Resolving CD Transports Crowd Sourcing

Hi everyone! A couple of years ago I purchased my endgame CD transport- a Pro-Ject CD Box RS2T. Loved almost everything about the unit--highly resolving presentation, dead quiet background, balanced placement of instruments in a believable 3 dimensional soundstage, and  the synergy it had with my components. In fact I loved the transport so much I had two of them because Pro-Ject quality control and customer service is the pits. After almost a year of hassles, I'm swearing of Pro-Ject.

I'm in the market for a replacement CD transport that has the same qualities of the Pro-Ject minus the quality issues and customer service.

PS Audio, Jay's Audio, CEC, Audio Research (which are CD/DAC units) come up in my search. What are your thoughts? With all the bells and whistles the Pro-Ject was around $3300, so that gives you an idea of my budget, though I could go higher.

Thanks in advance!



David congratulations, good decision and I am happy for you. I don’t believe that you will have any regrets at all. I have absolutely no doubt that you’re ARC component signal path sounds marvelous!


FYI-The search is over and the decision is made. Likely not a surprise, I'm going with the ARC REF CD 6SE, that's on loan (Hope you are okay with that, thyneame :-)). Ultimately, the synergy with my other ARC components, the ability to get a replacement CD Pro lens kit (just ordered), and the sound presentation make this almost a no-brainer.

I think the final decision to go with the ARC is the above comment I made to a poster in another thread, as he was deciding to go with an ARC REF CD player, or another transport. 

With that said...when working the way it's supposed to, the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2T has the best overall presentation I've heard, at this point. I'm still wistful that I couldn't get one that in one way, or another, didn't "s*** the bed."

Hoping you all have a terrific Thanksgiving, if you are celebrating. I'm grateful for all the advice, audio equipment comparisons/listening experiences, and great jazz recommendations I am getting.



"@wharfy : 😂😂. That’s funny! Thanks for being sport"

All the best for you as we enter the holiday season.


Post removed 

@thyname -

"I just saw you said you like X equipment quite a bit, but decided to send it back nonetheless. It stroke me as odd, but hey…"

A. Like the overly choosy diner, I'm not someone you would want to have dinner with. 

B. Guess I'm odd.

C. I never purchase what i really like. Like Don Quijote, I'm on an endless quest and never satisfied.

D. All the above .

What are your deeper thoughts?

My DEEPER thoughts? What do you mean?

I just saw you said you like X equipment quite a bit, but decided to send it back nonetheless. It stroke me as odd, but hey…

@thyname -Nothing irrational. I like the Urd. Compared to the ARC CD6SE that's currently in my system, I like the CD6SE more. I think it's because my other components are also ARC.

If I wanted a second system, with different components that I could build around/complement the Urd, I would consider it. I think the natural complement for the Urd would be other Schiit components. It's a no brainer to me that the Yiggy would be the DAC to use with the Urd.

What are your deeper thoughts?

FYI- I liked the Urd quite a bit, but decided to send it back to Schiit.

Why? This does not make any sense. Unless completely irrational, which I sympathize 

@vonharaland - I looked at this thread before auditioning the Urd.

FYI- I liked the Urd quite a bit, but decided to send it back to Schiit.


My OPPO 95 has gotten noisy, and I'm looking at the new Schiit Urd.

Waiting for early adopter reports.

My OPPO 95 has gotten noisy, and I'm looking at the new Schiit Urd.

Waiting for early adopter reports.

agree Charles...I primarily use CD and LP for listening, but love exploring with streaming...and good quality streaming can be inexpensive, especially if you already have a DAC...this is an especially good time for streaming, with both many new releases and best albums of the  year lists coming out 


One individual who was present at the reviews I Copy/Pasted as a Post, has given up on their very long endeavours into Streaming as a Source and have now ventured with gusto into rediscovering the Values of CD and CDT as a Source

I derive immense pleasure listening to CD

as well. However it seems that both physical CD and digital audio streaming can be enjoyed simultaneously within the same audio system. They do not have to be mutually exclusive.



The TEAC 701 does do one thing very well, it puts a New Option for a CDT on the table for those who want a future with CD as a Source.

It also looks like it can make a profound impression.

One individual who was present at the reviews I Copy/Pasted as a Post, has given up on their very long endeavours into Streaming as a Source and have now ventured with gusto into rediscovering the Values of CD and CDT as a Source.

VRDS Teac transport for front loader.......CEC TL5 for top loader. Made in JAPAN....I love mine! Jay's is also good but made in China.


just to make a correction and update what you said, Teac does not sell their VRDS drives to anyone anymore and that's been going on for many many years now they only keep it for their own machines.

The TEAC VRDS certainly set a high reference point for tray loading CD transports. I have heard my share of various models through the years and they are very good. However I don’t believe it is superior to a high quality and well implemented top loading CD transport. Just my two cents worth.



I have most of those recordings. Excellent choices across-the-board! As I have said before you have excellent taste in music. Your audio system without a doubt is more than capable of bringing out the best in these recordings. Your decision to stick with the Audio research signal chain is a very wise one.

if you still decide to give the TEAC 701T transport an audition please share your listening impressions. I am curious how it stacks up against your ARC CD( 6 SE transport/player.


