Responses from tubehead120
Recommendations for really well-recorded music for high-end audio system demo Cowboy Junkies - The Trinity Session | |
Question on Denon DL-103 retipping options and preferences Personally, my hobby is building and customizing Linn LP12s and tube amps, and ripping LPs to hirez with a PS Audio Phono Converter. I often run a Sunvalley SV-EQ1616D into it. I listen via a DAC3 and either Pass XA100.5s through MBL 126s or a G... | |
Question on Denon DL-103 retipping options and preferences I have had retipping (and more!) done by Soundsmith, VAS and Needle Clinic. All of the retipped carts sound great (all of them better than new), but... Soundsmith retipped my Grado Reference Platinum (saphire cantilever, line contact) in 2017. ... | |
Still the demons of GAS pursue me Still, a Schiit Loki or Lokius can really help with bad recordings - especially those harsh early CDs. And I really don't think they add much noise or distortion. | |
ABX testing with AQ Dragon power cords I run a DAC3 into Pass XA100.5s driving MBL 126s. I've swapped dozens of cables in and out. Except for low gauge power cords (thick conductors) helping the bass I've only heard very minor tone changes, the kind I get by swapping capacitors insid... | |
Seeking Bookshelf Recommendations I was thrilled for years with my KEF LS50s (bought when they first came out) driven by a Pass XA30.5. I never got the amp out of class A (Pass needle never moved), even when old pals came over and it got loud... I would recommend them to anyone.... | |
Can a tube amp be damaged by a speaker switch? I have had transformer damage from the flyback effect years ago when I first started building tube amps and used a switch to compare them. From an engineering standpoint, paralleling a load (the speaker) with a resistor 10x or greater will have n... | |
What record cleaner is the most bang for the buck?? Bought my VPI 16.5 over 20 years ago. Sure it's loud but it does a great job and makes a difference, especially if you bin-dive. For new albums I play them once first tyo help loosen debris left by the molding process. I also clean my stylus by... | |
Recommend an Entry Level Turntable (And maybe an integrated Amp) Rega and Project are great for set-and-forget types, but if you want to swap carts and play around in general you need a removable headshell and adjustable VTA. Look at It has those,... | |
Adding a SS amp as a 2nd amp for my tube rig has been a plus I run a Golden Tube SE-40 and a Pass Labs XA30.5... with Heresey IIIs on the first and LS50s for the second and dual REL 7Tis. | |
Integrated amp suggestions. Pass Labs, anyone? | |
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy? I've got a Pass XA30.5 and a Golden Tube SE40. I'm rigged to switch between them depending on what I'm listening to. Both so good, but different. | |
Best cheap integrated amp <$500 new NAD - even the 316 sounds great for the money. | |
Big source improvement using CD player - Anyone comparing mp3 to CD quality either isn't serious or has never done a straight-up comparison.- I've got an Oppo 105 that sounds great but why would I ever use it? My CDs are ripped to AIFF and my SACDs to DSD. My Brooklyn DAC sounds even... | |
Best DAC for around $2,500 or less I like my Brooklyn, especially for the money. |