Please help me!

Dear Audiophile^^
I need your help before I sold my units  that I have now. Where to go. What should I do or do I think what I have now is right? Please give me valuable advice. As someone who has listened to Bach and Baroque for nearly 40 years, I'm just a music lover, not an Audiophile. So even more desperately, I need your help.
I have now Luxman L507uxii intergrated Amplifier and Marten Duke2.
I was so happy to hear in every single thing that was so detailed and passed by without just listening, but the problem is that I can't listen to music in front of audio for as long as I used to.
Last year, I had a chance to borrow a wonderful Luxman SQ-38u and listen to it.

Of course deep and wide more powerful than my L-507uxii sound. Really cool
But I couldn't hear it because of the hum noise because I couldn't take it off for a day. The person who allowed to me listen said "you need a AC power conditioner"
Not long ago, I bought WAudio AC power Purifier from Amazon.

It was quite different when I connected with L507uxii.
Oh, that's why he told  me to do it.
And around Thanksgiving week last year,
I had chance to visit my uncle in S. Korea.

He had The Fisher 500 C and AR 5 speakers. That was fantastic can't speak able.
Since then, I've been thinking about what I have now, and I thought I had to change something.
So what I'm thinking about now is.
1.Leben CS300XS w /Phono + Graham LS5/5 or  Harbeth M40.3 XD or Devore orangutan O/96

2. Solid state A class intergrated amp like a
Luxman L595A-SE, L590AXii etc...
Problem is that I don't know how to handle vacuum tube amplifiers at all. I'm not lying, but the reason I got the integration amp is because I don't know how to connect the preamp and the power amplifier. It may sound like a lie, but it's true.
Oh BTW my room size is 10' x 10 3/4'
Please considering.

I can't appreciate every single person as physically but I will pray for you and your life with GREATEST NAME "JESUS " whole entire my life and SHALOM for everyone.
Thank you for your precious time given for unknown people. 


Hi TJ -

Don't sell anything just yet.  You have some good components.  It would be better to figure out what is it that you want your system to do.  You mentioned that you are experiencing some fatigue and are no longer able to listen to your stereo as long as you used to.

That happens to all of us at some time or another and maybe taking some time away from listening to your system may help reset your hearing.  I have been going through this for the last several months and am just beginning to get back into listening.   

Depending on where you live and what audio stores are available to you, I would suggest auditioning as many different speakers as you can.  Speakers will typically be the source of your listening fatigue.  You listen to early classical, so you will need to make sure to have the type of music that you like available for your auditions.  

Don't be afraid of tubes and tube maintenance.  There are brands like Prima Luna that are auto biasing, so it makes owning a tube amplifier as easy as owning a solid state amplifier.

As for what you may or may not know about system basics, speaking to audio sales guys can get you some of this information.  There are plenty of YouTube videos out there.  Be ok with asking questions.   



You sound like a particle in a box.  relax and slow down.

My only real comment is that the cheap power conditioner is not suited to power your amp.  test it plugged into the wall.

And remember, the human mind can interpret "different" as "improvement".  Do A/B testing, back and for for several hours, before you conclude that the different sound is actually better.


Sir, by your self description you would be much better off with a solid state integrated that has tube characteristics like the Pass Labs INT 60. Team this with the Harbeth SHL5+ loudspeaker and you with have the system of your dreams. You will also need speaker stands. The tweeter should be at ear level when you are seated at your favorite position. Tubes are NEVER as simple as solid state amps as they always need to be changed lasting at best a few years. Many go bad in only a few months. They can be very unpredictable.  

Don't sell anything. Your gear is not the problem. Check your cartridge stylus and alignment from time to time though.

Your room dimensions, 10' by 10' is a problem (modal hell and reflections). When spurious reflections/relective sound and direct sound arrive at your ears too close in time, it will fatigue your brain. Room modal resonances can cause fatigue over time.

For now, move your listening seat close to the speakers and try listening in nearfield. Adjust toe-in angles. Start treating your room (room treatment).

Man's innate madness, endless ignorance and arrogance  will make him pray for anything and everything, as you may know. However, this planet is quite fortunate that most prayers in this world go unanswered. If every guy's prayers were answered, the planet will just cease to exist and humanity will end. 

So, please don't ever start praying for me man...thank you.  You could pay for my lunch at a cheap restaurant though (mapo tofu with pork and rice).


I recommend you set your system up in a rectangular room. Your 10 feet X 10 feet room will have incurable bass resonances that will muddy up the sound. You could remove one wall.

Why spend thousands on an integrated amp? For $249 you can buy a pair of Fosi V3 Monos with the 48 volt power supply. Add a $149 Schiit Mani 2 phono stage and you will have a combination sonically better than any Luxman!

I can only speak for myself.  As someone who currently has a bunch of systems, I have sold things in the past or given them away, only to have to re-buy.  The issue comes in that each system has its own signature sound.  I would wait to sell anything.  If it sits in a corner for a year without the urge to listen to it again, then perhaps sell.  Move slowly to avoid regrets.  Again, that's just me and speaking from my own experience. 

Selling, it comes down to how much hassel do you want to deal with.  You can sell here on the website, or to someone like TMR.  TMR, there is less potential problems to deal with, but also probably less money, as they need to make money.  Some stores also will take trade-ins. 

@rar1 As said above, whereever you live, go and listen to as many other systems as you can.  If you go somewhere on a trip, go and listen.  Sometimes they will even have a smaller listening room such as what you have.  Also, there might be "listening bars" where you are?  Your ears are your ears, trust them, not the salesperson.  Especially don't trust articles, magazines or youtubes.  They can be a great introduction but can also be misleading.  Trust your ears. 

Some people love high efficiency and low wattage.  Others love less efficient but huge amounts of power.  More money isn't always better.  I have listened to systems that were over $1,000,000 and didn't think they sound as good as my primary.  I started with low efficiency and high wattage and my primary system is low wattage and high efficiency. 

@rar1 Well said and great advise.  Very accurate about tube amps.  I have had tube amps fail in the past, up to the capacitors failing in an old Dynaco ST-70.  Tube amps seem more straight forward and easier for repair.  I have had solid state fail that the manufacturer wouldn't stand behind (Van Alstine) that was given away for parts.   Also don't let a sales person intimidate should you choose to do extended listening at a store, or ask questions that they look at you like a fool for.  If they have issues, that's the wrong store.  The only thing to fear in the whole of the world is GOD.  Have fun with your hunt.  If you go slow and take your time, you will be very happy. 

Unless you have the funds and consider changing fun, just first take a deep breath and relax. Take your time, digest some useful feedback then decide what if anything to do next. 

It's okay not to be able to handle tube amplifiers. Solid states are easier to handle and they are available.


Thank you for practical advice^^

But you know what i DO NOT HAVE DESERVED LOVED BY HIM ether!


Sorry i gave wrong measurement about my room.

10' x 12' listen side one more angle so not exactly rectangular like a pentagon.

thank you.


Hello Mr. Jerry!

Could you recommend power conditioner useful one, Please?

Thank you. 


Thanks for the prayers, back at you! Jesus is the only way, brother!  



" I’m not lying, but the reason I got the integration amp is because I don’t know how to connect the preamp and the power amplifier. It may sound like a lie, but it’s true."

All you need is a pair of interconnects. L/R preamp outputs to L/R amp inputs.

Easy peasy!

Incredible detail in your initial post. I have trouble processing lots of information. 

I would buy a puppy and not do anything else