Products you added to your system in 2021 that made most impact to your music enjoyment

As 2021 comes to an end, just thought it would be cool to share some of the most impactful audio upgrades in your system this year?
Here’s my top 5 list…

1. Pass Labs XP-12: Upgrade path was from Rogue RP-1 to Rogue RP-5 and then to Pass XP-12 that was the final touch. Huge improvements across the board. Mates well with my Rogue ST-100 tube amp.

2. Phono Cartridge: Goldring E3 MM to Hana EL MC. Clarity, presentation, dynamics in spades!

3. Phono Pre: From the built in phono pre in RP-1 and RP-5 to MoFi UltraPhono to Sutherland KC Vibe MkII. Lowered noise floor, increased resolution, dynamics. The KC Vibe MkII is almost double the cost of the MoFi and it’s the one of the few upgrades where an improvement was proportional to the cost difference. At least in my system. Records that seemed noisy become more listenable. A great little phono pre. 

4. Audience AU24sx speaker cables. These speaker cables are a clear window into a recording. Nothing hidden, nothing exaggerated. 

5. Power Cords: Acoustic Zen Gargantua for preamp and amp. Lower noise floor, increased resolution, natural sound, expanded soundstage

Honorable mentions:

1. Acoustic Zen Absolute Copper interconnects. In my opinion the AZ cables don’t get the respect they deserve on these forums anymore, overshadowed by some of the “flavor of the day” newcomers (without going into specifics on brands).

2. Puritan PSM156 power conditioner. 
3. Supra Cat8 Ethernet cable.

4. Lumin U1 Mini

5. MoFi LP#9 Stylus Cleaner. Better than the Onzo ZeroDust although I still use the Onzo between the sides. 


It has mostly been about different phono preamps. One is still on the way (I started this about 1 year ago).

@dirgordoncole  - Hi Gordon. I hope you get your connectivity issues resolved with the Node. Lots of people love it. However, I've also read many accounts of people having networking issues via wifi. They typically say connecting via ethernet resolves the issue. Don't know if that is possible for you, even as a test. If it works, but you don't have the ability to connect via ethernet in your preferred location for the node, perhaps you can install a mesh network and connect the Node via ethernet to one of the mesh's nodes.

BTW, I'm streaming via a Raspberry Pi3 based DIY streamer and it works great. It's really inexpensive. If you get frustrated with the node, and want to investigate a mesh network, or a change of streamers to a DIY Raspberry Pi based unit, just let me know. Would be happy to discuss...

So - in 2021, I purchased a Wolf AudioLuna R server, ripped all of my 1200 cd's o the hard drive, added an Eleven Audio Sagra DAC (R2R) and upgraded the pre to power interconnects to Shunyata Research Sigma V2.  Also added a Gold Note PH10 and PSU10 power supply for lp playback with exceptional results.  Now a truly reference system that has gone up several notches in performance.  

@reubent i have been traveling for the holidays, so I’ve not tinkered as I’d hoped but I seemed to have stumbled into a solution on what I thought was a connectivity issue, but perhaps what a clock issue?

The last setting, deep into the app, is a clock-syncing setting.  Once disabled, the buffering/stutter has disappeared.

no conclusions as of yet on what effect this may have had (did I do something to the dac on my node side to accommodate something on my amp (peachtree nova 150, node plugged into coaxially)?  Will report when I know more.🎅🏻

You all are amazing!

Congrats on your mental acuity.

2021 was a blur for me.

I’m sure I picked up a few impressive things, but zero clue as to what it/they might have been.

