PS Audio Directstream DAC?

Any thoughts on the PS Audio Directstream DAC used? Seems like a used one can still be relevant because of the software updates.

I’m looking for a very analog sounding DAC—I do not need every ounce of detail.

Open to other options too (used) in the 3k category.


Just got a used Directstream—first hour of listening = fantastic!

Digital glare gone. Phew.

@blisshifi and others thanks so much for the helpful guidance! I think I know what I should pursue. I’ll be ordering soon and will report in.

P$ Audio always offers full list for trade in. I bought mine from them for $3384 with some junky trades. Now they will give me $5999 for it.

That said, trade-ins go to The Music Room so yes, the market will be flooded. And firmware updates are long over.

I’ve had no trouble so they are probably OK used.

USB connection once required a reboot (off of standby) to renew the handshake but I feel that is a fairly common problem with USB DACs. Another DAC of mine required a physical unplugging of the USB-A end of the cable.

Yes newer is better from a parts age POV

Analog sound is a folly for me. I just spun thanks I’ll eat it here and was happy that it sounded as good as my digital pb system.

Post removed 

I am also interested in learning more about transformer upgrades and power supply upgrades. Would appreciate any information.

@danager The Edcor transformer upgrade gave the DSD a better sense of ease and lowered noise floor. It helps to eliminate some of the grittiness that you likely don’t even realize is there. The delivery is a bit more confident, adding a bit more weight to the voicing, and the soundstage widens and heightens. In short, it becomes more musical in a very good way. 

The linear power supply upgrade helped significantly in other areas as well. That really helped with reducing the noise floor to being much more black. Detail retrieval improved considerably, as did the immediacy and speed of bass and treble.  Both upgrades were quite complimentary, and I did them months apart from each other. 

There is a lot of discussion on both upgrades on PS Audio Forum threads called Modding the DirectStream DAC. That said, it’s a really lengthy thread with 4,000 posts, but it is possible to search the thread for “Edcor”, the model number, or “transformer” and see the results from the community. I think the feedback gets good in early-mid 2021. 

it's a great sounding DAC, especially at current used prices. There will be no more updates for this model, as new one coming out soon.. PS Audio website has lots of conversation about upgrades. And yes, any of the previous firmware versions are available and easy to change back and forth...


I've read some on the EDCORE transformer upgrades but no one really talks about it changes the sound.  What is the sonic signature change with the transformer swap?


@w123ale Even if you have an older Aurender, I would leverage that for the streaming and serving. It is documented on PS Audio forums, and it is the same for  my experience, that the Bridge II introduces some digital noise and is a bit fatiguing compared to external streamers. I heard improved performance by removing it. 

From my first post, I want to clarify that I am a very big supporter of this DAC even though I don’t classify it as analog sounding. I tend to be very critical of these things and have gotten spoiled being able to play with a lot of electronics in the $15-40K range. In its price range, especially used, it is very, very good. 

With the number of used units popping up, definitely invest in a latest generation unit vs one that has been upgraded from the PerfectWave DAC. the two may sound sonically equivalent but the native DirectStream will be years newer and likely offer better longevity. The PS Audio warranty is also fully transferable and you might be able to find a used unit with some warranty remaining. 

Oh, I should also add, when buying used does it matter if it is an older unit that has been upgraded from a Mk II to a Directstream? Or is it better to go for a newer unit?

Well, this is all very encouraging feedback—I might have to give one a try. What do you all think about hr bridge as a streamer? I have an Aurender which I assume would be better, but could be nice cost savings and make for a cleaner system if the Bridge could compete. I don’t love the McConnector app but guess I could live with it:

I think the used DS DAC is the audio steal of the decade. In my system it sounds wonderful. Vocals tonally realistic without any digital glare. With the right recordings the soundstage has depth and width. It also provides details without fatigue. I don’t use a preamp as it has a remote volume control.

This is comparable to other $6000 DACs and can easily be had for under half that. I haven’t heard the previous software revisions or the Edcor transformer upgrade but just having those as options to me only raises its value.

the second to last 'windom' firmware version is much more laid back and ’analog-sounding’ than the very last version called 'sunlight' which brought forward etched detail in a big way...

Whether or not the market will be "flooded" with used DS Sr. first versions will depend on what PS Audio offers as a trade-in as opposed to the open market.  Like @blisshifi  I have and still own a modified DS Sr. and like he said it is a very good DAC to this day.  I also own the Aqua La Voce S3 which bested the DS both in original and modded condition.  If you can find one in the same price range or close that would be my first choice.  You can also look for a used or even new Holo Spring 3 or the new Gustard R26.  No experience with the Audio Mirror but it has a great reputation and following but PCM only if that matters. 

Within the next month PS Audio will be Beta testing their next generation DAC..followed shortly after with people flooding the used market with their first generation DAC.  So, expect falling prices.

By default, the PS Audio DirectStream DAC is a wonderful performer, but I wouldn’t characterize it as analog sounding. It can have some etchedness and brittleness to it when compared to more expensive endgame DACs, but it is quite hard to beat in the $3K used range. I owned one for many years, and I went through all the possible modification upgrades (upgraded transformers, linear power supply mods, isolation tweaks, etc) and all made a profound difference in performance that brought it closer to analog. I did find the Lampizator Baltic 3 to be more “analog sounding” but less defined and resolving as the PS Audio.

For $3K used and “analog sounding”, consider R2R DACs, including Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE or IV SE or Aqua La Voce.