New silversmith fidelium cable

You need to try the speaker cable. It is a complete game changer in the audio industry. Probably the biggest improvement ever in sound quality and realism. These will impress audiophiles all over the world. 
“On the what's best forum, glory said he did not try them and then he did try them? ”
Hey T1,

what’s the matter for you?

Don’t call members here liars. I’ve owned them, sold them, borrowed my friends for a 2nd hear and Mike at tweak geek sent me a 8’ pair to demo long term.
If you like them so be it but don’t call me a liar.

2:46pmFunny, I must be in the minority on this one. I tried the Fidelium’s speaker cables and was not impressed. It had compressed dynamics, limited frequency extremes and a overall dullness to the sound. In addition, I had to raise the volume level.
I am using tube mono blocks so that may have been the difference. I dunno know.


I installed my friends SS F with jumpers vs my Enklien David SC. It’s a $800.00 SC 🎪🤹🎶🎼🎵 and sounds like it. Couldn’t remove it fast enough. It’s a great starter Cable for the $$$.
@ozzy....I find myself  somewhat at a loss to understand the dramatic degradation in your system that you report when running these SC’s
For the order of magnitude you are stating the cables would have to exhibit extraordinary LCR measurement characteristics , particular Capacitance?!?!

Might you advise us of the details of your amplification , speakers and your previous incumbent SC’s which may give use something to work with.

Something particularly odd is afoot here.
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The silversmith fidelium cable is 33% more conductive than any copper or silver foil out there.
Are these two mono Amps you're talking about?
If so, I think there's plenty of room to hook up the Fidelium Cables.
They are bendable across their 2" dimension.
Scratch built amps, no websites.

Post to post the binding post are 7/8" apart. Then I have my RCA input about 1 1/8" to the left of the binding posts. On the other side I have a grounding post and the gap there is about 1 1/4". No obstruction above or below.


I think the majority of Amps can accommodate this cable with a little effort.
They do have adaptors for those hard to fit Amp outputs.
Why don't you post a picture of your Amp's outputs to get our suggestions.
Looking at the pictures on web page I would think these cables would be a complete pain-in-the-rear when trying to attach them to binding posts.

I doubt I’ll get them to fit the binding posts on my amps given how close the binding posts are to one another and how close they are to the input.

I can understand, ozzy. It's in how your Amp communicates with your Speakers.

I gutted my Adagio's x-over's 7 years ago and single capped/crossed at 4500. Absolutely devine and getting tuneful bass through the Transmission Lines. 

I'm very happy with the Fideliums. However, to say I won't have in Silversmiths new IC and next Speaker Cable creation would be a lie. Furthermore, I will revisit my loved KS6063 in time and have in for demo/Audience FrontRow Speaker Cables this Fall. 

Always a journey and enjoying my Music along the way.
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70 posts11-27-2020 8:01amI don't believe you auditioned this cable..... 

@Glory “I owned them not auditioned them.”

Liar... Liar....Pants on Fire !!!

On the what's best forum, glory said he did not try them and then he did try them? 

Anyway, they ain't beginner cables. Some don't have the system resolution, hearing or experience to get it... .

Hey eich, besides the Fidelium IC'S pending.....Mr. Smith is working on additional speaker cables. Curiosity, will have them in my Listening Room. Yes, at a price. Jeff's, past cable designs + metallurgy; ...him bringing these in at $1795 to $2295 for 6ft. would be cool. Obviously, bold speculation on price from me, humbly.
OK Glory1,
I'll correct myself.
I don't believe you auditioned OR owned the Fidelium cable....

They are great beginner SC’s. @ $800 is a steal.

The $4900 Hemingway Alpha will outrun many high $$$ SC’s.

Name calling is not a sign of maturity .

70 posts
11-27-2020 8:01amI don't believe you auditioned this cable..... 

I owned them not auditioned them.

Post removed 
doogiehowser          ""most audiophiles seem to believe almost anything and don’t possess the understanding to reject unsound ideas"
This is a claim that has no basis in fact, truth, or reality you probably do not know anything at all about "most audiophiles' and have certainly presented no evidence, documentation, or reference that would lend any credence, value, or legitimacy to you're claim which is an obvious insult but it probably helps you feel smarter, superior, and may be even better looking than the rest of us!

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Ketchup they're not the same thing, Gertz and nordost use silver copper, fidelium is an alloy that has 33 times less skin effect than either of those metals. And you're getting ripped off by both of those companies in the cost of their cables think about that for a second what can you do to a wire to make it worth $29,000 or 15,000 give your head a shake.
Glory you're an idiot these things went up against 29,000 speaker wire and they were better and think about that for a minute anybody that's stupid enough to pay $29,000 or $15,000 or $17,000 for a piece of wire is a sucker and like they say, there's a sucker born everyday lol
Yeah you're really going to get a good pair of speaker cables for 129 bucks LOL LOL must be for a pretty cheap stereo system
I am approaching month 3 of having a set of Fidelium cables.  I don't have any experience with high end cables though (previous speaker cables were Audioquest Rocket 44s), but the increase in detail and bass response over the Rocket 44s is quite significant.  I definitely feel that the Fideliums were a great purchase.
I am coming up on 7 months with the Silversmith Fidelium. Truly impressive/no hyperbole.  