Even though I would like to think of my system as finished, there were 4 notable changes to my system in 2021. First, I moved away from a MacBook Pro based hi-rez music environment and bought a Node, and with the purchase of the node I really started to explore what's available via Qobuz. I have discovered so much music in the few months since I bought the node- It is, along with other streamers, the ultimate tool for mining music. Next- a subwoofer. Let me state this clearly- I don't need a subwoofer, but how could I turn down a McIntosh PS112 subwoofer for free? I couldn't and now that it is dialed in just so, it only adds to the music's enjoyment. Third- phono cartridge- I had been using the same cartridge for about 20 years- don't really recall if it was 17 yrs, 18 yrs, or whatever, but close to 20 for sure. Still sounded OK, but tracking was becoming an issue. So- I bought a new cartridge, spending more than I thought I would, but it's a hell of a cartridge (Linn Kandid). Ok, so the Node was no surprise, the sub was a no brainer, and a new cartridge was a known eventuality. The surprise was #4- replaced my Linn Lingo 1 power supply with a Lingo 4 power supply. I was skeptical that a synchronous motor would benefit from being tach controlled, but I was intrigued about going from a 120 volt motor to a 12 volt motor. Turns out this was an excellent move-

So I had a hard decision to make this year, get my wife a new car or build a second hifi system, so I bought,

A pair KEF Reference 5’s

A Hegel H390

Several AQ, digital cables

A pair of AQ XLX cables

AQ speaker cables

some starter sound defusers

and last but not least, a Denafrips Pontus ll

Believe it or not, my wife still loves me… I think😆





*Nobsound springs under everything, including my speakers

* I reinstalled my Marantz HDCD-1 to replace using my Oppo 105 as a transport for red book CDs


Subtractions: (these 2 paid HUGE sonic dividends)

* Removing Harbor Freight dollys from under my speakers

* 2 SVS powered subs: 10+ years old, never designed to compliment a hi-end system

Just before the end of 2021, my new PS Audio PerfectWave SACD Transport (PST) arrived to replace the previous generation DirectStream Memory Player (DMP) and I must say, the improvement is more than I ever expected, especially for "regular" CDs.  The musical "tonality" is improved for both CDs and SACDs, and I've heard new sounds I'd never heard before on disks I've listened to many times.

I'm glad I made the upgrade.

over 2020-2021 been experimenting with the DIY tweak called 'battery ground tweak' (attributed to 'uncle stu' over at audio asylum), adding it to nearly every thing - computer, dac, pre, power, speakers

transforms the system, totally. 

modding the super-cheap 6p1/6aq5 chinese amp's caps and resistors was a revelation.

one does not need to actually spend a lot on both the amp nor the caps or resistors to sound high end it seems. i wasted alot of money buying from online boutique capacitor sellers like hificollective uk (which i will post about soon, a different topic, once a great wonderful shop to deal with that morphed into a bunch of truly terrible people I want nothing to do with now)


power cords.

2021 definitely convinced me of their importance. i was skeptical before, but now consider them a critical part of any good system.


- Upgraded from Node 2i to Lumin T2:  Holy moly! the increase in resolution is just astounding.  Makes everything more realistic.  However, I do miss the Node's app which is superior.

- Removed preamp: Lumin's own Leedh volume processing really is a seamless transition for a streaming-only system.  Removes one more veil without noticeable loss of dynamics.  One less remote control too.  

- Furutech GTX-D NCF outlet: more detail, more presence, more 3D.  And this is AFTER upgrading power cords and conditioners.


Added Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cables and Crystal Oval interconnects.

First new cables in close to 25 years. Holy heck they had to make a difference. Hard not to.o

JBL L100 Classics in orange fully cooperating with my MC452. Live performances are now truly alive performances. 

LSA Voyager 350 GaN amp and Pangea Premier XL coax cable. And just a tick into January 2022 a Audiolab CDT 6000. All are amazing value

Busy year for me…Another TechDas AF premium with 2 SAT CF1(for my partner) the trade of my NHB-458 for a NHB-468, a Pathos Heritage, Tannoy Kensington and Avantgrade Duo MezzoXD speakers, Acoustic Signature Montana with 2 Kuzma 4Points, one with an Etsuro Gold and the other with a Koetsu Rosewood Platinum, PS audio P20.

I also got 2 Solid-Tec ROS racks but I do not like them at all, the crossbars are not well engineered so the racks flex.