New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.

Listening as we speak to Steve Miller Band Live! on my Sony Walkman CD player. I have an eMat under the player, where it has been for about a week. This first listen. Holy Crap! Wide open, dynamic and highly entertaining! The Walkman is up on a 2Hz iso stand and has New Dark Matter on the tray and the Mystery Tweak on the CD.
At this point, I'm thinking that besides The Gate, the new mats are second best. I believe that they are way more powerful than just double the power of the original mats, as effective as they are in their own right. In addition, they do something really special with the overall presentation that the originals don't do. 

atdavid ...

You are so far off base on the construction of The Gate, it is not even funny. 

By the way, do you respond to private messages?

But, in my defense, I’m No. 1, Mr. Bluster. I’ve always been No. 1. I’m not sure I like the term colored pebbles. How about pebbles of color? Power to the pebble! ✊

Besides, I think you mean evidence, not proof. You always get that wrong. 

An ordinary man has no means of deliverance. - Audiophile axiom
David_ten it does make claims wrt power factor and yes that needs to be load specific but that has not stopped people from selling caps in a box with power factor correction claims.

GK,  you sell magic pebbles (literally colored pebbles). I think you are proof no magic is needed,  just the suggestion of it.
Not withstanding the jovial banter being enjoyed here, should we not be discussing the Omega Plus mats?
I don’t think it would make good business sense, you know, for the long haul, to price The Gate so high if it was a box full of capacitors. Since, you know, people would catch on to that pretty quick. No, it’s something more, shall we say, mysterious.

An advanced technology only has to be one or two steps ahead of the power curve to be indistinguishable from magic.
@atdavid Are you referring to power factor correction? If so, would it not make sense to do so for the specific component's draw / load? Thanks.
Geoff, if you care, the Gate is likely capacitors and maybe MOVs in a box based on claims and wiring installation but unfortunately hampered by the single phase connection, long wires, and price. Based on it being capacitors in a box, it likely will reduce AC line noise, though only effectively on one phase.

Will it do that better than those $199 - $399 capacitors in a box that also make unsubstantiated claims of power savings? Your mileage may vary.
Easy, big fella. He’s probably thinking about it. I suspect he’s thinking about pulling the trigger on The Gate. Which I always felt should have been named Heaven’s Gate. As for myself, I don’t want to worry about money, man. I mean, everybody’s telling me that my standup’s ready for the big clubs. But some people are telling me, what makes me think I could do that? They say, don’t you have to be funny to be a comedian?

glupson... With over 3000 forum responses and zero discussions really does speak volumes...Either buy something from ppt or move’s really kinda simple!
Post removed 
Bigger is not better. In fact, I am a prime example of the ultra low mass/low power approach. I took this approach actually prior to reading that tunemeister Michael Green espouses the low mass approach, too, though in all modesty my system goes even further. By eliminating excess junk you can greatly reduce noise and distortion. 
No power cords, no interconnects, no room treatments, no speaker cables, no crossovers, no AC noise, no AC ground issues, no big honking transformers or capacitors, no fuses. No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher’s dirty looks.🧐 Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to get rid of the problem. 🤗 It’s called a paradigm shift. But do not (rpt not) get the idea I do not employ tweaks. I do, and plenty of them. Blow your mind. 🤯

"So why do you continue to post?"

Long story, I tried explaining multiple times in this thread. I would not recommend you waste time and re-read the thread to figure it out. It is not worth it.

Enjoy the mats.
"I hadn't considered folks using Sony Walkmans and earbuds. "
Oooops, bad market research. geoffkait is not the only one. I am another.
Honestly I would place inside the door of the breaker box.
That's where I have one and many others here do as well.
"I really do not care how this mat works, and if it works at all."

So why do you continue to post?

I am glad I am not the only one....
I'm getting an Emat+ to try.