Room Treats ~ Michael Green & mine
Sony Transport
Snake River Audio Boomslang
Shunyata Z-Alpha Digital Power Cord to DAC
Decware ZDSD DAC/Transformer output stage
Kimber Select KS1030
XLO Pro Power Cord to ZMA
Decware Zen Mystery Amplifier (ZMA)/25th Anniversary Mods
Current tube roll: NOS Upscale Audio Ediswan 6922/inputs-NOS Upscale Audio THE Telefunken's E88CC 6922/inverters-Tung-Sol
quad 7027A/power tubes -NOS 0A3's
Silversmith Audio Fidelium Speaker Cables/6ft
Acoustic Zen Adagio/Modified/Single Capped/ Mundorf MCap Supremes
Kimber PK-10 Palladian Power Cord from wall to PS Audio P3
DAC & ZMA run direct from High Current outlet/P3
Transport regenerated only

Other cables in my stable:
Snake River Audio Cottonmouth Gold RCA IC
Illuminati D-60
High Fidelity Cables Reveal/digital 
It was with my ears, my particular components, my records, my preferences and in my room that I recently compared the Fidelium speaker cables with the Cardas Clear - and chose the Fidelium. I had selected Cardas as the comparator because in my stream of things that company's Clear XLR interconnects are everywhere from my phono stage forward. Since "looms" are in vogue now I thought, what the hell? While I love the interconnects, my determination was that the Fidelis teased out a little more timbre from cellos, reproduced the piano scale with a bit more wood in place and at higher volumes held the soundstage together more completely than the Cardas.

Everyone has her or his "definitive" recordings with which to test cables, and mine were Coltrane's "Africa" (I could easily follow Tyner's piano into the maelstrom), Takas Quartet's performance of Bartok's string quartet cycle (high violin never smeared or fatigued, viola was distinct and timing was impeccable), and choral works aplenty (voice placement was wonderful and there was never a sonic halo).

I'm not going to tell anyone to choose as I have and I'm not going to diss anything. In my little opinion, however, I believe anyone with full-range hearing and a passion for that miracle we call music should at least plug a test pair of Fidelium speaker cables into her or his system. If you like them, you have a great and surprisingly affordable speaker cable; if not, then you have a great and surprisingly affordable reference point moving forward.
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This goes to show Cables makes a difference. I am going through a similar experience where my new cables have shown another dimension of my system. When everything snaps together as a ‘whole’ you can’t help feel ecstatic about the choices you’ve have made in your audio journey. It’s all very rewarding! 
We talked about this; here’s what we concluded:

While the music we were hearing was unquestionably beautiful, it wasn’t the beauty of the music that caused us to cry, it was the success of our system in convincing our brains that we were in the presence of the performers. It was the shock of being so thoroughly deceived by our system that caused us to cry! Pretty amazing!

Very likely, I think, that we will become accustomed to that magic trick level of suspension of disbelief and not be brought to tears so easily. But I kind of hope not! However, I didn’t turn on the system until late yesterday out of concern that I was not ready emotionally for the experience between my ears and my brain that doing so could cause! Pretty amazing!

Was a tear free night though...glad and sad at the same time :) :(

And yes, I am a lucky man!
I hear ya zenolith and agree, listening last night: Ron Carter, Karen Carpenter, Mark Knopfler, Diablo Swing Orchestra, Melody Gardot, Vivaldi, Celldweller... across the spectrum all sound ethereal..the Fideliums just work in my system. Course you are a lucky man as I had to cry alone since my wife is not quite as passionate about music as I am...haha. 
Was asked by a member to comment on these cables.  My reply:

I think a quote from my wife this morning says more than I ever could: "Your best audio purchase ever."

Our system brought both of us to tears multiple times last night. That's never happened to either of us before.

The accolades that you see on the web are legitimately earned in my opinion.

Zoiks, these are great cables!  Bi-wire adapters took a bit of attention to arrange, but otherwise easy installation.  

Wife from kitchen says "Wow, those really do sound good!"  Doesn't get better than that! :)

Warming up the table and pulling favorite vinyl off the shelf.  Will be breaking out the Lagavulin tonight!

Cheers all!
Breaking in the Cary 700 and the Silversmiths.  I have the same setup. Very nice match. 

