Regarding Quoting someone on the forums

Wasn't sure where to post this.

Can someone explain how to correctly quote someone on our forums here and why is it that when I use the @ Symbol when replying that all the users in the thread do not appear as options, only some do?

I don't understand that functionality.

Functionality? We don't need no steenking functionality!

Cut and paste, hit the " icon above. Type their name somewhere.
Could it be that when the "someone mentions me" box in un-checked in the "notification" page of a profile, it automatically disables the @ function for other members?

I didn't really there was an option like that in the profile.

I think you might be right.

I just used the @ symbol in this thread and only you and ebm appear, so according to what you are saying, the rest on this thread have it so that they cannot be notified.

I think that probably solves it.

This why I asked you to let me know if you p a notification from Ago in a post recently. I tried copy and paste with your name in a post in reply to you.. Not sure if it works or not. You didn't answer so probably not. 
The @ function seems to work inconsistently. It may link to a member in one thread, but not in another. 
I get notified often, but not every time. This time it worked for me but not for you.

Sorry, but i have to say it: This forum has THE most idiotic format for quoting the text of members and then, however haphazardly, reply to them. Name one other forum audio technology forum with functionality anywhere near this absurd. I still can't figure it out!! 

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One also can't post videos of reviews as well. Must be some glitch that needs attending to.

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