Music Lovers! Unite in helping Ukraine!

We are fortunate to live in countries that allow us to pursue financial success. I believe most of us on here has attained that to a degree that we are living relatively comfortably.

The Russian military is beginning to utilize all the massive firepower at its disposal. Since their offensive has bogged down, they are changing tactics. Their new tactic is to surround a city and shell it indiscriminately, inflicting as much human misery as possible. A rocket, missile and artillery shell doesn’t care if you are a soldier, old woman, or an infant. Neither does Putin.

When they unleash it like they did in Syria, it will be a humanitarian catastrophe not seen since the Second World War. Death and destruction on a massive scale.

Please, consider giving to a charitable organization to help.

We have so much. Give some of it to whom it will literally make a difference between living and dying. You will be saving a life. A life of someone loved. Just as you love.

This is the charity I used, but there are several more of your choice. International Red Cross, Save the Children, CARE, to name a few.

Please, let’s all do what we can to help.


Okay Monkey Boy.

You are not an expert not even sure why you are here as you admit to not even listening to your ancient stereo.

At least Millercarbon contributed. You are just the Ant-Millercarbon meaning just a an opinionated liberal schill.

Now back to real audiophiles at Whats Best where there is no noise.

All the best NNMCJR'



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Wow you all are ignorant 250 million were they dying 2 years ago? 4? 8?


@nonise the new Millercarbon or the old one.

Saying someone is going to buy it. Try that as a defence in court, well someone was going steal that car.... Typical NNMCJR.

The data is from YOUR GOVERNMENT

Pelosi favors banning all Russian oil imports into the United States

Pelosi says price of oil and skyrocketing gas prices ’is directly related’ to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war

Asked about U.S. sanctions on Russian oil, and the possible financial support importing resources from the nation could give Russian President Vladimir Putin, Psaki stressed the administration is looking to divest. However, the process could take some time, Psaki said.

"There’s a policy process that is undergone for any decision that is made," the press secretary told reporters. "Sometimes those move rapidly and often there are a range of factors that are discussed as those decisions are made."


Off to Whats Best Forum where there is no noise!

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I can't help it. I have to say something. Too many uniformed tools posting nonsense. So easy to be an armchair warrior. 

If we don't buy Russia's oil, someone else will. It's fungible. Not buying it will drive up the price. What's needed is for everyone to not buy their oil and be prepared to open more reserves, produce more, and be prepared to still pay more. The price will not come down anytime in the near future. Get a life and stop practicing folk economics. Let the experts sort it out.

For those interested in the nuts and bolts, here's some good reading on the logistics of the situation as it's playing out. A proper understanding can help one see the bigger picture. Russia can only go so far, logistically. To make up for it, they're going to get really ugly.

All the best,



Start here. This number should be ZERO and it was just 18 months ago.

Cut off Putins ATM we are financing this mess.

Wife is in Poland now helping with refugees, she is of Ukrainian heritage and is an RN. Here sisters and their children are in Germany now next stop USA. 

Please make a contribution to one of the Charities listed in this thread.


The most recent data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration show that in December, the U.S. imported 405,000 barrels per day of crude oil and petroleum products from Russia or almost 5% of all U.S. imports for the month. That's down from about 800,000 barrels in August. 

Put pressure on our government to do the right thing. We didnt do jack in 2014, a total cluster pulling out of Afghanistan and now this in the Ukraine. Not just the U.S. but Europe as well. It seems business as usual rather than pay more at the pump. 


Once again I made sure:

there is no democracy here
hypocrite - a person with double standards
the truth is no one cares

Thank you to all who have made a positive contribution to this thread!

And made a contribution!

@nonoise ,

Man, that's great. Thanks for the info.

Yes, helping need not be exclusively through monetary donations.

Words are some of the most powerful of tools at anyone's disposal.

Let our voices also be heard.



My daily search for intelligent life on this planet often begins with this forum

@ carpathian didn't disappoint.

Not surprisingly , the conversation soon spltintered into various factions and points of view.