Already have:
3 x Bybee iQSE - one on power board, one in amp, one in Dac.
1 x High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5
Akiko Triple AC Power Enhancer, Tuning Caps on amp outputs, Fuse Box Tuning Chip, Universal Tuning Sticks on speaker cables.

Where do you suggest I put the EMat+?

Wolfie - I suspect you probably went to the book burning of Uncle Remus and Tom Sawyer. Besides you don’t strike me as the kind of guy who reads very much. No offense. You do strike me as the kind of guy who would find those books objectionable, however.
"I really do not care how this mat works, and if it works at all."

So why do you continue to post?

Zippity Doo Da, Zippity Yay. What a wonderful feeling, what a wonderful day.

I wish Uncle Remus was my grandpa.


Geoff ...

I hadn't considered folks using Sony Walkmans and earbuds. You might try taping a couple of PPT Alpha Cards to the backside of your Walkman. That might improve things a bit for you. 

Frank are seeming unaware that the Uncle Remus tales date from a time when racism was far more acceptable than now. They’re offensive to anyone but the seriously oblivious among us, and I suggest you stop using references them as it illustrates a clearly anachronistic and unenlightened point of view.
All of the PPT products reduce noise from the AC lines and consequently the power entering the system. So, yes ... it all has a very positive effect on the day/night phenomenon all audiophiles have to deal with. The Gate really gets you there the most though.

>>>>You say that with such bold confidence. You almost convinced me. By the way, you missed a really big opportunity to say the Gate is like night and day. Oh, well, no harm done. Feel free to use it next time. Remember I’m off the grid so I don’t have the same worries and expenses you do. 🤗


It was not about mats.

Please do not waste any more time with me. Adjust the thermostat instead.

Enjoy the weather.

Post removed 
So original and witty.
Does GK write your scripts for you now Glupson?

Hey it's all good, but I am done wasting my time with you.
You have said many times you have no interest in the mats and if they work so it really is pointless arguing with you.
Have a great day.....


If you need broken records, just copy your own posts. And drink more orange juice while it is still cold.


I would love for you to place a PPT Gate into your circuit breaker box, along with two Omega "Plus" E-mats, then liberally use Total Contact throughout your system, then place "Stop-Its" throughout your house in every unused socket, and finally place Omega E-Mats under your electronics, then see if you still think the results are "minuscule adjustments."

Well, it would ruin feng shui of the place. Not for me. I like it simple. I played with LEGOs when I was a kid, I am past that point now. Nothing wrong with playing at any age and I support anyone who likes to do what you have suggested.

For the last time, and for those few who ridicule me and pull the fact that I am not interested in trying PPT products. I have been focusing on the purpose of this thread, not on how true anyone’s statements are. You got too carried away trying to be fierce. Wrong target, sorry. I really do not care how this mat works, and if it works at all.

Welcome, Audiotigger--I don’t have a streamer and have not tried the Q Point, which looks like a nice product. In its instructions, the user is advised to place it on the thinner of two metal surfaces of a housing if there is a difference to choose from. It also needs to be plugged in. The Omegas are passive, are large, and, from users’ experiences, have great penetrating power and range. I have mats lying on the floor under my Maggies, and they affect the crossovers, which are around 4-6" above them. Users have mats over and under all components and electrical panels. If your streamer has a DAC/preamp, the mats will improve your sound.  The Nordost has some good reviews and has a lower entry price.  Whichever you choose, please post back on how things are working for you--thanks.  
Jeez Gluppy .
If I had any records that were as broken as you are even PPT could not fix them!

                                      {{{{  Ignore.  }}}}
"Not criticising that but not sure as that is of any concerns bar PPT themselves."

Well, someone was asked to promote the Omega E-Mat+ by PPT, according to the original post.

You guys may think you are helping the lady put the company back on its feet, or not fold, but you are just making a stand-up comedy conversation piece. It will be interesting to see how the sales go in five years if one of the marketing approaches is ten people blinded by emotions telling each other how great it is.

