Qobuz hell

Ending a subscription with qobuz turned out to be hell. I did it two weeks ago only to find out that my account is still active and I am still being charged. I contacted qobuz yesterday and the first response was from a bot saying at 9AM they will be back online tomorrow. Which is actually today, so when I got online to figure out what happened, I received the rudest, most useless responses and then ending the chat by the agent. So as of now, I am unable to cancel my subscription - I don't want to use it, pay for it etc. I found it mediocre anyway.


I have no doubt I will spend many hours trying to cancel it in the coming days and get horrible treatment.


When you pay it’s by the month once you stop it it will go to the calendar day your started .

You can go right into your account from Roon  and turn off the monthly subscription.


Looks like there is a glitch in their system, in any case; hope you get a resolve soon. They have been very responsive to my queries, typically within 48-72 hours.

Sounds like a pain, I’m too impatient to bother with that. Whatever I give up with Amazon Music is fine with me. Ease of doing business is a major consideration.

Thanks for posting this. 



but you are right, lot of typing for not so much $.

and I am right too, expecting something to cancel when I cancel it and not continue to charge me. And if you read it, my MAIN issue is customer service. 

Sounds like you lost about 7 bucks. And your mind over it. Weird reaction in an expensive hobby. You are obviously mad at something else. Hope it gets resolved, whatever it is.

“I did cancel it "successfully" from the menu”


Did you receive email confirmation from Qobuz stating your subscription has been cancelled successfully? 

right. And it’s really not money "back" - I contacted them 7 hours after my plan should not have existed. I deleted the app the day before, so there was no loss on their part. It’s the customer service that turned out to be a giant humiliating pain

No they shouldn't have billed you for a new month.  I haven't had that problem.  I know they don't like to give money back.  I wish I could help out, but I haven't been in your situation.  It cancels for me when I cancel.

@tomcy6 I did cancel it "successfully" from the menu but when I open it again it still says my subscription is active. It should not have gone to the next month. And Qobuz customer support is terrible

When I log into my Qobuz account, the first item on the menu is My Streaming Plan. I click on that and a page comes up and in the upper right hand corner is a red link that says Cancel Plan. Try that.

Post removed 

@nonoise so two weeks ago, I did just that. And it did say it was to expire by 01/16. - I wouldn't be charged. But they say now that there is no record of it!

@aniwolfe the search is simply terrible. Trying to find a song from an artist is impossible (possible with a lot of MY work). Recommendations are lame. It would error out during playback one out of 5 times, dropping the connection on my 100+ Megabit connection. Selection for some bands I like were very poor/0. (70s, 80s. not obscure, but "one-hit" kind)

The stuff that works would work on any streaming service, nothing to get excited about. 

Still, I would have kept it if the playback would been pleasant but it just wasn't.

This may help

I also went to the Quboz Q&A section and the page link to cancel comes up with an ERROR 404 notice. Funny that. What I could gather is that the billing will continue until the end of the month despite canceling it now, which is strange as under the Q&A section, it states that once you cancel on your end it will take 48 hrs to finalize. 

Good luck on getting it done.

All the best,

Could have done recurring on PayPal.

Simple to cancel. No nashing.

Unless they are robbing you for cash just contact your credit card.