PS Audio Directstream DAC?

Any thoughts on the PS Audio Directstream DAC used? Seems like a used one can still be relevant because of the software updates.

I’m looking for a very analog sounding DAC—I do not need every ounce of detail.

Open to other options too (used) in the 3k category.


Showing 5 responses by w123ale

Just got a used Directstream—first hour of listening = fantastic!

Digital glare gone. Phew.

Well, this is all very encouraging feedback—I might have to give one a try. What do you all think about hr bridge as a streamer? I have an Aurender which I assume would be better, but could be nice cost savings and make for a cleaner system if the Bridge could compete. I don’t love the McConnector app but guess I could live with it:

Oh, I should also add, when buying used does it matter if it is an older unit that has been upgraded from a Mk II to a Directstream? Or is it better to go for a newer unit?

@blisshifi and others thanks so much for the helpful guidance! I think I know what I should pursue. I’ll be ordering soon and will report in.