Most helpful audio companies

I don't think I saw this thread before, if it already exists: cover my head with ashes.

A few days ago I spit my gall at Vibex as one of the most customer unfriendly companies I have ever encountered. (I consider not giving any information on the products the epitome of customer unfriendliness; meanwhile, even the Austrian/German distributor admitted that Vibex never tells them anything and never will). And whilst I am at it, allow me to lambast Wireworld and Audio Physic as well.

More importantly, though, why not reward the guys that will bend over backwards to try and help their customers, by which I don't mean attempting to sell their products but genuinely give advice (which may mean advice not to purchase one or the other product) and let us share their knowledge and experience. Keeping to manufacturers only, my nominees are:

Tidal Audio (Joern Janczak and Lothar Braeun)
Audioplan (Thomas Kuehn)
AMR (Vince Luke)
VooDoo Cable (Bruce Richardson)
PS Audio (Paul McGowan)
Townshend (Max and Sue Townshend)

Alright then, here are a few non-manufacturers as well (non-exhaustive!): special thanks to Tomasso Piemontese, Alex Loth, Albert Porter, Ed Doggen, John Potis et al.

Three cheers to all of them!

Since getting into this hobby in the 70s I have had the pleasure of knowing many gracious people in the industry. Today I say thank you to Ryan at Vapor Audio who has been so helpful over the last 6 months. We've talked on the phone for hours, and traded 20 or more emails. I haven't bought anything yet but am getting close.
I saw this posting had mentioned Gary Dodd. I was looking up info about him and some of his tube gear and found out Gary Dodd is very ill with life threatening heart issues.

More info can be found here.

Thanks. Just trying to help a guy out.
Vandersteen- Richard himself
Conrad Johnson
Thiel - Jim Thiel/Kathy Gornik
Krell - Dan D'Agostino
Harmonic Technology - Jim Wong
Lyra - Jonathan Carr
Ayre Acoustics -Charles Hanson
Audio Waves -Alan Grau
Modwright -Dan Wright
Hsu Research -Peter Hsu
Aesthetix, Conrad Johnson & McIntosh are the best I've experienced. In all cases, I had bought my products second-hand.
Frank Van Alstine, AVA
Kevin Deal, Distributing PrimaLuna
Paul & Judy Speltz, Anti-Cables
I have had more better experiences than bad in this field the two that really stood out where and where exceptional to me are
Aesthetix and Basis audio

Vandersteen audio customer service has also been great.

Cary is ok when they actually work and pick up the phone they are helpful. But can't ever seem to say the right thing or fix the issues.

Kimber Kable these days would be better off not picking up the phone at all. Customer service is good until you need something fixed then it is a joke if they even fix it and not just charge you $$$.
Another vote for Zu Audio!!! Everyone owes it to themselves, at some point in time, to call or email Sean Casey at Zu (sorry Sean) - even if you don't want his products. Not only is he extremely knowledgable about using his products (and others) in "real world" applications, but he exudes passion about this crazy hobby that makes you even more exited about it than before you called. And, his customer service is something you will be comparing everyone else to years down the road.
In no particular order.... Modwright, Art Audio, DCCA, and Audio Surroundings.
I would like to add Grand Prix audio to the list and again thank Mr. Alvin Lloyd for answering all my questions about a LeMans audio rack that I recently acquired.

Even though The stand was not purchased new, Alvin never hesitated to help me.

In the course of ironing out an anomaly(the stand was incapable of taking the 64 lbs of lead shot it was said to be able to hold)I discovered that I had the only LeMans SE ever made and that it is truly something special.
No wonder I was so bowled over with the improvement in sound the stand made in my system.

Again, Mr Lloyd was always prompt with his responses, and I would say ranks at the top of my list of audio manufacturers who give a darn about their products and the customers who use them.
Right next to Alvin I would place Eve Anna Manley who also makes you feel like you are valued in spite of not buying the product brand new.
Is'nt it intersting that most of the replies envolve small companies. There is another thread about buying from different size companies at the moment, but one advantage of small ones, does seem to be a more personal, friendly service. May I confirm and add:
Lou hinckley at Daedalus Audio
Dan at Modwright
It may just be you tend to get to speak to the boss, not a 20 year old receptionist.

