Phono Preamp w/ Rumble Filter

Looking for suggestions on a Phono PreAmp under $5k new or used that has a rumble filter and balanced outs. Seems these two options greatly reduce choices. Rumble is a must, may can do w/o XLR. Current TT is a Denon 100th Anniversary with a 110 Anniversary MC cart, but may eventually upgrade them as well. 

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Showing 1 response by audiosaurusrex

@stephens770 No way to isolate the table? I had an SPL Phonos which I loved and it had a subsonic filter which I never used. Just unbalanced outs though. Changed the fuse and PC and it was amazing. I have since sold it and use the Modwright 9.0x just a phenomenal phonostage with balanced but no filter. 
I have a high mass 100 lb table Acoustic Signature Triple X and I can tap my hand on it all day and nothing, dead quiet. I hope you can try all the isolation fixes and not have to worry about that issue. Good Luck!