Poor Product Reviews? No Problem. Just Erase Them!!

A few months ago a poster gave a link for an inexpensive Ultrasonic Record Cleaner. The link lead to a big box store which has store all over the US, though housed in AR. I have used this store quite often in the past due to the fact that it is close  and is very convenient. So the deal was really good and I had been wanting to try a US but could not afford.
So I ordered it and it came with the wrong US cleaner. The record rack and motor were very nice but I wanted the correct cleaner. So I start the process of exchange...or  so I thought. First, no phone # so I called the big box who gave me info. This lead to a voice mail. So I had to email. No problem at first but there was a language barrier IMO. After 2 days I finally got them to understand and they told me to send it back for a refund and reorder the product. This is unacceptable IMO.
While in the process I went to the website and looked at the  reviews. There were about 20 of them all with one star, mostly due to poor service of some kind. Woops. Should have read Before ordering. But back to erased reviews. I went to submit my review and it was not accepted. So I went to the product page again today. There are 2 reviews with 5 star rating! The previously one star reviews all gone. NO business from me anymore. But the question becomes, how prevalent is this tactic with online sales vendors among the various retailers?
The review process in general is like this for sure because they are trying to sell you something newer and better and more expensive, but for those in the know it is exactly the opposite of this, the gear that is twenty years old and older is far superior to the latest and greatest for many reasons.
same thing on audiogon. I left a negative review for a bad seller. there were others. the guy was obviously a scumbag rip off artist who should lose his right to use audiogon. like you, I should have looked to see his feedback before doing business. anyway, I looked a few weeks later. all bad reviews gone! mine and the several others that were on there. when I inquired I was told that some a-goners have higher status. really? how does one acquire such status that you can get your negative reviews deleted? I wonder...

I am somewhat amused by your loyal Pancho to your Don Quixote of audiogon ....Tho perhaps a tad second rate in your sanchismos
I've had one of those for many yrs now. But I've read many reports of how much better the Ultrasonic cleans the records. The Record Dr will come in handy to dry thee records when they come out of the US cleaner.

@tsushima1  What are you talking about? Are you on the right thread? Can you explain your comment? Or was it just that you had to say something even if its nonsensical?
Just buy a record dr rcm...got mine on sale for $99. Best 99 bucks I ever spent. Just use your cleaner of choice, it does a fine job imo, and is all you need. Plus it is a proven product with a long history. 
Post removed 
Classic....Guilty Perp drawn to the scene of a crime and cannot stop  from commenting...
Whatever. I am shocked, shocked, to hear something on the internet turned out bogus.
Equally pernicious are the Youtube "reviews" on the thousands of channels that profess in their title caption to be reviewing products A through Z.  Pick any common product you have bought, from household items to hobby related merchandise, and you will most probably find overly enthusiastic endorsements.  And most of those channels will not give the viewers a full disclosure regarding receiving products for free, or for a "small commission" on the sale of the items through a link under the title caption.  Buyers beware, and aware (and weary).  

Many "non technical" reviews of suspect products, (especially ones with seemingly 1000% profit margins), are by the army of the products  shillers.
Only believe "technically backed" independent tested reviews.

Cheers George 
So you can't trust the reviews, but you wish you would have read them first, because then you would have avoided this product. Based on the untrustworthy reviews.   

Right. Got it. Thanks!
I thought Walmart would help buyers with problems from sellers on their website like Amazon does!
Given his "housed in AR" comment, I would think it’s Walmart, but I guess we won’t know for certain until he replies.
Positive reviews have been sold for “free” products for a long time now, One can sign up to be part of such various programs on line.
Yep, online reviews whether they are for products or services (eg Yelp) are almost invariably completely gamed and manipulated.  Not all-together worthless but take them as a perhaps "suspect data point" in your overall diligence for sure!