Sideways move?

I currently have a pair of Tannoy Legacy Ardens (sensitivity 93) and love them. I am running them with a Decware Zen Torii M5 with bypass mods. They sound wonderful together... But... the 25 watts from the Zen Torii just isn't enough to properly do justice to the Ardens, after tube rolling and finding the right output tubes (KT66).

Since I am relatively happy, I was thinking of several options:

1) Get a pair of Devore O/96's (I'm never going to part with the Tannoys)

2) Sell the Decware and get an LTA z40+ or a Luxman 509X

I love the Decware, but I think selling it and the tubes I've stashed for it, might make it possible to go up another rung...

Thank you,



If 1 watt can produce 93dB in those speakers, 24 more would drive them to uncomfortable levels. More power isn't your issue.

Keep in mind that SPL is at ONE meter. Inverse square means that every doubling of the distance, the source will be 4 times lower in volume. And also remember that a 6 db increase in volume requires 4 X increase in power.


That said, every amp is not created equal. I had a Decware Torii II that sounded anemic with 96 db Spatial Audio X3 loudspeakers. But it sounded excellent with 104 db Klipschorns. In theory, it should have worked with the Spatials, but in practice, it did not.



I would suggest you if you have a chance demo the Pass Labs INT-25 with your speakers. Its very transparent, smooth as tube, more than you ll ever need power and it have insane control of the woofers. Just my 2 cents

Spoil yourself and buy a 2nd pair of speakers that are easier to drive. Sell your Mother-in-law to fund them! 😊




I can read as well as you. I was simply telling him how I am powering my Ardens.

Okay, that’s fine. However, “You definitely need a little more power “ is what you advised. Clearly, he does not, given his subsequent comments/re-listening impressions. No problem, I understand that higher amplifying power works for “you “. The OP is doing great with his Decware. It’s all good. I’m quite happy for the OP due to the outcome. No doubt that you’re happy for him as well. 😊


OP... I have evaluated the Luxman 509 into Heritage Specials... I was very impressed ( it was a demo unit)...  I gave it very serious consideration... really liked it

No need for anyone to get too sensitive, this has been good advice all around, and a good learning experience for me. I started the day with deep doubts and finished with a return to audio nirvana. Doesn't get any better than that. Except it does, and it is our particular quest. And all these suggestions are valid ways to improve, when the time comes.

For now, I'm grateful. I went from thinking my next big purchase would be a DAC, to worrying about replacing what I thought was a key component in what I was building (at high expense), to now looking at my turntable as being the weak link... all in less than 15 hours. That is really something.

Biggest lesson here is to keep trying everything in your armory, multiple times, to get as much understanding as you can. That Dennis Had pre that was a game-changer a year ago might be holding you back now. That old carver pre you have in the closet might just be worth trying out in your new system, just for kicks.

I get tired of moving heavy things and changing all the plugs with my bad eyesight, but damned if that isn't what we al should be doing... Throw enough stuff against the wall, something will likely stick.

But thanks all around for the suggestions. Thank goodness I didn't make the move I was contemplating, even if it makes sense in the long run, it isn't what makes sense for me now...


I've got about 200hrs on my Ardens. They sound incredible.  I'm running them with mono blocks. A pair of Prima Luna Evo 400 for the high and PS audio 1200m monoblocks for the low end. You definitely need a little more power

If you read the OP’s follow up comment (Solved the issue) he has plenty of quality power with his Decware amplifier and wonderful sound quality .I’d stick with that given his undeniable joy.


If 1 watt can produce 93dB in those speakers, 24 more would drive them to uncomfortable levels. More power isn't your issue.

I'm with @russ69   -->

They sound wonderful together... 

Can I throw this out there? There is no perfect hi-fi system, until you get a giant and very expensive system, they all have their limitations. Is there any way you can live with your power limitations? I had a system that could not play loud or BIG, after I sold it, I realized it was a mistake, it was a perfectly fine system and I let it go. 



