New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.

Almost 100 hours of Omega Emat+ in circuit breaker.
Will sit down tomorrow night after 120+ hours for a listen.
I am leaning towards psychotropic drug delivered via contact, possibly through environmental release. Forget this whole EMI theory. atdavid

Stop beating yourself up, man, and try a mat 😊

"If you get confused listen to the music play" RH
aniwolfe ...

Sorry, I don’t know what to tell you about the mat placement on your speakers. However, with that said, I would paste the speaker baskets with Total Contact. Maybe others with speakers similar to yours can chime in here.

The Omega + Mats on the speaker cabinets is producing some truly glorious music.

I am leaning towards psychotropic drug delivered via contact, possibly through environmental release. Forget this whole EMI theory.
We’ve known for quite some time - more than 25 years - audiophiles sometimes don’t get the results they were expecting for a number of perfectly valid reasons, not all of them flattering to the end user.

In my experience any products or tweaks, is limited also by the audio system limitation and implementation and his embedding in the electrical grid and in the audio room...Perhaps it is the case with your lack of results? Because everybody else seems to be thinking the other way...

But I myself create my own homemade "golden" plates that works wonderfully in my audio embedding nest, the results I gain are not like the Omega path, nor probably in the same order but I dont know for sure lacking comparison and I dont know this technology, but the results I gained with these plates of mine is akin to the word description that many here makes (minus some hyperbole use of words which is natural for describing )... I think then that a passive blend of materials ( in my case shungite+ copper ) is able to transform imaging, clarity, timbre and soundstage if located in all the links of an audio installation...The proof is there for me... I must also say that my results in my audio system are very audible because my system is already heavily controlled and tweaked and my room also....Then I also think that you cannot makes of a bad environment a good one with only my plates and perhaps not also completely with the Omega plates... Then what is your audio system? How do you describe it? and what is your audio room amd electrical grid?

I thanks you in advance for your time … I am only curious but others will be also...My best to you...
i read a lot of the letters about the product.  i have
 5 cards 2  big matts  i don't see much of nothing
in %% of sound.    Ratios to money it's not worth it.  Lower price would be a good value    (only to me).  the product Is sure hyped up.  The man Tim seemed like a good guy on the phone  it's hard to believe one day you talk to someone the next day      RIP  Tim
Just as I suspected. You’re about two paradigm shifts behind the power curve. They’re real and they’re spectacular! 
Arguably in today's parlance, virtual photons. Time to update your QM knowledge. It's all theoretical at this point anyway.

geoffkait18,729 posts12-05-2019 4:33pm

>>>>They are real photons. You know, like X-rays and gamma rays and microwave RF.

A true outstanding genius who give an image of the universe translated into tetrahedron geometry...His magnum opus  makes 1thousand and  five hundred pages... One of the best books there is to dream about geometry, with Hilbert  projective geometry...

On a related topic, one wonders if fullerenes got its name from The Bobby Fuller Four, best known for the song, I Fought the Law (and the Law Won)

Geoff- I know you kid about bobby fuller and assume you knew  , but just in case ..

The discoverers of the allotrope named the newfound molecule after Buckminster Fuller, who designed many geodesic dome structures that look similar to C60.

Hello Oregonpapa,
Thank you for the additional information.

This should be interesting.

Like flescher mentions above, I too have a separate transport with SPDIF connection to my tube DAC.

This should be a fun experiment.

What about putting EMATs on Open Baffle speakers?

Here is a pic of the driver from my speakers. The top driver is dipole, so I can’t cover that dipole area...would putting the emat on the top of the magnet area work or cause problems?
labpro ...

Thanks for the questions. 

1.  I placed my power conditioner on top of two Omega + E-Mats. The mats are approximately in the middle of the conditioner. 

2.  The Omega + Mats are placed on the back-side of the speakers, right in line with the mid-range drivers. I'm not familiar with your speakers, so I cannot speak for them. 

3.  I also use after-market feet under my CD player. Just put the mat under the player sitting on the rack. The mats will penetrate the player, no problem.

4.  Like you, I also have an all-tube system. Mats go underneath the equipment with no problems. 

Hope this helps ...