@charles1dad -

"Sounds like a good plan. You have heard it in your system and confirmed it is a fantastic fit."

I think so, also. The REF CD6SE is a terrific unit. I wasn't entirely "sold" on the sound when first listening to it. Coming from the Pro-Ject CD Box, the ARC was a bit more "in your face" than the previous transport. Music presentation from the ARC is the third row, while the CD Box is row 8, so to speak. With that said, I really like the synergy, it's built like a tank, and ARC still services it.

BTW, we haven't talked jazz CDs in a while. I went to one of my favorite used CD stores in Northern NJ and traded in many CDs I no longer listen to for the following-

2 Sonny Rollins CDs-Newk's Time and Worktime

Gene Ammons and Sonny Stitt-Boss Tenors

Miles Davis-Miles Smiles

The Best of Bud Powell on Verve

Paul Desmond and Gerry Mulligan-Two of a Mind

I will give them close listens in the next couple of days.


@jetter -Yes. Good advice. I did contact them and the CDPro2 replacement is available.


@magnuman -That's quite a recommendation! If I can audition the 701T in the next week, I will give it serious consideration.


The owner says purchasing it, and getting a replacement CDPro2, just in case, from ARC ($500 with S/H) is a no brainer with my ARC components.

I would contact ARC and ask about ordering the replacement CDPro2 just to verify its availability now as a straight purchase (not repair).  If available, assuming it's the unit you want, it's all systems go.





The teac VRDS transport is by far the best transport made on the face of this planet there's nothing better I have the esoteric P10 transport from the '90s It's built like a tank and I haven't heard anything even at $20,000 from the esoteric stuff that's that much better, they were so far ahead of everybody they were already using OCC single crystal for the internal wire, you definitely won't go wrong with Teac and the build quality is excellent and the sound quality is as well, if you partner it with an extremely good DAC you will have many many years of enjoyment, I wouldn't buy anything else.


The owner says purchasing it, and getting a replacement CDPro2, just in case, from ARC ($500 with S/H) is a no brainer with my ARC components.

Sounds like a good plan. You have heard it in your system and confirmed it is a fantastic fit.


I had the opportunity to hear the Denon DCD-A110 Anniversary Edition SACD/CD Player last night. It was in a system with a Musical Fidelity M6SI integrated amp, and Spendor A4 speakers. 

Physically, the CD player is a 40 lb beast--nicely machine gun metal/graphite grey all metal exterior, including the CD drawer. It also has a great remote. Outputs are both balanced and RCA.  I did not hear the unit via XLR because the owner has many SACDs and they only play via the RCA jacks. The sound characteristics of the CD player are detailed and not clinical or harsh because it has a warm sound. It projects a bold, but not fatiguing sound.

For me, while the warm sound is appealing, it comes at the expense of imaging and soundstage. Beyond the first layer of instruments and vocals there is a noticeable drop-off, or recess in drums, bass and music that is in the background. So, it loses some front-to-back three dimensionality as a result. Nonetheless, I liked it, but would not own one.

I'm still waiting for the opportunity to hear the TEAC 701T. BUT, the clock is loaner goes up for sale on 12/1, and I have first dibs. The owner says purchasing it, and getting a replacement CDPro2, just in case, from ARC ($500 with S/H) is a no brainer with my ARC components.

@lalitk    My point in referencing the refurbed CD Pro 2 was that for less than $500 I could buy it and have it replace the current drive in my AA Drive 1 if the original drive were to crap out. Therefore, unless the Aqua smokes the fully functional AA Drive 1, the value proposition is squarely in the corner of the AA. I do suspect the Aqua will perform at a higher level but it will have to be more substantial than just "incremental" for this retired car salesman to consider it.


You are correct. The CD drive units do not operate in isolation. They are a major contributor to the overall sound one ultimately hears. One has to judge the entire package as all aspects of the component matter. It is possible I could be placing too much emphasis/importance on the CD drive unit/mechanism.

My outlook/perspective could be a bit biased for that reason. I have the Pro-Ject RS2T transport that utilizes the Stream Unlimited drive and the sound quality is freaking excellent!!



The biggest quandary for me is, knowing that I can get a refurbed CD Pro 2 like the one in my AA drive from ENCO, is the CD Pro 8 that much better to justify the 20x cost to get the Aqua. I do expect it will sound better but <$500 also sounds pretty good compared to approx. $9000

When you put it in those terms I understand your dilemma. Certainly the discontinued Philips CD Pro 2 is a CD drive unit that has stood the test of time and was utilized in numerous top shelf transports. You have enjoyed its quality for 20 years so obviously you know its capabilities.

On the other hand I don’t believe it is a coincidence that The Stream Unlimited CD PRO-8 has been chosen by top level manufacturers for their upper tier CD transports. If budget is a major criteria then certainly a refurbished Phillips CD is very viable and prudent.


If I may interject….it’s just not the CD drive, it’s a sum of all parts. Why does a components sounds different, better or worse. It’s the overall implementation of tech in a component that makes us either love or dislike its sound.

