spend... what should I listen to ?' you can consult the list and get a quick list of speakers in that price range that people enjoy.

Ok updated list as follows (Thanks for the suggestions! Keep them coming):

[Under $1000]

Dali Oberon series: @audiotroy

Kef Q 550: @audiotroy

Kef Q 750: @audiotroy

Quad S1: @audiotroy

Audioengine 2: @kacomess

Buchart S400: @mrdon

Tekton Pendragons: @technick

Mark Audio Sota CestiB: @dseltz

Wharfedale diamond 225: @audioguy85


Quad S4: @audiotroy

Quad S5: @audiotroy

Quad Z3: @audiotroy

Qaud Z4: @audiotroy

Kef R 5: @audiotroy

Kef R 7:  @audiotroy

Revel F208: @hemi04

Dynaudio Special 40: @bwaterme, @manorsessions

Harbeth C7es3: @biscorbit

Magnepan LRS: @kacomess

Vandersteen 2C: @kacomess


Golden Ear Tritron 1R: @audiotroy

Dali Rubicon 6: @audiotroy

Dali Rubicon 8: @audiotroy

Legacy Signatures: @audiotroy

Paradigm Persona 3F: @audiotroy

Kef Ref 1: @audiotroy

ATC SCM 19: @audiotroy

SCM 40: @audiotroy

Dynaudio C1 Confidence Platinum: @manorsessions


Pardigm Persona 5F: @audiotroy

Kef Reference 3: @audiotroy

Kef Reference 5: @audiotroy

Dali Epicon 8: @audiotroy

Wilson Yvette: @audiotroy

Rethm Saadhana: @dseltz

Dynaudio C4 Confidence Platinum: @manorsessions


Legacy Aeris: @audiotroy

Kef Blades:  @audiotroy

Sonus Faber Amati: @pfank12


Pardigm Persona 9H: @smodtactical, @audiotroy 

Vimberg (model?):  @audiotroy

Wilson DAW:   @audiotroy

Egglestonworks Vigniti: @liamowen


Magico M2: @smodtactical

Dynaudio Evidence Platinum: @manorsessions



Wilson Alexia: @audiotroy

[Over $200,000]

Kharma (which model?): @audiotroy

Under 1k - Rega RS1. Just about perfect for a desktop. I recommend auditioning before dropping more on the LS3/5A monitors. Like all small monitors, they get better with a small sub like the REL T5. 

Classic Audio Loudspeakers Field Coils Either T1.5 or the T3.4

@smodtactical I noticed that you placed the Tekton Pendragons in the under $1,000 category, but they’re actually in the $1,000-$5,000 category at just under $2,000 in the US.

Thanks for taking the time making this list! It’s both very useful and interesting.

All the Best,
- Nick 
1K to 5K - Watkins Stereo Generation 4. Price falls right in the middle of the range. 
under $1000 - Omega Super 3i Monitors

This one is for the SET/single-driver high-efficiency crowd. After living with them for a year I added an Omega sub for the obvious benefits a sub brings to the mix. I have them paired with a Decware SE84UFO. 

1K-5K, there are a number Emerald Physics options. I have owned a pair of EP KCIIs . Base MSRP $2499, but I had mine built at factory with WireWorld internals and upgraded caps. 

Slowly since purchase I have upgraded every element in my system from PLC, to cables/wires to the various components. Each time I could hear the change

I have owned Genesis Vs, Accoustats 2+2s, Magnepan 3.5Rs, Usher 6371s, and the KCIIs, which gives them all a run for the money, but the 2 upgrades are important. EP is currently offering $8K+ at $4999: run, don't walk
This one is easy.
Paradigm Prestigee 15B,75F, 85F, 95F
Wilson Audio Sabrinas
Kaya 45
Willson Audio Yvettes
Wilson Audio Sasha DAW
Wilson Audio Alexxia 2
Wilson Audio Alexx
over $200k
Wilson Audio WAMM
Post removed 
[Under $1000]
Dali Oberon series: @audiotroy
Kef Q 550: @audiotroy
Kef Q 750: @audiotroy
Quad S1: @audiotroy
Audioengine 2: @kacomess
Buchart S400: @mrdon
Mark Audio Sota CestiB: @dseltz
Wharfedale diamond 225: @audioguy85
Omega Super 3i Monitors: @melvinjames