Hi Frank, I know you tweaked your CD player but my new DAC with an untreated same player through the SPDIF out as a transport only (high end A/C cable but no PPT or internal fuse upgrade) reveals twice as much information. The height, width, depth, detail and even top to bottom frequency response is superior. My model COS Engineering D2 is noteworthy for its warmth as well. The H1 has superior openess but with a less dense tonality (great bass though). My combination has dynamics, resolution, etc. which can better my analog with a spitting similar tonal balance. Amazing.  The superiority extends to my EAR Acute as well-100% better (I would claim 200% but there is nothing more than 100%)..
After experiencing great results from the Total Contact product, I'm beginning my Omega E Mat, Alpha E Card and Duplex journey.

Since you are among the experts here, a couple questions (if you don't mind):
1. I'm placing 1 Omega E Mat on top of my power conditioner. Should I place it closer to the receptacle end (power cord connections) versus the front of the unit?

2. Can you provide more detail regarding "where" on your speakers you are placing the mats? I have Cessaro Horn Acoustics (back loaded horn driver) you see any placement issues I should avoid?
3. I use Shun Mook Diamond Resonator feet on all components, so all components are elevated about 4" above an all wood Box Furniture rack. Any issue to consider.

4. I have an all tube system (mono 300B amps, tube preamp, tube DAC etc etc). Anything to consider versus solid state systems?

Thank you for the advice and council.
By the way for the anecdote and about something that was arising my curiosity when I read it here somewhere, I think from Oregonpapa, I will say this:

Some shungite pyramids (4) were in my refrigerator for more than one year now, and the fruits and vegetables are on a longer duration and keep fresh longer, and the refrigerator works better....One day the mother of my wife bought the same brussell sprouts than my wife attached to their natural stalk, 2 stalks, same day together and same place.... His stalk ( wife’s mother) were wasted and yellow after few days, my wife stalk of brussels sprouts were edible for a month( I know that because I eat the few last after a month and they were delicious)... After that I offer her some shungite pyramids and she observe a great improvement in his own refrigerator on all counts even the functioning of the machine itself... Shungite is not only good if use correctly in audio it seems … :)

A last word: I am in no way linked to the Omega path technology products or customers...I speak only from my own experience and results ...

Another last word: 
My recipe is more primitive technology than the Omega for sure, for example, there is no break-in of the product in weeks duration, neither change in the improvement or temporary worsening of the sound( I dont think so for mine but I must wait) which has been observed by customers...Then it seems that my somewhat successful recipe lack something important to play at the level of the Omega products....But my homemade recipe is nevermind at the end successful, not costlier, and prove to me that a more refine technology can indeed act marvellously...If I gain more money someday, no doubt I will try the Omega products out of my curiosity....

Would that be real photons or virtual photons?

>>>>They are real photons. You know, like X-rays and gamma rays and microwave RF.
My salutations Glupson….

I dont know for the recipe of the thread product, the Omega, but my recipe for my own sauce, is simple, and works for my ears...You can try it for low costs.... Buy some plates of shungite, wrap them with thin copper adhesive tape, and put it on the central electrical panel or the router-modem of your audio system or on the power chord etc ( with the copper facing the external side of the application) ...

My deduction, after my own experimental results is that perhaps, like many said here, there is something behind the Omega technology...I am sure if I was able to afford them I would try them, but for now my own homemade plate works in the same direction, not refine product, neither on the same level probably, but imaging, and more natural timbre for low costs... 

My guest is this Omega product work with a sandwich of materials that act similarly to my carbon based shungite+copper tape.... One thing is for sure, it is possible to improve in a spectacular manner the sound quality of any piece of gear and from the central electrical panel to the speakers, and the Omega products it seems works that way, and after my own experience I am of the opinion that it is possible, and this product which is way more cleverly researched than mine must work marvellously ….The "sauce" is some mix and sandwich of materials, akin to my carbon+copper, or similar products that acted in the same direction... 

My best to you and to all...
What if the sauce is so secret that we have a reason to suspect it does not even exist?
Interesting fact indeed.... Thanks Geoffkait... I was not conscious that shungite contains only trace of fullerene...There is then probably no relation between my "golden" plates tweak and the product of this thread... But how to explain my audible improvement in the same direction, clarity, imaging etc with the plates put on the central electrical panel? I dont know...Perhaps traces are sufficient to gain an effect... Or perhaps the high carbon content of shungite is the reason...The sandwiche of carbon based products and copper in my case works marvel...