On top of that, regardless if it is true or not, when pushing this mat as an audio tweak skip the story about orange juice. It brings believability of everything related to the product to undetectable levels. Skip hyperbolae, they do the same. Initially, I really thought you were cracking jokes here. That is what anyone not already familiar with PPT products will think reading statements here. Tone it down, stay polite, exude professionalism. If you do not know the answer do not attack, find some polite way out of it. "Get your own mat and see" is not the answer. "Our sauce is secret but our flavor is legendary. It is best to try it within your own home and see if it would suit your taste. We offer no-question-asked money-back warranty." kind of thing.

I am sure PPT needs me as much as I need them. Well, in fact, not true.

When my friend and associate Dale Humphrey removed the Gate from inside his mechanically grounded
breaker box and then turned back to reinstall the Gate. He wrote me and stated the Gate was  " Indispensable" Tom
uber, way not answer the question and do a cheerleader’s sidestep. 💃 Smooth!
I'm intrigued by the PPT Omega+ Mats and am wondering what effect it can have on a transport/network streamer. I was set on the Nordost Qpoint but might consider the Omega+ Mats instead.

Thoughts and experiences appreciated!
All of the PPT products reduce noise from the AC lines and consequently the power entering the system. So, yes ... it all has a very positive effect on the day/night phenomenon all audiophiles have to deal with. The Gate really gets you there the most though.

There are times, however, when I think a soft blue light saturating the listening room, while sipping three fingers of a fine single malt Scotch may improve things a bit too.

Saying the Gate is a tweak is akin to saying a Porsche is just an overgrown VW Beetle.......

I will have to agree with Frank on the " better at night" being negated by "The Gate".

However must also conceed Geoff’s point that we are not truly discussing"The Gate" in this particular thread.

But would be interested in hearing from any PPT users who have everything else bar The Gate to see if night listening is still better or if the gap has been closed.
  • "Everything sounds better at night. Time of day is one of those external variables I was talking about. If you like I’ll list them."
Installing "The Gate" seems to have solved that problem. At least in my system.

Everything sounds better at night. Time of day is one of those external variables I was talking about. If you like I’ll list them.

Everything is relative. A. Einstein 😛
comparable skepticism on my EVS 1200 thread.

Ric offers a 30 day money back and yet people there continue to poke holes but never tried it.. I did and I kept it

Is a money back offered for these E Mat+s?
At some point, coming to the realization that one is dealing with someone possessing a mind slammed shut can be a relief.
Now you are getting there Frank.
Unfortunately I came to that conclusion long ago.

Great news and very good to hear indeed, enjoy immensely as the majority of the enlightened here are already doing.
Quick update after installing two EMat+ mats on my electrical panel last night:

My system has The Gate, Stop IT AC plugs, and Total Contact treatment. It already sounded phenomenal before I decided to try the new EMats and I almost couldn’t imagine how it could get any better.  I was mistaken, to say the least.

Three hours after installing the mats I wanted to give a listen to hear the “baseline sound” so I could judge the coming changes as the mats settle in over the coming 2 weeks, or so. I couldn’t believe the change that had already occurred in the short time since installing the mats.
Here’s what changed:
The holographic placement of the instruments seemed even more lifelike as the space between the instruments seemed more “black” or silent. Vocals and acoustic guitar had more vivid and real upper harmonics. Not louder, just more revealing of the information contained in the recording. It was literally jaw-dropping, especially since I was adding the mats to an already well-treated hifi system.

Also, and most importantly, I’ve finally emailed and had phone conversations with Chrissy.  Such a lovely person and a newfound friend! I hope to meet her in person some day when I return to my old stomping ground in New Hampshire!

I will post updates in the coming days. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Best Regards,
Those 2 negative "Elements" should come forth with a positive personal audio experience if they have ever had 1 of their own in their own audio room. Tom