I have used these with flat speaker cables in the past. If they interests you, keep an eye on them. They are currently sold out but he often re-stocks them.
Nope pretty straightforward. They require a bit of finesse as these are like paper thin and about 3 inches wide. You can overlap them easy enough though which is what I had to do at the speakers. I had to buy 10 footers so now trying to come up with some nice cable holders to keep the closer speaker line from being a jumbled mess. Listening late last night was fantastic. Vocals drums and piano in particular are crystal clear, fast and so realistic in my system. I haven’t tried them with much rock yet but the jazz, acoustic, vocals and orchestra all sound wonderful. 
I got a pair of 10 footers yesterday (my rack is outside my speakers) after ordering earlier in the week. Great turnaround and shipping despite a nasty snowstorm in Wyoming. Box for cables was barely larger than a box of stick matches and weighed ounces. Cables were easy enough to connect albeit a bit awkward given their width and thinness.  First hour was ok, most likely because I had just fired up all my equipment. I know but I was impatient. 
Once everything got cooking I heard excellent detail, instrument separation was fantastic, bass very solid and fast. Upper frequency clarity is more than the MIT’s that I have been using. This is great for cymbals but maybe a tad less sweet on some digital source vocals. I am running the Magnepan 3.7’s with cardas jumpers(no resistors) on tweeters so the Fidelium may just be accurately carrying what is fed. Interestingly to divertiti’s comment it does seem I have to increase preamp volume a bit more than with the MIT’s, could just be imagination since I am not measuring but not an issue as my system is gain heavy. Absolutely love the “live” sound with my reference recordings. Piano and drums are amazingly dynamic. Looking forward to more listening today. Jeff has delivered an amazingly good cable. I would highly recommend an audition on anyone’s system given the price/value/sound ratios.

Pass Labs X250.8
Cary SLP-05 pre
Cary DMS-700 Streamer
Rega P8/Alphetta 3
Magnipan 3.7’s
assorted other stuff 

Here's hoping Jeff has a successful production run starting tomorrow. Plus, ships by the 15th.
FIDELIUM - The Silversmith Audio Group

Then, possibly the release of his Interconnects. Timeline on the IC's? If he is pleased with them to release/sell them-soon.

I run my ZMA direct with its variable gain. Discerning Digital Cables, IC's and Speaker cables are notable for me. I'm enjoying the Snake River Audio Boomslang, Snake River Audio Cottonmouth Gold and Silversmith Audio Fidelium Speaker cable combination. 

Time to do some tube rolling too. 

Room Treats ~ Michael Green & mine
Sony Transport
Snake River Audio Boomslang
Illuminati D-60
High Fidelity Cables Reveal
Shunyata Z-Alpha Digital Power Cord to DAC
Decware ZDSD DAC/Transformer output stage
Kimber Select KS1030
Snake River Audio Cottonmouth Gold RCA IC
XLO Pro Power Cord to ZMA
Decware Zen Mystery Amplifier (ZMA)/25th Anniversary Mods
Current tube roll: NOS Upscale Audio Ediswan 6922/inputs-NOS Upscale Audio THE Telefunken's E88CC 6922/inverters-Tung-Sol
quad 7027A/power tubes -NOS 0A3's
Kimber Select KS6063 Speaker Cables/8ft
Silversmith Audio Fidelium Speaker Cables/6ft
Acoustic Zen Adagio/Modified/Single Capped/ Mundorf MCap Supremes
Kimber PK-10 Palladian Power Cord from wall to PS Audio P3
DAC & ZMA run direct from High Current outlet/P3
Transport regenerated only
In my system I feel the bass is their biggest plus. More defined than any other cable I have had. 
Ditto: The bass is excellent.

Room Treats - Michael Green & mine
Sony Transport
Snake River Audio Boomslang
Illuminati D-60
High Fidelity Cables Reveal
Shunyata Z-Alpha Digital Power Cord to DAC
Decware ZDSD DAC/Transformer output stage
Kimber Select KS1030
Snake River Audio Cottonmouth Gold RCA IC 
XLO Pro Power Cord to ZMA
Decware Zen Mystery Amplifier (ZMA)/25th Anniversary Mods
Current tube roll: NOS Upscale Audio Ediswan 6922/inputs-NOS Upscale Audio THE Telefunken's E88CC 6922/inverters-Tung-Sol
quad 7027A/power tubes -NOS 0A3's
Kimber Select KS6063 Speaker Cables/8ft
Silversmith Audio Fidelium Speaker Cables/6ft
Acoustic Zen Adagio/Modified/Single Capped/ Mundorf MCap Supremes
Kimber PK-10 Palladian Power Cord from wall to PS Audio P3
DAC & ZMA run direct from High Current outlet/P3
Transport regenerated only
That's not very thick, is that enough to carry the full power if the speaker is somewhat power hungry? Typically conventional speaker cable of 15awg or above sound thinner than their thicker counterparts