PS Audio Directstream DAC?

Any thoughts on the PS Audio Directstream DAC used? Seems like a used one can still be relevant because of the software updates.

I’m looking for a very analog sounding DAC—I do not need every ounce of detail.

Open to other options too (used) in the 3k category.


Showing 2 responses by jackd

Whether or not the market will be "flooded" with used DS Sr. first versions will depend on what PS Audio offers as a trade-in as opposed to the open market.  Like @blisshifi  I have and still own a modified DS Sr. and like he said it is a very good DAC to this day.  I also own the Aqua La Voce S3 which bested the DS both in original and modded condition.  If you can find one in the same price range or close that would be my first choice.  You can also look for a used or even new Holo Spring 3 or the new Gustard R26.  No experience with the Audio Mirror but it has a great reputation and following but PCM only if that matters.