Graphene and Shungite, are high carbon product, despite the fullerene content disparities between the 2...Then perhaps that explain the effect I gain with my homemade plates put on the central electrical panel....
Before we get too carried away with fullerenes and Shungite please read the following,

Shungite is a black, lustrous, non-crystalline mineraloid consisting of more than 98 weight percent of carbon. It was first described from a deposit near Shunga village, in Karelia, Russia, from where it gets its name. Shungite has been reported to contain trace amounts of fullerenes (0.0001 < 0.001%).[1][2]

On a related topic, one wonders if fullerenes got its name from The Bobby Fuller Four, best known for the song, I Fought the Law (and the Law Won)
Geoffkait - "Why did they two physicists work in a tiny little garage? Because they were quantum mechanics."  Ha,ha :-)
We know Tim uses graphene in his products and was using it with many different materials when he invented, or perhaps stumbled upon, his "secret sauce"
That explain a little bit better to myself why my "golden" shungite plates tweaks works so well.... Shungite is made of fullerene at high percentage the only natural source of fullerene I think or one of the only one … My "golden" shungite plate had one side with a thin copper tape that makes the plate more able to this "spintronics" ….I am no scientist but my tweaks make a so great audible difference for me that I want to understand... The cost of my "golden" plates are around 20 dollars each homemade... They are mainly put on the central electronical panel of my house, on the modem-router, and on the wall plugs etc My best...

Important note:
I dont suggest that my homemade tweaks are akin to the more refine product offered here at all...But the improvement is so much for me with my "golden" plates that a common denominator between products is a possibility...Graphene seems to be the link, or better said fullerene which is precisely the common denominator between Graphene and Shungite....

For entertainment here is an old article, one of the first, about that :
Huh? I never implied directly that the eMats worked by quantum mechanics. I was only asking questions. WA Quantum Chips I assume contain quantum dots but am not 100%. The Intelligent Chip I’m 99.99% sure contains quantum dots. I was merely speculating.

Graphene has many applications. It’s used in my tennis racquet for example. But that doesn’t mean eMats work by Spintronics which, if I understand correctly in quick search, is used in magnetic tape heads and quantum computing. It doesn’t make sense that current in audio systems “carries information” - it’s just current. The article is frankly suspicious, if you ask me. Lots of folks think electrons are the thing traveling rapidly in audio cables or that they are the signal but they’re not.

Joke. Why did they two physicists work in a tiny little garage? Because they were quantum mechanics. Get it?

Geoffkait - you have implied throughout this thread that quantum physics explains what is going on with the E-Mats. You've alluded to the WA Quantum Chips, for example, but you don't clearly state anything. You make jokes and act like everything is self-evident. If you think there is confusion regarding spintronics in audio electronics then please explain why. You seem to say the signal is a photon so case closed. But, as you know, electrons and photons interact. As the articles above point out:

"Electronics is based on the manipulation of electrons and other charge carriers, but in addition to charge, electrons possess a property known as spin. When spin is manipulated with magnetic and electric fields, the result is a spin-polarized current that carries more information than is possible with charge alone."

We know Tim uses graphene in his products and was using it with many different materials when he invented, or perhaps stumbled upon, his "secret sauce". The articles above, and many more, show graphene is at the center of spintronic research.

The mat was described by the inventor as “solid state.” Is that where all the confusion with Spintronics started?

A photon checks into a hotel. The bellhop asks, “Can I help you with your luggage?” The photon replies, “I don’t have any. I’m traveling light!”
At some point, geoffkait claimed expertise in artificial atoms. He could elaborate if electrons are organic and atoms artificial, or everything is artificial.

I still think the answer may be in undecided ions. For all I know, my answer is as correct as any.
Ethan - I truly would like you to read the links I provided and explain why or why not Spintronics would or would not apply to audio electronics. I think you and Geoffkait are the actual scientists on this thread.  
Would that be real photons or virtual photons?

