Phono Preamp w/ Rumble Filter

Looking for suggestions on a Phono PreAmp under $5k new or used that has a rumble filter and balanced outs. Seems these two options greatly reduce choices. Rumble is a must, may can do w/o XLR. Current TT is a Denon 100th Anniversary with a 110 Anniversary MC cart, but may eventually upgrade them as well. 

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Showing 3 responses by lalitk


Not sure why other phono’s in Parasoumd lineup don’t offer rumble feature. When I tried zphono_xrm with my Thorens TD 1601 (Hana ML Cart), I was pleasantly surprised how well zphono performed. Dead quiet, detailed and well balanced. I believe it’s one of those products in ‘giant killer’ category. I ordered mine from MusicDirect with 30 days no questions asked return policy.

Another recommendation to eliminate floor / airborne vibrations, try these soft dots underneath your TT stock footers. They were very effective in eliminating vibrations in my system,