The point is anyone can talk out their rear like the liar fear monger stalking this thread. All he has is the BS cancer scare. "Look it up" I did, but let me guess he's not a good enough Doctor for you, RIGHT?
Andrew Maynard, Director of the Risk Science Center at the University of
Michigan is not entirely convinced that there is an issue. “Donaldson's
work certainly demonstrates the potential for graphene flakes to
present a health risk if they are able to be inhaled and enter the
lungs, or penetrate to the region surrounding the lungs. But that is a
big ‘if’,” he told Materials Today. Pharyngeal aspiration
delivers particles – or platelets flakes – to the lungs within liquid
droplets and the droplets determine where the material is deposited.
“This allows early experimentation on what could occur if the material
could enter the lungs under handling and use,” Maynard adds. “But it
doesn't provide information on the plausibility of exposure occurring.”
We do not yet know whether graphene flakes can become airborne and
inhaled in a form that is dangerous during use.” Questions concerning
health risks – while important – remain speculative,” Maynard says.
Look up graphene and you can see piles of studies and lab results including very disturbing carcinogenic're welcome. And to be specific regarding "not caring" about the fanboy responses, it was clearly said in the context of my opposition to using a discussion forum for an inappropriate hard sell opportunity led by you, Frank. Tim gets 3 grand for every 10 packs of TC he sells so I imagine he eats...I just hope he washes his hands first. |
@geoffkait Thanks , but I do not do hand outs or charity. I have a even better idea! Lets take up that collection. and give it you so you can get a real 2 channel stereo, instead of playing make believe with the disposable plastic walkman. Do they even have a walkman category here? |
Am I in Alice and Wonderland? 😺 |
“Hey, I got an idea. Let’s take up a collection so Tim can eat tonight. We don’t anyone starving to death on my account.”
Perfect way to confirm what I just said.
Hey, I got an idea. Let’s take up a collection so Tim can eat tonight. We don’t anyone starving to death on my account.
- "
Other than noting the carcinogenic properties of the graphene in TC ..."
What carcinogenic properties are you referring to Wolf? What testing have you done to come to the conclusion that anything about TC is carcinogenic? Surely, you have ordered a tube yourself, taken it to a lab for testing in order to come to your conclusion, no? Please post your lab results. - "... and noted that I'm clearly just not interested in the product as it's expensive, carcinogenic ..."
Again, you sound really sure of your position ... post the lab results. If you can't supply your lab results, then your "opinion" has no relevance here. - "...if others need to believe these claims I simply don't care ..."
Really? You don't care? Well, okay ... if you don't care, other than being an attention whore, why do you continue spewing out your nonsense in this thread? Frank |
That’s the crux of the matter; to you, wolf, and others, this is just an amusing game, of no real consequence. For Tim, on the other hand, it’s his livelihood.
Geez, guys. You don’t seem to understand how the internet works. You have to learn how to play the game. All y’all are feeding the trolls. Just because someone says it’s carcinogenic doesn’t mean it is. Relax. There is no evidence after many years of Graphene safety research that it’s carcinogenic. That’s why I said it’s the last resort of the dedicated troll to use the cancer ploy. |
Other than noting the carcinogenic properties of the graphene in TC, I've simply taken to task the lack of any ethical boundaries regarding the promotion of TC in a discussion forum, and noted that I'm clearly just not interested in the product as it's expensive, carcinogenic, and something I feel I don't need. People who have spent 300 bucks on it state it's "fabulous" using the hyperbole typical of this sort of magic audio panacea, and if others need to believe these claims I simply don't care as my ears are used to the din of micro arcing. So now old Tim is threatening me with libel? Nice try, and I utterly welcome such a claim as any third party looking at this thread would likely be astonished at the hard sell and marketing here that goes far beyond typical audio conversation. Hey, I might look into the licensing, regulation, postal or shipping regulations, and consumer protection laws (after all, it's carcinogenic!) that may apply to selling TC in your state. Could be fun! Keep your personal threats to yourself Tim, as you're only further damaging your own credibility with unhinged and irrelevant comments. |
If it is truly as you say, that's a real shame. It gives cover to all kinds of malicious, slanderous statements, because “That's just normal on the internet.”
Problem is this. I agree with everything you said. However, Tim would be wasting his time and money legally as it common and usual to have skeptics in these hobby forums and no harm is being done legally. Go back and read Wolf’s posts and see it is just like all other skeptic posts here and throughout the net. That simple. His posts are common and usual. I think his posts are in poor taste, but legally he has the right and freedom to be a skeptic in this medium. Tim is not blowing smoke, but he will be blowing money.