Tekton Pendragons: @technick
Quad S4: @audiotroy
Quad S5: @audiotroy
Quad Z3: @audiotroy
Qaud Z4: @audiotroy
Kef R 5: @audiotroy
Kef R 7: @audiotroy
Revel F208: @hemi04
Dynaudio Special 40: @bwaterme, @manorsessions
Harbeth C7es3: @biscorbit
Magnepan LRS: @kacomess
Vandersteen 2C: @kacomess
Emerald physiscs KCII: @tweak1
Paradigm Prestige 15B, 75F, 85F, 95F: @mtdining
Revel Performa 3 M106: @plinytheelder
Watkins Stereo Generation 4: @lightin

Golden Ear Tritron 1R: @audiotroy
Dali Rubicon 6: @audiotroy
Dali Rubicon 8: @audiotroy
Legacy Signatures: @audiotroy
Paradigm Persona 3F: @audiotroy
Kef Ref 1: @audiotroy
ATC SCM 19: @audiotroy
SCM 40: @audiotroy
Dynaudio C1 Confidence Platinum: @manorsessions

Pardigm Persona 5F: @audiotroy
Kef Reference 3: @audiotroy
Kef Reference 5: @audiotroy
Dali Epicon 8: @audiotroy
Wilson Sabrina: @mtdining
Kaya 45: @mtdining
Wilson Yvette: @audiotroy, @mtdining
Rethm Saadhana: @dseltz
Dynaudio C4 Confidence Platinum: @manorsessions

Legacy Aeris: @audiotroy
Kef Blades: @audiotroy
Sonus Faber Amati: @pfank12

Pardigm Persona 9H: @smodtactical, @audiotroy
Vimberg (model?): @audiotroy
Wilson DAW: @audiotroy, @mtdining
Egglestonworks Vigniti: @liamowen

Magico M2: @smodtactical
Dynaudio Evidence Platinum: @manorsessions
Wilson Alexxia 2: @mtdining


Wilson Alexia: @audiotroy, @mtdining

[Over $200,000]
Kharma (which model?): @audiotroy
Wilson WAMM: @mtdining

not having read the complete thread, one should be aware that right after digital tech, speaker tech moves along rather quickly.

meaning each year there will be new contestants, or new itterations of whatever past models as many are revised often.

I suggest annual, or keeper speaker lists, segregated by price and or type, i.e., monitors, high eff, floor standing, active, etc.

I do get the thinking behind developing this topic, but to do it justice so those seeking particular types don't have tos lug through a littany of unrelated  versions, more segregation is needed.

as such, each thread will then take care of itself.

well, for a year or so, or until a posted itteration see's its update orexclusion. from the line

Threads on Keeper speakers or desert island sorts however  will remain endlessly without need for constant management.

in fact, as subjective as is this hobby and given its wealth og applications and varied  arrangements, threads on 'forever' speakers is as good a place to look for new ideas speakerwise, as any more specific supposed ongoing all inclusive posting.

One thing I learned from all this:  I need to start hanging out with @audiotroy ;)
@blindjim  great suggestion... maybe we make this thread a yearly one and each year we do a fresh list we ask the question, which speakers from prior list should stay on?

Anything thats not voted over will be deleted.

But as you know there are also older speakers that are long time favorites (like Salon 2) so the nice thing about just doing the list as is... you will be able to see all the people who like a certain speaker with all their names next to it... that kind of helps highlight certain speakers as crowd favorites.
Build LX521 from flat pack or go fancy with magiclx turnkey and get phenomenal sound. Just have a bigger room. Fully active. Soundstage is simply awesome.
Anyone not mentioning the Vandersteen VLR CTs for the $1-5K range are insane. These speakers are really special.
As much as I respect this idea, I don't think it's useful for any real-world applications. If I've learned anything concrete in all my years as an audiophile, it's that we all hear differently. We all have different rooms and partnering gear, so speaker recommendations based solely on a price range are useless, mostly.

