Phono Preamp w/ Rumble Filter

Looking for suggestions on a Phono PreAmp under $5k new or used that has a rumble filter and balanced outs. Seems these two options greatly reduce choices. Rumble is a must, may can do w/o XLR. Current TT is a Denon 100th Anniversary with a 110 Anniversary MC cart, but may eventually upgrade them as well. 

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To follow up on this for others that may be experiencing the same issue now or in the future. The KAB worked exceptionally. Not only is the rumble gone, but the entire presentation is cleaner and more detailed. The sound quality through my Analysis panels on mids/highs is also better. Not sure if the KAB needs burn in time, but even out of the box only positives to report.

I may want to look into some of the above suggestions to determine if I can correct the inherent issue, but for now I'm enjoying my Vinyl again in peace with improved sound for a $179 investment!



@atmasphere - Thank you, I truly appreciate your reply. Not using the Betas currently, but with a Rel line array either way can sacrifice a little bass for fewer headaches. I thought the Denon/Denon combo would be an easy fit.

I ended up purchasing the KAB Rumble filter. 

Haven't had a chance to install yet, but initial impression is high quality and first class product and service. Won't be able to use balanced outs but worth a shot.

If this works as expected, I'll probably take the previous advice from @ ghdprentice and look for an AR PH8 and use the KAB rumble filter with it. Will report out after install.

Thanks to all.


Current TT is a Denon 100th Anniversary with a 110 Anniversary MC cart, but may eventually upgrade them as well. 

If your phono is set up correctly you should not have problems with rumble. My speakers are flat to 20Hz and my preamp (including phono) has bandwidth to 2Hz. Yet rumble isn't a problem.

If your cartridge has compliance too high for the mass of the arm/cartridge combination, you will get excessive low frequency motion on the cantilever as the cartridge tracks the LP- its nothing to do with the turntable unless the 'table has a serious problem!

The rumble filter will introduce a low frequency pole that you will notice (if you still have the Betas) as a loss of bass impact and extension. I'm of the opinion that its better to solve the problem than put a band-aid on it that degrades the sound. Put another way you need either a lower mass tonearm or a lower compliance cartridge.

@mlsstl - interesting. Only experiencing the rumble with the turntable, not CDs or stream. Will look into this, thank you!

@stereo5 - thank you very much! You describe the exact rabbit hole I didn’t want to go down and knew it was possible. With this piece I can buy any phono preamp I llike and add the rumble filter. 

Thanks again.

Just a quick thought -- since you are using subwoofers, have you run a frequency sweep with a good measurement mike?  It is real easy to end up with too much subsonic info that is aggravated by room nodes and has little or nothing to do with the music itself. 

Alternatively, consider a rumble filter to the line level feed to the subwoofer amp, like one from Harrison Labs which comes in 20 HZ and 30 HZ high-pass options with 12 dB/octave curves.  At about $30 on Amazon, they'd make for an inexpensive experiment and are returnable if you don't like them.

Disregard if you've already checked out this angle...

There are some situations where a rumble filter has to be used as a last resort.  I have such a situation, tried every recommendation within these pages, spent countless unnecessary money and even changing turntables and cartridges, twice.  After all that, I went with the KAB rumble filter @ $179.00.  It works as advertised, does not affect the sound and allows me to enjoy vinyl at any volume. I have been using it for 7 years. 


Not sure why other phono’s in Parasoumd lineup don’t offer rumble feature. When I tried zphono_xrm with my Thorens TD 1601 (Hana ML Cart), I was pleasantly surprised how well zphono performed. Dead quiet, detailed and well balanced. I believe it’s one of those products in ‘giant killer’ category. I ordered mine from MusicDirect with 30 days no questions asked return policy.

Another recommendation to eliminate floor / airborne vibrations, try these soft dots underneath your TT stock footers. They were very effective in eliminating vibrations in my system,


@audiosaurusrex - Thanks, I was looking at the Phonos, reading up on it as well. Most comments echo yours. Still considering. Table is about 35 lbs and pretty well damped on its stock feet. Was the Phonos a little noisy, I read a review stating it is.

@lalitk - Great! Thank you. Didn't see that one. Looked at the JC3+ and loved what I saw, but no rumble. Why wouldn't they offer the filter on the's got everything else. For the price, I may give this one a shot just to see.

@ghdprentice - Previous speakers were IRS Betas, didn't notice the rumble. Maybe servos had something to do with it. Replaced Betas with Analysis Panels and Rel Line Arrays. Rels are 7 ft on one side and 8 ft on the offer from the TT, as far away as I can place them. Using an upgraded older PS Audio Phono pre that sounds very nice except the rumble. For less than $2k Phono and table, I have great sound but rumble now. Thanks for the advice on the PH8.

I tried the MF Nuvista Vinyl. Sounded great and got rid of rumble, but noise floor was too high for my liking in my system. Not really looking for another rabbit hole. If I can improve on the PS Audio's sound with a better Pre, have a low noise floor(which the PS has) and push a button to get rid of the rumble, I'm happy. 

Thanks again for the suggestions.

There is a preferred course in high end audio is to fix the problem… never cover it up. Covering up problems makes it worse.

I highly recommend identifying the source of the rumble and just get a great phonostage. I would look for a used Audio Reserach PH8… a real classic, incredibly good sounding. 

I have had phonostages ranging from $200 and $17,000. While my current is best… the PH8 was an incredible value.


If you could show photos of your system under your UserID I am sure we can figure out why you think you need a rumble filter.

@stephens770 No way to isolate the table? I had an SPL Phonos which I loved and it had a subsonic filter which I never used. Just unbalanced outs though. Changed the fuse and PC and it was amazing. I have since sold it and use the Modwright 9.0x just a phenomenal phonostage with balanced but no filter. 
I have a high mass 100 lb table Acoustic Signature Triple X and I can tap my hand on it all day and nothing, dead quiet. I hope you can try all the isolation fixes and not have to worry about that issue. Good Luck!