Need tube preamp recommendations please

Hi all

Looking for tube preamp under 2K, no phono but MUST have a remote.

Current system:
PS Audio Perfectwave Transport
Schitt Yaggdrasil DAC
Quicksilver 300B amp
Frankenhorns ( picture top half a Khorn sitting on a bass cabinet)
Full loom of Triode Wire Labs
Bluesound Node 2 streaming Tidal
Placette Passive Preamp. I wanted the truth!? Well, maybe I cant handle the truth.

I'm listening to alot more Tidal these days. Although the sound is quite good, I feel its a bit "raw" hence the need to add a tube preamp to the chain.

I looked into both the Schitt Saga and Freya and owners found no difference in sound when activating the tube stage. Anyone here disagree?

Checking the used audio sites I came across a few of interesting prospects. One was the Rogue 99 Super Magnum and the other was Red Wine Audio Isabella Renaissance. Add to the list several VTL models.

Open to any and all suggestions and recommendations

sounds, wig, wynn,

I agree with you on all accounts. I’m probably only keeping the Pass and selling the other two, here’s why: first, I need a pre that can remain powered on 24/7 -- my system is configured in a way that I can play music at a moments notice using my iPad as a remote. Sometimes I’m just too lazy to get up and turn on a tube pre.

Second, I’m a HUGE fan of Pass, I live not far from him. Pride of ownership is sky-high with me, I’ve dreamt of owning Pass for a long time. The look and feel of the XP-10 is suited to my high-tech taste.

Nevertheless, I’m taking time this weekend to evaluate (again) all three. I may end up changing my mind, this is a difficult decision and it may take longer than one weekend. I do not look forward to parting ways with any of them.


Any update?

+1 for the DeHavilland.  I got to hear it's incredible dynamics and tone on my modified corner horns and I'll be patiently waiting for one to come to market.
Don Sach's DS2 is unbelievable and love mine; hard to believe you can get reference level SQ in this price range...


What I like about the deHavilland is the very large sound stage. My thoughts are that this pre can be used in very expensive systems so that if upgrades are made to the system the UltraVerve will still be around. 

  @emil   I'm in a similar situation looking for a tube pre in the $2k price range.

    What I did was I acquired a couple tube pre's that had good reviews: deHavilland Ultraverve III and Don Sachs DS 2, but then last week also acquired a Pass XP-10 to make things even more interesting. I’ll get right down to the nitty-gritty if you don’t feel like reading my entire post: Don Sachs has fantastic detail, deHavilland UV is simply addicting, XP-10 absolutely disappears. All of them come with remote. They all sound good and have zero noise, great dynamics and a nice, even presentation.

    I got the Don Sachs in January this year with stock tubes. Set-up was easy and took only about 20 minutes to warm up. The music just flows out of this one with a clean image and fantastic presence. I found myself listening far into the music wanting to hear every little detail. The clarity! Also has a nice, wide presentation that I liked very much. For build quality I give it a super high mark, and I LOVE the inclusion of a digital volume readout. I feel very retro-cool and hip owning this pre, it’s very good looking.

    Without changing any variables, I inserted into my system a deHavilland Ultraverve III Remote with a NOS 1944 Sylvania 6SN7 tube.  After 20-30 minute warm up I noticed a very relaxed presentation, sweet and delicate, but it could also rock out with the proper music. A jack of all trades? Yes.  I listened to it daily and found myself after work rushing home so I could listen loud before my wife arrived. I also realized I was saying no to social invites so I could spend more time with this pre. Amazing detail, very clean, and soooo relaxed. Very addicting.

    For the next couple months, I switched back and forth between DS and deHavilland. Both are easy on tubes won't need replacement for many hundreds if not thousands of hours.

     And then came the Pass XP-10 last week. What can I say? This has all good qualities of the other two, and none of the good qualities of the other two --- I just can’t hear it the darn thing… and that’s good. It disappears when you play music. I can’t really tell you how it sounds, I’ve tried to make note, but can’t.  I’m not sure my audiophile-self can put up this! But I love it. Build quality is fantastic, and the volume knob is addicting. This thing is a chunk of quality material.

    I can’t keep on owning three pre-amps (four if you count my LSA passive). I thought this experiment would result in a clear winner – it has not, I like all three. Which might be a good thing and good news for you. Three amazing presentations at reasonable prices that I think most would find different but enjoyable regardless of choice.

Let us know what you end up doing. If you ever near Sacramento, I'd invite you for a listen. You'll just have to leave before the wife arrives from work (JK).


The Don Sachs Linestage looks to be the finest preamp as far as cost/performance. $1999 for a 6SN7 custom-built remote unit, $1395 for a Linestage with the tubes enclosed.
  I was in touch with Don and we discussed a unit to meet my needs and the price, but I eventually backed out due to the 3 month wait.
With the amazingly good sounding Schiit Freya (had mine in the rig about 4 months) there is a gigantic difference between the very similar sounding passive and FET settings and the tube stage. Not only a huge gain difference with the tube stage, but a sensitivity to tube rolling that I find to be telling and a revealing tube rollers playground. I’ve settled on new issue Tung Sol 6SN7GTBs in the output stage, and NOS Sylvania "chrome domes" in the allegedly more important input stage. More tube options to come (’s fun) as 6SN7s can be found relatively cheaply, including "Bad Boys," NOS RCAs, and a perhaps a Northern Electric or two (large and sort of pricey). It’s interesting that anyone would find that Freya and Saga owners would find "no difference" between stages, as there is a mountain of banter online about these preamps that can keep you scratching yer head for hours.
For about $2k I'd call Don Sachs, tell him what you're looking for, and have him build you one of his SP14s.  There's an Audio Research LS17 available here now that you could upgrade later to an SE that would probably be great too, but personally I'd go with Sachs for something different and really special.  He offers a brief trial period, which is a super nice option to have.  Best of luck. 
There’s a VAC Standard preamp currently listed by a dealer for $2k.  It has a remote.  You’re unlikely to find anything else at that level of quality at that price.

If you want to try something that is not “name brand” but more of an artisan product, Aric Audio has some interesting products which I have not heard.  Others on this site have commented favorably.
I listen to Deezer @16/44 (FLAC) with a Wadia 321 DAC and class D amp.  I added a Rogue audio RP-1 to try and shave off the sharp edge.  Running this for ~2 years and Just switched over to Mullard tubes.  Been pretty happy with it.  Wish it had Balanced out though :(.  Old cheap ass sony CDP sounds pretty good through it all as well.  
Yep, From what I understand, he made some 20 of them by request only.
At least that's what I read on the internet and the internet don't lie. :^)
I've owned one years ago. If you need features like mono and balance control you best off with something else. If you want a basic all tube linestage with remote I don't think you would go wrong with it!
This looks like a good unit in your range from the listings.

No affiliation with the seller Art audio makes good gear and this looks well made. Nice reviews as well. Good luck!
The internet. Where else?
And the internet doesnt lie.

Seriously, you have one?

  Well that would make sense wouldn't it.
Never heard one myself but from what I've read, Quciksiler line stages  come off as being competent. Nothing special.