Question about upgrading my SACD player

I am currently in the process of upgrading my system.  I am upgrading a component at a time as funds become available.  Being budget minded i would like to keep each component under 2000USD.  One component I'm thinking about upgrading is my Sony  C555ES SACD player that I've had since around the time it first came out.  The way I see it I have three options.  One option I'm considering is having it modded.  However, I'm not sure if it's even possible to have this unit modded anymore.  I did a Google search and it seems most of the articles are old from the days when SACD was in its prime.  It seems that most of the companies that have done the mods are no longer around or the ones that still exist no longer offer mods for my current player.  Also, there seems to be a mixed consensus  on modifications.  Some say they've heard a night and day difference after having their player modded, while others say it's just another example of snake oil in our hobby.  Another option is to purchase a new player altogether.  Like I mentioned earlier, I would like to keep it under $2000 and it seems like I only have about three choices:  The Denon DCD-1600NE, Arcam CDS50, and the Yamaha CD-S1000.  What I'm looking for is primarily playback of SACD and Redbook CD.  I'm not interested in  players with built-in streamers like the Arcam has though it wouldn't necessarily be a deal breaker if it makes up for it in sound quality.  Also, even though SACD is capable of 5.1 channels, I only listen in 2 channel mode.  My third choice would be to do nothing a leave my current Sony player as is.  Now, many may be wondering what is it about my current player that I find lacking?  There is nothing I find wrong with it per se, this is just one of those "the grass is greener on the other side" the of situations.

So, my question is what do members of this forum feel would be the best option?  Have the player modded.  If so can anyone recommend a company that still modifies my particular player,  Replace it with one of the three players mentioned previously provided it will provide a notable improvement in sound quality, or just keep my current player as is?  

My current system besides the Sony SACD player,

Preamp:  Emotiva USP-1 which I plan on upgrading in the near future

Power amp:  Emotiva UPA-2 which I also plan on upgrading

Speakers:  Monitor Audio Silver 100s (gen6) that I had just recently purchased so I intend on keeping these for quite awhile.

My musical tastes, Classical, Jazz, Classical, Classic Rock, Female Vocals.

TIA for your responses.


What the dac/transport people are saying is that redbook on the dac will sound better than SACD on your player. As I said before, I had 2 Sony SACD players and there was no comparison. So now you have everyone’s opinion. Now what?

Thanks to all who have responded so far.  I wanted to reply to some of the responses individually, but it appears I am unable to.  Not sure if it's because I'm in new member of if this forum just doesn't allow it.

@russ69 Your suggestion is something to consider.  I realize the Emotiva is a weak link in my system.  Like I stated in my OP, I do plan on replacing the Emotivas in the near future.  I may try keeping my current SACD player and see how it works with a new preamp, interconnects, and power cord. 

A couple of people have suggested the Denon model.  That's one model I'm considering even more now.

Some have suggested using my current player as a transport and buying a D/A converter.  Keep in mind that the digital output of my player is for the PCM layer only.  The SACD layer output is analog only, something that wouldn't be compatible with a converter. 



You might consider this later Sony model already modded, by Sony

I went thru 9 various players until I fount about and got the xa5400es. 

absolutely love it, buying cd's again as well as lps.


many SACd players internally convert SACD's DSD format to CD's redbook. Some, like the xa5400ES do not


prior search for less costly cd player


With respect to SACD playback, to use an SACD player as transport while utilizing an outboard DAC typically requires an intermediate device such as the GeerFab D.BOB (digital break out box), a $1000 item, that supports DOP (DSD over PCM) playback via coax or toslink, and an outboard DAC that also supports DOP. It also requires that your SACD player have HDMI out. Suggest exploring GeerFab’s website if interested in exploring this option. If I was to pursue SACD playback utilizing physical media, this is the path that I’d pursue. I myself pursue 2 channel DSD playback by ripping SACD’s to my NAS. If interested in the later option, PM me and I will point you in the right direction.

Agree with @missioncoonery. I’ve owned the Sony 5400 and the more expensive one before that, I think it was the 9000 or something. iMO, a $600 Cambridge CXC transport and a good $1500 dac will render far superior sonics with red book to anything those Sony players did with SACD. The only rub is if you have a lot of single-layer SACDs, in which case you need a dedicated player. Or for right now, buy the dac and use the Sony for the transport.  I think you will be surprised at how much better the dac will sound. If not, you can give it back. If you want a recommendation, consider the Heed Abacus. $1400 and sounds better than it has a right to at that price IMO.

I have one of the players you're considering, OP -- the Denon DCD-1600NE, bought last year.  I also have an older Sony model, the SACD-CE595, still in use in my office system.  While I'm happy to have the Sony, which I believe is similar to yours, the Denon (after a long-break-in, with a good power cord and interconnects), easily bests the Sony in sound quality.  And the Sony, after many years, no longer recognizes SACD, and defaults to CD on SACD discs.  

Keep your sacd player, use it as a transport, with 2 grand buy a quality dac...and if buying used you can get one great dac

I listen to Classical most of the time and have about 200 SACDs and some Blu Ray Audio and DVD Audios.  In my 2 channel system I have a Oppo 105 outputting the DSD layer of the SACDs into a Bryston3 DAC over HDMI.  
  Sony continues to make Blu Ray Players that play SACD.  Crutchfeld has two of them , at $200 and $400.  How do they compare to your current Sony?  One suspects that at that price point the DACs may be less than top notch.  However, given the vintage of your player, and the rate at which digital advances, it is possible that these players sound better than your current player.  DAC chips that were yesterday’s belle of the ball now go for a fraction of their old price.

  My advice- buy the more expensive Sony.  Do a shootout in your own system.  If you think the $400 beats your current player, great.  If not, return it.  You can use the savings, if you wish, to buy a DAC in the $1500 range.  There are some really good DACs in that range and your Red Book CD will benefit.   You may have to stretch more for a DAC that will have HDMI inputs but the Sony does out put DSD.

Interconnect and power cords can be a significant upgrade, though Im not certain the preamp will allow you to appreciate by how much, or how little

I am selling my Oppo 105 to which I have upgraded the power supply, the IEC, and added a jumper to bypass the 110/220 switch. My next SACD player will be the Technics SL-G700, as it has XLR outs, and my system is true/dif balanced



@ftran999 Buy an OPPO, one of the models on which you can rip your SACDs to a USB hard drive storage or similar. Then sell the OPPO and get a server/streamer. You will be able to play the SACD files from the OPPO.



Always good to see Sony ES in any system. Yes, the modders of the past have moved on in life. Matt Anker had SACD mods back in the 2000’s. He offered several Mod packages for several Sony ES players.

Models 222, 333 and 555 were on his list.  If you enjoy the Sony house sound upgrade to the 5400ES.



Happy Listening!



The transport in your Sony is showing remarkable longevity.  As I see it, modding is out of the question.

Within your budget I'd say the Denon, which is a nice unit (search for comments on it in this forum), but if you saved up a bit more, you'd hear a more distinct improviement with the Technics SL-G700, which is an excellent unit.

The Emotiva stuff is holding you back. Replace the preamp first. Put a Kimber PBJ on the CD player and let us know how it works out.