Schumann Resonator

I got 2 of these from Amazon...careful that free returns are applicable.  I charged them up, turned them on and holy moly.....they do help with my system.   What I hear is between instruments, a definite difference in upright and electric bass, wider know...all the good stuff. At first I thought it might be increased brightness, but is still the same in that regard.  I still can't believe it, and will listen again tomorrow (saved the packaging for the return)...but today, I'm about to keep them.
This is nonsense, unless you can come up with a real explanation.  The green stripe around CD;s had an explanation as good as what you folks are saying, and it had its adherents.  Hydrogen atoms?   BS!  Hydrogen is so light that absolutely none of it hangs around in your room, or near the Earth's surface.  Please do better.
The costly one works better, doesn’t put out a square wave looks nicer and you only need one in your audio room not a bunch of them like the cheap ones. Rep
I said that because before investing many hundred dollars for nothing, if your room and gear is not prepared enough with a too high noise level to be able to give to you some audible effects, at least you will lost nothing buying 2 cheaps one at 10 dollars each before  buying a very costly one..

The effect is audible but not in all conditions...

Purchase the ones that are rechargeable so one or more can be  easily placed at different heights in the room to sense if there is a difference with a change of position.Tom

Experiment with cheap one ....

If the cheap one work why buying costly one?

The costly one works better, doesn't put out a square wave looks nicer and you only need one in your audio room not a bunch of them like the cheap ones.

Please, no apology warranted or necessary. This came about because of my nitpicking, not through any fault of yours. 
Wanted to test this in my room, so here is is version 1.0
Schumann Resonances, SineTone v1.0

Just download & press PLAY.
Free Download from :
(macOS 10.14+)

@ thecarpathian
You made the analogy between the emotion of love and a Schumann Resonator.
I pointed out this is a false equivelancy. I have no idea why you are now alluding to androids.
Your misinterpreting the analogy. If you follow the logic to the last statement the point is you don’t have to know how it works, just enjoy that it does.
Your statement that "we" have 0.0000% knowledge about the Universe is incorrect. ’We’ as in humans have a much greater understanding of the Universe percentage wise. If you personally do not, then "I" would be correct.
And again, no idea why you would call a single human "we".
My bad. I meant to write 0.0000...1% which likely lead to this misunderstanding. Also, "knowledge of the universe" didn’t mean knowledge "of" the universe, but understanding all there is to know about the universe aka all the information the universe has to offer. By "we" I mean mankind. We know a lot more now than say 400 years ago, but it’s miniscule to what is left to discover. We know very little of the unexplored deep depths of the ocean bottom which is in our own back yard. If the universe is estimated at 13.8 billion years, how much of it did we really know about it today relative to everything there is to know? For the creationist, how can you compare our knowledge to the creator? My point, which I’m probably doing a lousy job of, is that mankind know very little of all the is to know, but some folks insist on understanding before trying the SR. Mankind may not have the knowledge/science yet to explain it.
When you corrected with "I", I thought you meant don’t speak for everybody, but my intended "we" meant mankind knows very little of all there is to know which I believe is a universal truth.
You clearly stated you did not understand the source of gravity.
I gave you the answer.
I’m quite aware that is not the same as how or why there is gravity.
No idea why you felt the need to state that fact.
Again my bad. I incorrect used the word "source" which by definition means "a place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be obtained", what I really meant was how or why gravity works. My point is you don’t have to know how it works to enjoy it. The same goes for "love".

Apologies for the misunderstandings which lead to my unwarranted somewhat sarcastic remark.  I pride myself in having decent communication skills but this time seems I failed miserably.
Thanks.... always good for peace and health.... and testing S.Q. ....

My best to you....
Mapman give me the name of the artist and title of the album...

It is all i need...

Namaste  :)
Seriously anybody interested send me your name in plex and I will share that in my music library with you to stream via Plex app (runs on browser, smartphones, tablets, streamers like Roku/Amazon...etc.

Namaste!  :-)
lol,  i might of got the same two models but one broke down.  big waist of money to me .  maybe it depends on the Rig you have  ,Yes
I have similar. Acoustic Revive RRR 888.  Not sure it does anything but it remains permanently on just in case 
We are in big trouble if we allow conspiracy theories to take precedence over science and medicine. May be in evitable. The genie is out of the bottle with the Internet. People will believe anything if enough people repeat it....need not have any factual basis, and there is no capacity to verify any of it.