He would be far better served having his product tested for safety and then acting accordingly based on the independent results. This is the only place Wolf comes near to causing harm. Since this testing has not been done Wolf is fine. The legal standard of proving harm is a hurdle Tim cannot come close to clearing here. |
Grannyring ...
Its great that you’re enjoying the benefits of TC. As tommylion said above, its helping a lot of us, including you and me, to attain heights in our modest systems that can only be achieved by the mega-buck systems. Tim Mrock deserves every bit of success he can garner from his product. Why? .... Because he is helping a whole lot of other people get what THEY want first, which is a much better sounding audio system at a very reasonable cost.
With that said, and with all due respect, I’d like to address your post regarding Wolf Garcia:
This is a public forum, not unlike a public square. Imagine someone standing on a soapbox spewing untruths, outright lies and making derogatory remarks in order to discourage everyone listening in the public square from doing business with Costco for example. Can you imagine Costco putting up with a person shouting to the rooftops in that public square that Costco sells rotten meat and has their registers set to overcharge its customers? That is slander in its purest form. At the very least, the liar in the public square would receive a cease and desist order from Costco’s attorneys. If that didn’t put a stop to the slander, then a lawsuit would ensue.
Truth is one thing, lies are another. Yes, Wolf Garcia is entitled to his personal opinions, but when those opinions are based upon nothing but hot air and lies, and subsequently hurts the bottom line of a business, well, its time to put a stop to it. Why? Because the business is damaged by being financially hurt.
I’m sure that Tim Mrock isn’t blowing smoke. I’m also sure he has contacted his attorney to come up with the opinion he posted above. I’m also certain that if Wolf Garcia knows what’s good for his own bottom line, he’d better cease and desist with statements that have no basis in fact.
It’s 8 weeks today since I treated the connections on the speaker side of my SCs. This means I have finally reached the 8 week mark on all the connections in my system. Sound is amazing. Prior to TC, the only way I would have envisioned myself hearing reproduction like this, is through someone else’s megabuck system, hoping I could afford it some day. |
Goodness this is just an audio thread. Wolf can say what he wants here. We may not like it because it is based on ignorance. I use the term ignorance in the sense that he has not used it and knows nothing about the product. Wolfe is a smart man and I often like his posts and humor in other threads. What he says here has no meaning or relevance in our legal system. None. This is an open hobbyist forum and that’s it. He is a skeptic and posts his skeptical views. Sure he does it in a colorful manner, but there is no real harm in it. The closest statement to potentially harming the brand is the proposed carcinogenic claim. However, TC has not gone through extensive testing in this parameter and thus his comments do not harm legally.
I think TC is the single best audio product I have ever used in my system. Big fan of it. Love it. |
A broadside sent across Wolfie's bow. Think he'll get the hint and veer off?
Damage Control!! All hands on deck!! ✋ ✋ ✋
How Bad does it look, sailor?
Looks pretty bad, sir. Real bad.
😬 |
Wolf ...
The only thing sad here is that you don't realize that you are a destroyer and an arsonist.
Or, do you?
Frank |
Wet noodles at fifty paces. 🤼♂️ |
@wolf_garcia Defamation, calumny, vilification, or traducement is the communication of a false statement that, depending on the law of the country, harms the reputation of an individual, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation.[1]
Under common law, to constitute defamation, a claim must generally be false and must have been made to someone other than the person defamed.[2] Some common law jurisdictions also distinguish between spoken defamation, called slander, and defamation in other media such as printed words or images, called libel.[3]
False light laws protect against statements which are not technically false, but which are misleading.[4]
In some civil law jurisdictions, defamation is treated as a crime rather than a civil wrong.[5] The United Nations Human Rights Committee ruled in 2012 that the libel law of one country, the Philippines, was inconsistent with Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as urging that "State parties [to the Covenant] should consider the decriminalization of libel".[6] In Saudi Arabia, defamation of the state, or a past or present ruler, is punishable under terrorism legislation.[7]
A person who defames another may be called a "defamer", "libeler", "slanderer", or rarely "famacide".
The term "Libel" is derived from Latin "libellus" (literally, "small book' or "booklet"). Keep it up, and I promise to make you my next project! |
Whoa! The current occupant? I always thought he was channeling Travis Bickle.
"...amazing, and kind of sad." Wolf, you're channeling the current occupant, who cries fake news to obscure the truth. Total Contact is the real deal.
