Need recommendation for a CD player

Please recommend a CD player for me. Audio only, 2.1 system. I have a Parasound P5 pre with a Parasound 21 amp, Snell A2 speakers, a Snell 550 sub with its own amp, a Snell SPA 200 and good cables. Thanks for your thoughts
I would of the two choose the modwright .I've only heard the oppo105 modded ,its was quite nice.
No contest if the sound quality is your primary criteria, ericruff. Since MW uses the same base power supply type, similar tube circuitry, and vibration-reduction modifications an all of their players, any properly-functioning MW player will soundly trounce any under $5k OEM stock digital player out there musically, and hold its own with most any of them regardless of price.

The Marantz has more flexibility (important if you need a good DAC for playing Hi-Rez or other downloaded media) and is new, thus should be less prone to need repair (Sony’s have occasional issues with the optical drive which can be bought new for $50). If those criteria are your priority, then go with the Marantz for now and have it ModWrighted when funds are available.

If you are all about musical reproduction quality, have a large SACD or CD collection, are not completely risk-adverse, and plan to use your player solely for playing discs, the MW 999ES is clearly the better choice IMO.

Best to you ericruff,
Which would you give the nod to between (a) Modwright Sony DVP-NS999ES and (b) a new (but not modded) Marantz SA8500, each at the same price of $1,000?

you have some very good options here. There has never been a better time to get into CD or SACD, IMO.

Happy Listening!
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I agree with Nonoise, twoleftears, ericsh and the Absolute Sound Magazine in recommending the Marantz SA 8005.

Dan Wright of Modwrigth instruments is also a huge fan. He now offers mods for the SA 8005. One of the reasons he likes the SA 8005 is that it uses discrete component parts ( not op-amps ) for better sound.
Absolutely right dorkwad. I just got a full-blown MW 5400ES on Friday and the sound is ridiculous. Was using a stock 5400ES for about a month prior and was very impressed with it, but this MW player, well, now I finally know what real "palpability" is.

Two for sale on Agon right now.

Best to you dw,
No one's mentioned it yet, but if you've ever heard any of the models Modwright has modded, they will basically sound at whole different level to anything remotely close to its price.  You can get a used one for under $1000 sometimes although a freshly modded one lists at over $4000.  Dan stands behind his products just as if you bought new too.  Not many companies will do that.  His CD/SACD (most do both) players rival players in the $7000+ category.  The player just floored me after owning a good rated lower cost player, and then a Marantz 8005.  The MW Sony 5400 and MW Oppo 105 are the latest and greatest current mods, but all the others are special sounding also--Sony 999, Sony 9000, Sony 9100 Oppo 83, and Oppo 95.  I've owned both the 9000 and 9100 MW's and currently own the MW 5400 and will own it 'til one of us keels over.
I've had some high end players & now use a Cambridge CXC transport with a Wyred 4 Sound DAC 1 w/FemtoClock linked with Lifatec cable & it's a giant killer combo.
You could get both used for less than $1k.
"the Oppo has so many features I wouldn't be using in an audio only system that I ought to get a CD player more focused on just playing CDs. "

this makes sense, except that Oppo is known for having better sound than much more expensive players

new ESS chips are about to be released, and Oppo will have new players out, as will many others; even if you don't buy a new player the release will push prices down on existing payers, so I'd hold off for a few months and use the time to develop a short list to about $2k retail, then see if any used ones will fit your budget
I tried a Parasound Halo D3 SACD/CD player. Nice piece but I was not impressed with the sound. Returned it.

A good used Sony SCD-XA5400ES is hard to beat and right at your price target. Honest, fast, clean, and dynamic sound, especially outstanding at the frequency extremes. Replacement optical drives are $50 just in case. Improves significantly with $20 worth of Dynamat under the lid and adhesive weights on the transport a la ModWright.

105 used has a better dac 2 channel imo  .. i am a vinyl guy but i have a 105 in my ht room . I have a cambridge audio i use as a trans and a bel canto dac and good cables all used ( closer to 1500 ) . I’ve seen a cple modwright oppos here used in that range once  im awhile ..there are alot of choices used in that range  . Most people will say dont but used cd players . I've had good luck ,all were bought here from solid members 
good luck

Sorry for incomplete info. Any brand is OK, not just Parasound. SACD not necessary, (I only have one The Wall by Pink Floyd, just to experience it). I have an Oppo 103 (not Darbee) in my home theater room. I guess I could get an Oppo 103D and put that with the home theater and put the old Oppo 103 with my audio only system. It just seems like the Oppo has so
many features I wouldn't be using in an audio only system that I ought to get a CD player more focused on just playing CDs. I was thinking of a price range about a $1000 or less.
Bryston is about to release the BCD-3, which I expect to be excellent.  Or find a used Ayre.  Or go Marantz SA8005.
I purchased my last cd/sacd player and it is an Esoteric.  I did it mainly for the very robust build quality and that they will be able to service the player if need be for years and perhaps decades to come.
The new Parasound CD player looks impressive.   Or you could save a ton and buy a good universal player like the OPPO 105.   I use an OPPO 103d with my DAC in a 2.1 system and it's great to be able to listen to any format including Blu-ray audio and I have a 2TB hard drive with all my music that I can access through the player....I wouldn't have it any other way now.   
Outside of price - do you want to play SACDs?  That's an important consideration.