Some sources can at least be held accountable and verified if important enough.

Its a real mess...

On that note, time to listen to some nice relaxing music..;.

@maghister yes the bells like gongs are a big sonic challenge and a system must be good to reproduce them. Try it on a cheap speaker and all you get is a bunch of distortion.

I have the flac files. Would be happy to share somehow if interested. I can share and stream to others via Plex app but that does require an account with plex albeit a free one.

THis is the CD I ripped from:

Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing cd Diane Mandle Brand New Sealed Digipak | eBay

I can stream it to you via Plex for less than cost of Schumann I can guarantee you will hear something.

Love as an emotion cannot be scientifically quantified.
A machine that creates a specific resonance can.
Sorry, I have limited experience with androids

"The amount of knowledge we have about the universe is 0.0000....%"
You are confusing the word ’we’ with the word ’I’.
So if I say, "We are humans" for you I should use "I"?

"I don’t understand the source of gravity but I know it’s there."
The source of gravity is literally any and everything that has mass.
This has that is not the same as how or why
You made the analogy between the emotion of love and a Schumann Resonator.
I pointed out this is a false equivelancy. I have no idea why you are now alluding to androids.

Your statement that "we" have 0.0000% knowledge about the Universe is incorrect. ’We’ as in humans have a much greater understanding of the Universe percentage wise. If you personally do not, then "I" would be correct.
And again, no idea why you would call a single human "we".

You clearly stated you did not understand the source of gravity.
I gave you the answer.
I’m quite aware that is not the same as how or why there is gravity.
No idea why you felt the need to state that fact.
I believe a single sentence can sum up mahgister:
Our mahgister has a very kind soul.
I am sorry to contadict you.... I try to be kind... I am not always successful....I am too passionate to be always kind alas!

You are more kind that i will ever be and i have proof...


Then stay silent or......Yes, it is a threat....
I believe a single sentence can sum up mahgister:
Our mahgister has a very kind soul.
Great we’re now into conspiracy theories with "suppressed medical discoveries".
If you dont know already that half medical litterature is propaganda by big tech corporation...

Stick to superman comics....And to audio reviews....Or try to read about statistical science use and abuse....

If you believe that the " common good" of people is compatible with big tech corporation profiteering look at Texas situation now....It is not conspiracy but business as usual for Texas energy companies...Call me a conspirationist.... I dont give a damn....You can call me a "communist" if you want, i live in the more leftist part of Canada....

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as editor of The New England Journal of Medicine” (1).

More recently, Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, wrote that “The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness” (2).
I have a very good recording of Tibetian Bells. Might make a good test recording for use with Schumann Generators! Could be lethal peace and tranquility together!
In my experience Gong sound are very difficult for any system...But gong is so marvelous instrument and so simple one....Any system reproducing its sound must be good....
Great we're now into conspiracy theories with "suppressed medical discoveries".  Reminds of those ads in the back of magazines about 200MPG carburetors , big oil companies were suppressing. 
I think it is important to know the history of this device which to many magically appeared. It can be traced to the work of Dr. Robert Beck in Los Angeles. He deserves the credit and explains the relevance. My theory is how it works is based on Radionics, look that up, generally considered a pseudo-science. It affects the biological organism, not anything acoustic. He’s not published except in some old Borderland Research Journals but I urge you to search for his Youtube videos. I attended his seminar in Santa Monica in 1985 and met with him several times. At one time he worked in the Navy "Skunkworks" and had been Chief of Radiological Security for the city of Los Angeles. He was the first person to measure and actually record the Earth’s Magnetic Field. This proved the calculations of Schumann made many years prior at 7.83Hz. With his pocket EEG device, he traveled the world measuring brainwaves of Psychics, Healers, Prophets, and Monks. He found that when they "did their thing" their brainwaves were synchronized with the Earths. Dr. Beck freely shared his designs for VLF circuits and antenna not to mention things like the Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillator and other electronic and Radionic devices. His own research into electronic healing is fascinating and his device the Brain Tuner was featured in a renowned article in Omni magazine relating how it saved Pete Townshend from heroin addiction. Dr. Beck’s associate Ed Skilling offered a number of electronic healing devices. The Brain Tuner is still being sold. He can also be credited with brainwave measurement and Bio-Feedback. Here is one of his Youtube videos full of health information. No audio tips here.
I have a very good recording of Tibetian Bells. Might make a good test recording for use with Schumann Generators! Could be lethal peace and tranquility together!
Isn’t "Om" a sort of Schumann Resonance that anyone can generate?
I know for sure that some sound are very powerful....