Every time a post is made in this thread, a tiny little physicist, somewhere in the world, dies.
Geoffkait this is what I was referring to as shown above:

”A conventional digital electronic system conveys a binary signal (think 1s and 0s) through pulses of electrons carried through a conductive wire. Spintronics can convey additional information via another characteristic of electrons, their spin direction (think up or down). Spin is related to magnetism. So spintronics uses magnetism to align electrons of a certain spin, or "inject" spin into a system.”

Also if Tim worked out a semi-conductor like material that can control the spin of the electron ie “spin-coupling” as discussed above and put that device in The Gate I can see why he would charge $5,000 for it and be discussing its use for industry and municipalities.  

Spintronics (the direction electrons spin around the atom i.e. quantum physics), you want to get the electrons spinning as uniformly as possible in the signal passing through your components, cables and speakers....At some point, I’ll probably get more E-Cards and put them along my speaker cables and crossovers just to keep that spintronic effect uniform all the way to the drivers.

>>>>The electrons spinning around the atoms are not the (free) electrons in the conductor, you know, the ones that hardly move. Also, the signal is not electrons, it’s photons.
I posted this about a year ago trying to explain how I think the PPT products work. Ethan don’t go nuts on me, I don’t claim to be a scientist or have objective measurements of the PPT products.  I’m just trying to add (hopefully productively) to the discussion.  

Spintronics (the direction electrons spin around the atom i.e. quantum physics), you want to get the electrons spinning as uniformly as possible in the signal passing through your components, cables and speakers....At some point, I’ll probably get more E-Cards and put them along my speaker cables and crossovers just to keep that spintronic effect uniform all the way to the drivers.

Just thought I'd share some interesting reading:


A conventional digital electronic system conveys a binary signal (think 1s and 0s) through pulses of electrons carried through a conductive wire. Spintronics can convey additional information via another characteristic of electrons, their spin direction (think up or down). Spin is related to magnetism. So spintronics uses magnetism to align electrons of a certain spin, or "inject" spin into a system.

If you've ever done the old science experiment of turning a nail into a magnet by repeatedly dragging a magnet along its length, then you've already dabbled in spintronics. The magnet transfers information to the nail. The trick is then transporting and manipulating that information, which requires devices and materials with finely tuned properties. Researchers are working toward the milestone of a spin transistor, a spintronics version of the electronic components found in practically all modern electronics. Such a device requires a semiconductor material in which a magnetic field can easily manipulate the direction of electrons' spin -- a property called spin-orbit coupling.


I just gave you (plural) praise like never before, This thread is making sense now.

"I am pretty sure that we are Gluppy but the more important question to my mind is...... Why are you?"
It is beyond entertaining. It is now turning into science.

Reading about all the positive properties of these mats, which is all of them as negative do not exist, I cannot but wonder why they are not called Batmats.
That’s so cute! One skeptic trying to convert another skeptic. What in the wide world of sports is a-goin on here?
glupson,,, as a long term skeptic, I am suggesting to you, these mats are all they are advertised to be. No joke.
Beware of mat infestation. They seem to multiply by budding.

Thankfully, they can do no wrong.

Are you guys reading your own posts or am I the only one?
I am pretty sure that we are Gluppy but the more important question to my mind is...... Why are you?
I'm just a little over two days into placing the Omega + E-Mats on the speakers in line with the mid-range drivers. I didn't think it possible, but the clarity was even better this morning. These mats are staying in place. They will not be removed. I don't understand how these mats work, but truly, I've never heard clarity like this before. 

At this point, it seems to me that attaching the mats to the speakers are at least as important as placing them into the circuit breaker box. 

This guy was in the listening room this morning ...

Stay tuned.  Next up ... two more Omega + E-mats attached to the rear of the speakers right in line with the bass drivers.

"It takes time for these mats to penetrate into our electronics, and it is the same for the speakers."
Beware of mat infestation. They seem to multiply by budding.

Thankfully, they can do no wrong.

Are you guys reading your own posts or am I the only one?
In my experience placing mats under components, on top of components, over the circuit box---even on the floor under my Maggies---the mats' effects are omni directional.
 Why do the mats improve over time--why is their effect lost if removed for more than an hour--while these questions may be good or interesting, the most practical and interesting real-world question is:  How would you describe the mat's effect on your music listening experience, GK?