So true.

This is how we make the biggest mistakes. Want everything, and lose so much until we will arrive again at the "sound wonderful together" but at a higher level. Might take 20 years to get back to the level of enjoyment you have now... until then you will (might!) have higher power, but you will wonder why when the magic is lost.

I would start building a second system  to overcome those limits.... and if cannot be solved, I still have the wonderful one.


I've got about 200hrs on my Ardens. They sound incredible.  I'm running them with mono blocks. A pair of Prima Luna Evo 400 for the high and PS audio 1200m monoblocks for the low end. You definitely need a little more power. 

These simple overlooked errors can happen to anyone. Glad your system is now working out beautifully for you.


Bligh Me!

So I was tube rolling the input tubes, and somehow missed the tubes in the pre-amp (Inspire 2030p) going out, at the same time, with volume reduction in BOTH channels. The Amperex 7308's sounded so good I never tried back other input tubes or thought to check the pre-amp. But when I switched over to my XP-17, it was rocking loud. So I took the pre-amp out of the equation and presto! I have a beast with good sounding 7308's and plenty of headroom again!!!

Sometimes it is that simple... I would think 25 wpc would drive anything with a sensitivity of 93 and up.


Thank you everyone, I'm embarrassed, but I'd rather be embarrassed AND relieved. Not only that, but this combo sounds much better without the pre, even after I replaced the tubes. If anyone is looking for a 2030p....



Hard to beat Ben Webster blowing dirty on his reeds over the Decware, it’s just that at the highest volume, it is pleasant, but sometimes you just want that little bit more...

The Decware will truly sing and exhibit its full sonic glory pushing a more efficient speaker load.



I tend to agree with Russ.  I have made that mistake before where you have serious buyer’s remorse and miss the old component or system…..  nothing worse than a lateral move or downgrade

Thanks guys, this has been really helpful. I think I'm going to wait and try to score some more highly efficient speakers off the used market and experiment.

The Decware amp is something special and with such a potentially long wait to replace it... It would hurt bad to sell it and then have to purchase the Zen Mystery Amp and get it 15 months later.

I have my Denon SS, old trusty, which is class A and does fine, with reduced sound stage, But OK for metal.

Hard to beat Ben Webster blowing dirty on his reeds over the Decware, it's just that at the highest volume, it is pleasant, but sometimes you just want that little bit more...

Best and thanks again,


They sound wonderful together... 

Can I throw this out there? There is no perfect hi-fi system, until you get a giant and very expensive system, they all have their limitations. Is there any way you can live with your power limitations? I had a system that could not play loud or BIG, after I sold it, I realized it was a mistake, it was a perfectly fine system and I let it go. 

From my experience with Decware, I say buy more efficient speakers. There is something about the sound of a Decware amp when it's properly matched to the speaker.



The Horning Hybrid Zeus looks really interesting.

The Circle Labs 200A, at $9000, looks like it is competitive, but reviews have been a little tepid. I hate buying based on reviews, but it's where we are.

I think I might just have to wait, save up, and then A/B a few things with the current system, with them hopefully allowing break-in or audition, and see what falls out. If I sell the Decware I want it to be a slam dunk.

Anyone with experience with the LTAz40+ or the Luxman 509X?

Thanks everyone,


If you'd like to venture out into speakers instead, the Horning Hybrid Zeus or Aristotle are worth consideration and will be significantly easier to drive than your Tannoys.

The Hornings will probably sound marvelous with the Decware amplifier. These speakers are definitely an easier load to drive. A nice choice toward a different pathway, if so desired.


The Circle Labs A200 is a good choice for your Ardens and will give you power without compromising the sonics you're currently enjoying.


If you'd like to venture out into speakers instead, the Horning Hybrid Zeus or Aristotle are worth consideration and will be significantly easier to drive than your Tannoys.

Go up in power. I had these and they really shine with high current, high damping amplifier. Best combo for me was Parasound after 60 watt pop tube amp.