Frequencies, particular sounds, chords, rythms, and it is what interest me in music not only composers, or great musicianship...

Music is yoga ... Mathematic is yoga....Love is yoga...

« You are too great yogi to wash the dishes? Are you?»-Groucho Marx
Hmmm well I am also big on yoga and being of sound mind and body.

Isn’t "Om" a sort of Schumann Resonance that anyone can generate?

OM: What Does It Mean & Why Do We Chant It? (
There are many things I like about mahgister.
I am at lost for words...

Thanks for your post that will not contribute to "my erasing of the ego" in my buddhist practice.... It is a metaphor but true anyway... 😊

I dont side with any religions, but i like the mystic of all religions tough, way less the zealots of each one...

Mystics and mathematicians are my heroes in the seach for truth and only truth....
..oh and I forgot the most important thing: we are both big time Groucho and Marx Brothers fans!

The secret word today is: "resonance"... now beat it bird!
There are many things I like about mahgister.

Ones that come to mind:

1) he readily admits when he makes a mistake or give the wrong impression, something many of us could be way better at including myself

2) he does it his way which is most unique and not like most...a very interesting approach...a different perspective

3) he is not at all close minded about things. Tolerant perhaps almost to a fault? If that is possible.

4) He is typically polite and has good manners, and apologizes when not. A bit excitable at times due to passion on the topic most likely, but also humble.

5) HE seems very well read and can look at things from various perspectives as a result.

That’s a very sound foundation from which to operate. None of us are perfect and can find ways to do things better if we really want to.

I think we would get along famously in person.....certainly lots of things to talk about..
I am deeply moved by your generous assessment but i cannot change  my knowledge....

I know perfectly well how to read the English of very good writer, and consequently know that mine is very bad and approximative at best...
I think you are short changing yourself.  Few can be very good writers, but the main point of writing is to communicate, in which you do exceptionally well.  Your English grammar is on par with the rest of us.  
I too can credit Mr Magister for turning me on to these guys. I bought 2 and must admit I didn’t expect much. Literature seems to emphasize the "calming" effect. I can attest to that. Improvements in SQ are very subtle and I would hate to predict anyone’s result. I can tell you that they definitely aid my sleep. 2 weeks now with one of them in my bedroom and I think it’ll stay.
However Mahgister is right in saying that you can make improvements and not hear anything because you have not lowered the noise floor enough.

Start with the room and speaker interactions such as speakers matching the room and position within the room. Controlling room response with treatments (or in my case just normal furnishings and Lyngdorf room perfect). Then get the power supply and earthing of the system right.

Once you have these then you can start to hear improvements from resonance and vibrations of your system. I suspect the start to become "audible" at this point too and this is also where good cabelling and fuses (not necessarily expensive) starts to make more audible differences.

I think this is pretty much in line with Mahgister’s embeddings experiences.
Thanks for your golden post...

I like to be understood....

The art of the audiophile is putting a system together that is cohesive and I for one would love to hear Mahgister’s system I’m sure it does sound very good.

i will add something rarely understood...

When we tune our SMALL room using our own ears, we tune it and we install materials, absorbent, reflective, diffusive, for our OWN specific ears to a specific speakers...The same is true when i add Helmholtz tubes and pipes grid...

It is not absolute perfect sound for ALL ears but for ours....

The structure and hearing capacity of all listeners are completely different in the fine tuning of acoustic...

Then no system is perfect save for his owner...The only exception is large room entirely created with the most refined acoustic science and at very high price with great results for sure....Mike Lavigne ideal room for example...His room is better than mine and no proof is necessary...But the fact that i can live happily with mine speak volume about acoustic powerful impact unbeknownst to most  who invest in gear upgrading because it is more EASY than install room controls...

Anyway the goal and truth did not change: controls of the working three dimensions of any system are more important than the system itself...

It is the reason why i smile to ANY superior system compared to mine.... The gulf between the 2 are no more an ocean.... 😊

When piano is in the room with a relatively natural timbre for your ears, is it wise to invest money you dont have for a "little" more? I can listen to a brass orchestra distinguishing clearly each timbre and they filled the room and are not between the 2 speakers at all...

I prefer then fine tuning my embeddings controls at peanuts costs...