Even the pro reviewer lists (Stereophile) are generally useless IME. There is a wide range of performance among the same "class" of speakers. For example, the "class B" Stirling Broadcast LS3/6 far surpasses the class B Monitor Audio Silver 8s in resolution, imaging, and overall musicality - so much so that I would have placed them at least two classes apart (I've owned both), even with my most modest partnering gear.

I recently preferred an old pair of New Large Advents to a brand-new pair of popular and highly-regarded $3K speakers (and by a wide margin). Similar Advents can be bought for $250 - $400 on fleaBay, so I guess you can add those to both the [under $1000] and [$1000 - $5000] lists.

I will only respond to what I've owned. With that, I've owned;

Focal Chorus 710's

B&W 702's (Original Series)

Sonus Faber Venere 2.5's

And Now, Sonus Faber Sonetto V's.

I have enjoyed all of them, but have progressed upward as money allows. In the $1K to $5K category, you just can't imagine how good the

Sonetto V's are. SF has built an addition to their Italian Factory just to produce the Sonettos. They have modeled the tweeter after the Olympica's tweeter, have reconstructed the midrange from the Venere line, and have built an entirely new woofer of aluminum. The highs are remarkable with the damped design from trusted, tried and true more costly models, the midrange is unbelievable with male and particularly female voices, and the base response is incredible with the fast response aluminum drivers and the downward firing port. My brother-in-law owns Vandersteen Treos and he loves the Sonettos. The Sonetto V's compare easily to considerably more costly speakers, and for the money, simply can't be beat. They are an outstanding value for the money. Highly recommended in $1K to $5K range.

[Under $1000]
Dali Oberon series: @audiotroy
Kef Q 550: @audiotroy
Kef Q 750: @audiotroy
Quad S1: @audiotroy
Audioengine 2: @kacomess
Buchart S400: @mrdon
Mark Audio Sota CestiB: @dseltz
Wharfedale diamond 225: @audioguy85
Omega Super 3i Monitors: @melvinjames
Large advents: @helomech

Tekton Pendragons: @technick
Quad S4: @audiotroy
Quad S5: @audiotroy
Quad Z3: @audiotroy
Quad Z4: @audiotroy
Kef R 5: @audiotroy
Kef R 7: @audiotroy
Revel F208: @hemi04
Dynaudio Special 40: @bwaterme, @manorsessions
Harbeth C7es3: @biscorbit
Magnepan LRS: @kacomess
Vandersteen 2C: @kacomess
Emerald physiscs KCII: @tweak1
Paradigm Prestige 15B, 75F, 85F, 95F: @mtdining
Revel Performa 3 M106: @plinytheelder
Watkins Stereo Generation 4: @lightin
Zu Audio Omen Dirty Weekend: @jmarini2
Sonus Faber Sonetto V: @lradder7

Golden Ear Tritron 1R: @audiotroy
Dali Rubicon 6: @audiotroy
Dali Rubicon 8: @audiotroy
Legacy Signatures: @audiotroy
Paradigm Persona 3F: @audiotroy
Kef Ref 1: @audiotroy
ATC SCM 19: @audiotroy
SCM 40: @audiotroy
Dynaudio C1 Confidence Platinum: @manorsessions

Pardigm Persona 5F: @audiotroy
Kef Reference 3: @audiotroy
Kef Reference 5: @audiotroy
Dali Epicon 8: @audiotroy
Wilson Sabrina: @mtdining
Kaya 45: @mtdining
Wilson Yvette: @audiotroy, @mtdining
Rethm Saadhana: @dseltz
Dynaudio C4 Confidence Platinum: @manorsessions
Dynaudio Contour 60: @wanderingmoo

Legacy Aeris: @audiotroy
Kef Blades: @audiotroy
Sonus Faber Amati: @pfank12

Pardigm Persona 9H: @smodtactical, @audiotroy
Vimberg (model?): @audiotroy
Wilson DAW: @audiotroy, @mtdining
Egglestonworks Vigniti: @liamowen

Magico M2: @smodtactical
Dynaudio Evidence Platinum: @manorsessions
Wilson Alexxia 2: @mtdining


Wilson Alexia: @audiotroy, @mtdining

[Over $200,000]
Kharma (which model?): @audiotroy
Wilson WAMM: @mtdining