This thread has descended into a somewhat ridiculous and sort of gonzo weirdness, and further insures I will absolutely never support this stuff...playing the 94 year old blind mom card is simply bad taste and wreaks of desperation as did the "come to Vermont and l’ll bet you 500 bucks" thing. People seem willing to go to any length to push a product...amazing, and kind of sad. |
Some of us elders are blessed with good hearing. Nothing else seems to work though.
When ever I’m out with friends my age, I seem to get elected as the designated hearing aid. They continue asking me ... "Eh, what’s that?"... "What did he say?" ... "Did you hear that??" :-)
PS: For all the dads ... I hope you all had a very nice Father's Day. |
She does have good hearing. Thankfully she does not need hearing aids. Never a need to repeat a statement when talking to her. Tweeks either help her enjoyment or they do not. Many are not implemented.
She does not have a pro or anti bias toward any change. The why of how a change should happen or the cost is not discussed.
In changing her Tube amp to the solid state Pass Lab amp safety was discussed as I worried she would burn herself turning off the tube amp.
resolution 1:
What a wonderful act to treat your Mother's TV. I am sure the audio quality has improved so that your Mother's enjoyment is better.
I do hope all have a meaningful Father's Day. Treat yourself to a tube of Total Contact on this day of celebration instead of a tie!
David Pritchard
I'm sure your 94 year old mother possesses fine hearing to be able to detect all your tweaks🙄 |
The assumption was that high-quality connections between components were as good as could be---until we applied TC, and this is where the doubters are getting it wrong---again. |
- ^^^ "I noticed that the TV volume was set at 16 not 19."
I listen to both the audio system and the TV system at a much lower volume now too. Sorry I never mentioned it, Frank
David Pritchard,
My 86 year old mother went blind two about two years so it has been very trying for her as well. However she does like to listen to the TV since she never had interest in Hi-Fi. I treated the cable and the electrical chord to the TV when she was away at a doctors appointment. I never told her and never even asked her about it. About three months after treatment I noticed that the TV volume was set at 16 not 19.
I hope your mother continues good health.
rc |
For what it is worth,
I am glad that OP brought TC to a forum on audiogon because I am enjoying music through my Hi-Fi like never before. As stated before, this is the first forum I have ever participated in.
I do not know OP except through this forum. Further, I did not know Tim Mrock until I spoke to him. Once, prior to ordering the product and twice after I receiving it. Each time he has been responsive, gracious and informative.
The product has performed far beyond what I thought it would for the price of one Shunyata Venum Defender, I have two and they have been treated with TC.
I like the the stuff so much that I treated a dealer/friend of mine, small started system with TC for him to evaluate. I also discussed TC with another dealer/friend with over 35 years in the business and he said to let him know how it performs and ages in place. He has tried all the afore mentioned treatments mentioned from the beginning of this forum and is rightly skeptical. This is the main reason I have been conservative in my treatment of my most costly system components. The main concern he had was the long term performance and physical integrity of the material. He never called me delusional or any of the other names. He did however give me some specific things to watch out for. So far everything has been positive, but I will report if any performance or physical abnormalities present themselves.
@wolfgarcia " I assume " That's all you seem to do!
You just missed that there is anecdotal and ... anecdotal. Hell Ooo!
More focus please! PLEASE!
Also, pygmy, Timinou "Procession moves on, the shouting is over, ..." |
I had a multitude of snarky responses all laid out for the naysayers here until I read David Pritchard’s response. David, as usual, took the gentlemanly approach and has proceeded to say it all. Thank you, David.
Hope your mom is doing well. You are a gem of a son. :-)
Frank |
Wow! Your mom sure knows all the lingo and how to hype it. Layering. 😛
Concerning Blind Testing; There is at least one blind test done with Total Contact. My Mother is legally blind - she can no longer read even large print text. She can see sometimes see changing motion at 6 feet. She has Macular Degeneration. She uses a remote control by feel counting the buttons up and down and left and right. She is a 94 year old audiophile. Her amplifier is a Pass Lab First Watt F-7 so it is kept on continuously. Her music is streamed so it only takes one click to turn it on and off. As her world has grown smaller due to her age and blindness, music has taken on a greater importance in her being able to be content.
Changes in her audio system are quickly perceived by her due to the amount of time she listens to it and the lack of distraction with limited eyesight. When I try something new in her system she only knows I am trying something. From her chair she can not see what I do. I do not tell her the cost, what the change is, or the theory of what the change should do. She has an initial reaction and then allows the change to settle in for three days. If it is still good or better it stays, if it is worse or no change it is removed.
Total Contact was first applied to her circuit breaker box. Her words - "better layering of instruments, instruments more precisely located, the music flows better". Several months latter the various power cords, and connectors were treated. " I didn't think it could sound better but it does".