My best to you....
Interesting, English is also my second language. I have absolutely no problem understanding the meaning and intention of what mahgister writes; something that I cannot say about the writings of many who post on this forum and for whom English is the first. Moreover, if one considers what he writes about music it is clear that he is an extremely astute and insightful listener and, more importantly, music lover; if passionately exuberant. The link between language and musical skills is well documented. Others may disagree, but for me those are reasons enough to not be too quick to dismiss what he has to say about most things music and audio.
I know perfectly well how to read  the English of very good writer, and consequently know that mine is very bad and approximative at best...

But i hope understandable...

I am very humbled and deeply pleased by your appreciation tough...

My deepest regards.....
@stringreen - I like to thank the OP for starting this post.  This is the first time I've heard of SR and the tweak is cheap to try.

@Mahgister, thanks for sharing your tips

I find this SR speculation/discussion fascinating.   Physics vs biological, maybe both?  Perhaps there is not a direct correlation aka other factors or layers are involved.  Hard to pinpoint because the "perceived" SR improvements are not measurable.
Love as an emotion cannot be scientifically quantified.
A machine that creates a specific resonance can.
Sorry, I have limited experience with androids

"The amount of knowledge we have about the universe is 0.0000....%"
You are confusing the word ’we’ with the word ’I’.
So if I say, "We are humans" for you I should use "I"?

"I don’t understand the source of gravity but I know it’s there."
The source of gravity is literally any and everything that has mass.
This has that is not the same as how or why
These have been on my list of things to try, as have Mahgister's golden plates.

I will look to get some try and report. I've tried a fair few esoteric items now and some of them have been nothing short of remarkable PPT mats and total contact being some examples.

Someone on here commented that there are things you can measure but not hear but there is nothing you can hear but not measure. How can you be so sure of that?

How do you measure soundstage depth and the separation of elements in the mix ? These are things I can clearly hear with improvements to my system over the last 2 years. However Mahgister is right in saying that you can make improvements and not hear anything because you have not lowered the noise floor enough.

Start with the room and speaker interactions such as speakers matching the room and position within the room. Controlling room response with treatments (or in my case just normal furnishings and Lyngdorf room perfect). Then get the power supply and earthing of the system right.

Once you have these then you can start to hear improvements from resonance and vibrations of your system. I suspect the start to become "audible" at this point too and this is also where good cabelling and fuses (not necessarily expensive) starts to make more audible differences.

I think this is pretty much in line with Mahgister's embeddings experiences.

You can buy 60,000$ speakers and 30000$ components and put them in a 'bad room" for them, then wire your system with ground loops and have shifty power (although well designed kit can negate much of this).

Put that against a well set up $5000 system with the right tweaks , well implemented and set up and YES you could easily get better sound.

Implement a $100000 system correctly and YES it will out perform the $5k one sure.

The art of the audiophile is putting a system together that is cohesive and I for one would love to hear Mahgister's system I'm sure it does sound very good.

I will report back my findings on s.g's thanks 

Whomever finds it difficult to understand mahgister certainly does not speak for all.
I have no difficulty understanding him.
+1, frogman.....and in a written format, devoid of the influence of F2F contact, it’s fraught with misinterpretation of intent, the nuance of physical expression.

W. Burroughs’ once said "Language is a virus."
...and it mutates constantly....*L*

...and then you run into someone like me that considers it a playground. ;)
Fun to bend it, just because it’s there...
Interesting, English is also my second language. I have absolutely no problem understanding the meaning and intention of what mahgister writes; something that I cannot say about the writings of many who post on this forum and for whom English is the first. Moreover, if one considers what he writes about music it is clear that he is an extremely astute and insightful listener and, more importantly, music lover; if passionately exuberant. The link between language and musical skills is well documented. Others may disagree, but for me those are reasons enough to not be too quick to dismiss what he has to say about most things music and audio.
I've often thought that 'english as a 2nd language' is appropriate even to those who speak it as a 1st.....

'...capable of leaps and bounds far beyond that of mortal men......'

...but we're very 'off topic' at that...
They're supposed to to be plugged into a different circuit to the main Stereo

*G* +1

One has to explore the edge to appreciate that which isn't.....;)

Carry on....*S*

I understand you....*s* But, you understand Me, which I consider a plus, if only to us. ;)
Beating hearts always synchronize...

Like resonant devices in a room...

In the 2 cases it is pure science...And sometimes love add to the sound.... 😊