I guess you can't blame a compass for pointing north?

Thanks for the post.  

Thought I’d check back in after doing my level best not to post anymore after @thecarpathian kindly asked not to post political opinions. Emotions are running high and it’s understandable to knock down all the BS (my favorite pastime nowadays) but this thread is to inform others of what charities to donate to to help out the victims, so I refrained from posting anymore. Amazing...huh?

If donating is not an option, another way is to contact your city councilman or representative to make sure your cities investors are not buying Russian debt. It’s what the city of Los Angeles just did. The mayor wrote to the state to have them disinvest their retirement funds from Russian accounts and it just so happens that we here have two of the largest pension funds in the country and they’re doing that right now.

There are many ways to help out.

All the best,

I started praying for the protections of Ukrainians, And I ask God to open the eyes Of Puttin crony’s to remain restless until they will topple Him.🙏God is watching and he hears our prayers. So let’s support Ukraine through our powerful prayers.🙏

It's heart warming to see the majority of the free world backing up the Ukrainian people in their fight against a dictator trying to destroy democracy in their country ! 

The invasion really started 8 years ago when putin took a big piece of land and not many cared alot about it.  The latest attack, one week ago was just a matter of time .

It's a 12 hour drive from my home to Ukraine and we are alot of people in my country preparing to help refugees with accommodation, food and clothes . We are prepared to help every Ukrainian that cross our border!  I am afraid though that this does not end with only Ukraine, if this continues the Russian economy gonna crash and then alot of people from Russia is coming to Europe trying to make a living.. but that's me speculating...

In the meantime I support UNHCR and NRC with monthly transfer. If everyone gives a little, it helps alot  !

@serjio ,

Enough of your nonsense. Your last statement is beyond ridiculous.

If you don't care to donate to the legitimate charity of your choice so that we can alleviate some of the misery this unjust invasion is causing, that is your right.

But, do not pollute this thread with what you perceive as your worldly, enlightened views. Start your own thread and see how far that gets you. Your bile is not welcome here. This thread is an exception. It is by special permission that it is allowed. It is not an outlet for your asinine accusations:

"I think you (several people) have teamed up and are trying to seduce gullible people to transfer money to you (supposedly for humanitarian aid) - and then buy something for YOURSELF ..."

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I heard some amazing (and frightening) analysis by ret. General Barry McCaffrey. He claimed to state weeks ago that The Russian army would encounter the issues and problems they did. Whenever I hear him speak it renews my faith in our US intelligence and military leadership. He paints a very grim picture of a proxy war with the west via an unhinged leader with nothing left to do than commit atrocities. I can only hope for the Ukrainian people, and will donate.

I have had a thesis for years that humans are not an intelligent species, and the fact that in the year 2022, with all we should have learned as a species from our past mistakes, we have a innocent people being killed and terrorized just because someone can.

In my highly uneducated armchair position, perhaps it wasn’t unreasonable for Russia to not want NATO forces next door.

We should all remember who wanted to weaken NATO as much as possible. 


In 2001 A'Gon ran charity auctions for 9/11 victims support (no fees/$'s going to them as far as I recall).

21+ years later it's good to see that they are allowing this potentially "politically" active thread (politically active by just 10 monikers as far as I've counted so far - though I have not seen the deleted posts) to remain.



And yet again;

This thread, in which Tammy was gracious enough to allow happen, is 100% about helping our fellow human beings and nothing else. It is not a political debate. There  are plenty of other forums for that. If you do not care enough to stay on topic and make a donation to help those in dire need, refrain from posting.




How do say “OK Karen” in Russian?


Its apparent that one of us has been drinking the wrong coolaid. Thats unfortunate that we cant agree on facts vs propaganda. The entire free world just watched a little dude with a big complex start an ill conceived and illegal invasion of a neighboring country. You and I wont agree…in fact, few will agree with your view. 


Thank you for your OP.

Will check out the fund you mention.

