Sideways move?

I currently have a pair of Tannoy Legacy Ardens (sensitivity 93) and love them. I am running them with a Decware Zen Torii M5 with bypass mods. They sound wonderful together... But... the 25 watts from the Zen Torii just isn't enough to properly do justice to the Ardens, after tube rolling and finding the right output tubes (KT66).

Since I am relatively happy, I was thinking of several options:

1) Get a pair of Devore O/96's (I'm never going to part with the Tannoys)

2) Sell the Decware and get an LTA z40+ or a Luxman 509X

I love the Decware, but I think selling it and the tubes I've stashed for it, might make it possible to go up another rung...

Thank you,



Showing 2 responses by ozzy62

If 1 watt can produce 93dB in those speakers, 24 more would drive them to uncomfortable levels. More power isn't your issue.

Keep in mind that SPL is at ONE meter. Inverse square means that every doubling of the distance, the source will be 4 times lower in volume. And also remember that a 6 db increase in volume requires 4 X increase in power.


That said, every amp is not created equal. I had a Decware Torii II that sounded anemic with 96 db Spatial Audio X3 loudspeakers. But it sounded excellent with 104 db Klipschorns. In theory, it should have worked with the Spatials, but in practice, it did not.



From my experience with Decware, I say buy more efficient speakers. There is something about the sound of a Decware amp when it's properly matched to the speaker.