Your price comparison is unfair, what is the worth of $500 drive by itself?

@charles1dad    I fully expect I would be thrilled with the La Diva. The biggest quandary for me is, knowing that I can get a refurbed CD Pro 2 like the one in my AA drive from ENCO, is the CD Pro 8 that much better to justify the 20x cost to get the Aqua. I do expect it will sound better but <$500 also sounds pretty good compared to approx. $9000.


I have the Accustic Arts Drive 1 and their latest reference transport uses the much loved SU CD Pro 8 drive, as does the La Diva, but it’s twice the price of the Aqua so if I have to make a change, by default, the Aqua will be first on my list.

The upper tier European manufacturers do seem smitten with the Stream Unlimited CD PRO-8   drive mechanism. It's also favored by Audionet and Gryphon for their CD trabsports. I'm certain that you'd be very happy with the Aqua HiFi La Diva transport.


@wharfy I would very much appreciate it if you could post any listening impressions your friend may communicate to you regarding the La Diva Mk. 2. My current transport is now 20 years old (and still performing flawlessly) but I know that time is not on my side. I have the Accustic Arts Drive 1 and their latest reference transport uses the much loved SU CD Pro 8 drive, as does the La Diva, but it’s twice the price of the Aqua so if I have to make a change, by default, the Aqua will be first on my list.



I have read very fine things about that particular Denon component. A company that established and that size has the resources to build really special audio components when they want to. I look forward to your listening impressions of it.



I'm enjoying the opportunity to audition transports/CD players. My extended loan of the ARC CD6SE is finite (beginning of December) because the owner purchased an Aqua HiFi La Diva M2 CD Transport (an awesome transport, out of my price range), and is going to sell the ARC. 

While I'm looking forward to, and waiting for inventory, to audition the TEAC 701T, I'm going to give the Denon, DCD-D110 110th Anniversary Edition SACD/CD player a listen. The Denon has features I look for-powerful transformers, reduced vibration in both the CD mechanism and circuit boards, along with shorter signal paths. The specs say it weighs in at over 40 lbs!



Thanks you for your updated listening impressions. I knew that the ARC CD6 SE would set the bar high. It does appear that the Schitt presents a very good high value proposition which is good to know.



I have spent the weekend listening to the Schiit Urd. While it isn’t fully broken in, these are my impressions. For the price it is a terrific CD transport. The Phillips based mechanism presents a deep and wide soundstage. Instruments can be located in space because the unit is very quiet via both AES and USB connections. How were they able to do this at this price point?

As a digital "traffic controller" for my Aurender N200 it was "ok". Even with AES connections, which is one of the features that interested me, I surprisingly lost resolution through the unit, into my Musetec DAC005. Anyone have an idea why?

Now, compared to the ARC REF CD6SE, I am currently using (Thanks Michael!!), this is what I am hearing. Again, the Urd is still burning in. First, I have ARC components and the synergy between the REF CD is obvious. With that said, most of what the Urd does, the REF CD6SE does better, to my ears. The Urd does have a more forward soundstage and the sound in my system, with my ProAcs is bigger and slightly less focused.

I think the Urd is really good, and I have some more time with it before I need to return it, so we shall see.


I continue to enjoy the Audiolab 9000CDT, very smooth operation (TEAC drive) and wonderful sound, all at a great price. The Atoll DR200 Signature is also a good bet.

Hi.  Since some months I have the Rotel DT6000. First I used it as CD Player only. But in parallel I tested my Streamer a Volumio Rivo with the Rotel as DAC in comparison to Chord 2Qute which I used for some other tests before. I preferred the Rotel over the Chord.
I am reading a lot in different forums but I never heard about someone else having this combination.

I have Rotel RA6000 Amp with the DT6000 CD/DAC a Volumio Rivo Streamer with an Farad 3 linear power supply. All of that with B&W 703 S3.

I like it a lot.


By the way, a CD player or transport are really pretty much the only items I would hesitate to buy used or a discontinued model.


You’re among many knowledgeable ARC lovers. But for me, and quoting myself, to calm all doubts of repairability other than hearsay, before I purchased the unit.

Unless you actually purchase an extra transport from Audio Research’s supposed stash of extra discontinued transports, I would find buying an expensive discontinued CD player without surety of repair a fools errand.

There is nothing fishy here. My dealer had a close relationship with owner at the time and heard about this straight from him. ( my friend is very savvy in manufacturing and has good EQ, so he was not being deceived.

Audio Research keeps a stock of parts to service discontinued products. Many very very old products can still be serviced. It is one of the many reasons to own ARC products.


I own a Ref CD9SE and have no worries at all. Also, had I not owned it when it was discontinued, I would have unhesitatingly bought one. Now, if it was made by a lessor company, I might hesitate.


Unless you actually purchase an extra transport from Audio Research's supposed stash of extra discontinued transports, I would find buying an expensive discontinued CD player without surety of repair a fools errand.

I find the theory that ARC discontinued this CD player because the manufacturer of the transport quit producing the the transport fishy as why didn't ARC just purchase enough supply of the transports before the manufacturer discontinued them to continue producing the CD player?

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