I have been donating to "Hero Rats" for many years (my wife’s find), and though it’s a day late and a dollar short in regard to this current situation it is a good cause.

I’m also making a hand written list of all the miscreant’s posting to your thread for future use in the event that this thread is deleted (not familiar with a some of them).


Russians are already using cluster munitions and thermobaric missiles. Use of both are war crimes. They are vaporizing people. Putin cares not about accountability, and you're worried about some untrained locals taking up arms against this?

All the best,

Well Putin certainly is getting his 15 minutes. Without the nukes he is not much more significant than some 3rd world clown. 

Human suffering aside, lots of fools abound.

History doesn’t occur in a vacuum.


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The whole world sees a different narrative than the one you present.

All the best,

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So Zelenskyy released convicts with combat experience. It'll be like the Dirty Dozen on steroids. The Russians won't know what hit them. Good for Zelenskyy.

All the best,

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 Gascon set them free for fun.

Ukraine leader frees convicts with combat skills to fight Russia

Zelenskyy calls on Russian soldiers to lay down their arms, claiming Ukraine killed more than 4,500 enemy troops.

A Ukrainian serviceman gives a thumbs-up sign riding atop a military vehicle
A Ukrainian serviceman gives a thumbs-up sign riding atop a military vehicle [File: Anatolii Stepanov/AFP]

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has authorised the release of convicts with combat experience to help fight the Russian invaders.

Speaking in a new video address published on the fifth day of the full-scale war with Russia, Zelenskyy said on Monday that the decision was “not easy from the moral point of view”, but it was justified from his war-torn country’s defence standpoint.

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@serjio I respectfully disagree with your justification for Russia/Putin to invade Ukraine. History will show that you may not have your facts straight. You are on the wrong side of history on this one. I wish you well and further wish you an open mind. Have you donated to help the Ukrainian people yet?



@s1nn3r, I know right they show all that BLM stuff and ANTIFA and RT News (Russian), CNN, MSNBC. Al Jazeera.

YouTube clearly doesn’t have any issue showing some traitors in our country

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Just read up on them over on Wikipedia and an article at The Guardian. Lots of alt right neo-Nazis that were their own entity but incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard, which means not all of them are, just that group.

As for the last 8 years, that aligns with when Russia seized those territories that were not theirs to begin with and put their people in charge of everything and then claiming it was always Russians who lived there. One can see why they object to them for being occupiers all this time so Putin would have a reason to invade and seize more territory, which is exactly what he's doing.

Quite the mess but this has been gone over in the press all the time while it's happened and now we have a name for some of the fighters defending Ukraine, the Azov. Bad as they are, letting Putin in to slaughter everyone else is not the answer and wrong for a reason to hide behind. 

As for fake videos and data, care to point any of them out?

All the best,

@jerryg123  Don’t understand why it’s removed when YouTube clearly doesn’t have any issue showing some traitors in our country.

@ghasley  these war criminals have been mocking the population near the Russian border for 8 years - they got everyone and now they decided to destroy them ... this has been happening for several days - and there is so much screeching ... They know that they will be judged (they will not be forgiven) - by this is why they hide behind the backs of civilians ... they are real terrorists


I have not read all the posts here, but I am calling on Upscale Audio, The Tube Depot and other sellers of audiophile vacuum tubes to stop purchasing any additional stock of Russian made tubes. I am calling all audiophile colleagues to get assurances that any tubes they purchase were not obtained by the vendor since the Ukraine Invasion. #BoycottRussianTubes

It’s just that people need to know that a few people (interested) are cheating the moderators and cheating on you... Posting fake videos and data...

 the US Congress has recognized that Azov is a far-right military unit whose members are assessed as ultra-nationalists and accused of harboring neo-Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Personally, I don’t care who will destroy these sadists, drug addicts and murderers ... Putin? - let him ... it’s better for us - the American guys won’t have to die ... Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan - that’s enough ... let others work!

@nonoise - Yes indeed, there is something Banksyan about that work - good for the Ukranian artist!!!