Total Contact does not take 8 weeks to achieve audio nirvana. It sounds better immediately and then further improves over the next week.
Total Contact is easy to apply and is not a messy hard to use "goo". It also is easy to remove with an alcohol swab.
My Mother has an astonishing fine sounding system with clean modern cables and connectors that was further improved with the application of Total Contact.
She is greatful that Total Contact has enhanced the joy in her life.
David Pritchard
I am glad to discuss this topic via my cell phone.
This is a forum thread designed to sell TC and enjoy the responses among those who've bought it. If you don't think you're likely to help TC make piles of audiobucks from this stuff, and aren't supporting the hyperbole festooned fanboy and sales force posts because perhaps, not unlike myself, you don't wish to "treat" your already fine sounding system with a mysterious goo that takes 8 weeks to"settle in," (I assume that if you move an interconnect or unplug something you must wait an unfortunate 8 more weeks for audio nirvana to return after re-applying the goo), you are obviously risking the ire of the believers. In other words, no goo for you! A system with clean modern cables and connectors can reproduce astonishingly fine sounding music without the mess and expense of magic 8 week goo in spite of any campaign claiming otherwise. |
Isn't this all a bit like trying out different waxes and polishes on your roadster and then waxing lyrical about the performance gains?
Wouldn't all this energy not be better used in finding improvements in engines and transmissions? ie transducers -microphones and loudspeakers - where distortion is measurably thousands of times greater.
Only saying like.
So what? There has been more disclosure and 1st hand reviews than any other product in recent memory. No snippets of info as on most websites, only pages of descriptions here. Save for the dilberts and know nothings wearing blinders and ear muffs. They contribute nothing. Tom |
“Blind tests should be performed before concluding sonic improvements.
Otherwise, it is only anecdotal ...”
>>>>>Huh? Blind tests ARE anecdotal. Hel-loo!
“Shut the cave door and back to pigmy country!” - The Old Philosopher
Gee, I wonder why it doesn’t come up on Google. Oh, snap! There’s no web site. Never mind...😳
We should organize a fund raising campaign for OP and Inventor to help advertise this Fantastic product. 300$/1,5 mL seems not enough.
This world cannot miss this Fantastic opportunity.
Wait! There is more!
Beta ( kitten? ) Tester OP should get more % on every sale and should get donation from every person who read at least one post in this Fantastic Thread.
On a more serious note:
Blind tests should be performed before concluding sonic improvements.
Otherwise, it is only anecdotal ...
Any explanations why this product hasn't been tested by serious magazines? Just askin' ...
"Cancel my subscription to the resurrection ..."
Don’t even need google. Type in Total Contact in the main search page here on Audiogon and it comes right up. |
Not flipping thru 40 pages to find a link. Can't be worth much if it doesn't come up when I Google it. Stop wasting our time. |
I'm really happy with what the TC is doing for my system. I'm about 6 weeks in from the first application to my speaker, interconnect, and some pc connectors. I've done a little here and there the weeks following that so I'm not sure where everything is at as far as curing time but the last week I've had some nice improvements in soundstaging size and realism.
To me this TC does a heck of a lot more for $300 than one HF mc-0.5 so I'm really impressed and happy with what its doing. |
resolution1 The interesting thing about those trashing TC is that they have not tried it for themselves so that they can prove that it is detrimental to the sound quality or physically causes harm to their systems.
>>>Well, don’t feel too bad. It’s the same with any new product. Actually I’m surprised this product brings out the trolls to the degree it does since there really isn’t that controversial, and can be easily explained to a five year old. There are much more mysterious and preposterous things out there to tempt the guys lurking under the bridge. People don’t seem to know how the internet works yet. It’s a little game we play. Action, reaction. It’s a little thing called Whack a Mole. It’s a lot of fun and anyone can play. Batter up! |
I might be high too. Not sure. I’m actually thinking about buying some of this stuff just for the hell of it. |
The interesting thing about those trashing TC is that they have not tried it for themselves so that they can prove that it is detrimental to the sound quality or physically causes harm to their systems. I was concerned about both of those items and stated early on that I would report that in this forum if that turns out to be the case.
I am very protective of my Hi-Fi and it’s sound quality so I started out using the TC only where it could be is cleaned off on my less costly office system and old CD player’s power chord and umbilical. To date the only negative thing I have heard was a slight brightness to the sound just prior to the eight week curing period. After that however, the sound did improve dramatically almost to the day as mentioned.
So far I have, no complaints and lot of happy listing. The only complaint I do have is that I am not getting enough sleep because it really hard to turn off the music.
Rc |