I am sure you get people on a bad day too. I spoke to someone at Cary audio about a UK supplier, there had been one. He just said there was'nt one and put the phone down.
I have to put a vote in for Ralph of Atma-Sphere! Best audio experience from an owner that I have had. You honestly can't do better, and I don't take these words lightly.

Honourable mention to Steve of Gabriel Gold as well.
Martin Logan would top my list, best service guy ever is Jim. Super helpful, and a nice man. Also Viktor of Balanced Audio Technology. Paul and Scott McGowan of PS Audio. The folks at Audioquest are great to deal with too. Larry the owner of Magnum Dynalab is a fun guy to deal with, and deals with people in a professional, yet humorous way.
Guys from Burson Audio are very get fast responses, always willing to help.
Most helpful audio companies are those whose equipment I don't want to buy - they save me a lot of money.
I have nothing but praise for Bryston. I've spoken to the guys in Canada over the phone several times, and they've been outstanding. The US guys are great too. James Tanner (part owner/VP) and Mike Pickett (designer) are truly classy guys who love audio and their gear.
"You find out who your friends are when there's a problem."

There's a lot of truth in that statement.
Ayre , there service is peachy . A.R.C. service is pretty good to . You find out who your friends are when there's a problem .
i'd like to add Kevin Hayes of VAC to this list... WOW, amazing commitment to his product and customers. he's certainly among the very best i've dealt with.
Cary Audio, you can call and talk to the designer of your equipment. Also, if you happen to leave a message, they call you back in a timely fashion.
Hi all ! Magnepan , Thiel and Placette..... all have great service and obviously care about the customer .
Put me down for Paul McGowan and PS Audio. I have experienced only exceptional service, communications and policy from Paul and company...
Spectron Audio - Simon Thacher
Aesthetix - Glenn Buckley

truly two of the most accommodating and helpful people i have come across in this hobby.
I accompanied an audiophile friend to CAI principal Dusty's house, and Dusty was a friendly as could be. I now have one of their phono stages and power supplies, and have sent 2 emails to CAI requesting information. Neither has received a reply.

In contrast, Velodyne and DVDO have provided great customer support. In the past, Madrigal was magnificent in supporting Proceed products -- I dropped my Amp 3 taking it out of the rack, forgetting how heavy it is; Madrigal repaired and shipped the unit without cost to me even though I admitted culpability.

emotiva is the epitome of how to establish an audio business in lean times--build a decent product, market it directly, which enables it to be priced substantially lower than comparable retail-distributed products, and be zealous about customer service. i've also been impressed by vmps, whose principal strikes me as particualrly knowledgeable and sincere.
Ayre: Charles Hansen
Decware: Steve Deckert
Synergistic: Ted Denney
MIT: Bruce Brisson
VPI: not quite as user friendly but still supportive
I have had a couple of Eagle amps and Russell Sherwood at EKSC is always available for audio advice.
Ty Lashbrook with Tyler Acoustics is by far the most helpful person I have ever dealt with.He will go above and beyond the call of duty to please his customers.Not to mention,he makes fantastic speakers.
i see this thread has been quiet for quite a while now, but having just come across it, i feel compelled to offer up a name that i see has hit the list several times already...

Atma Sphere - Ralph Karsten

the level of service he provides his customers is truly remarkable.
Bobby Palkovic @ Merlin
Ralph & Bill @ Atma-Sphere
Mike & Sheila @ VPI

They are as good as it gets! Cheers,
Let me add another to my previous list; Bel Canto Design. I recently had a question concerning my evo2i and answers came directly from John Stronczer. Always quick too.
Wow, my old thread is being revived. I must take the opportunity to add Ted Denney of Synergistic Research then.
Eva Anna Manley, Gilbert Yeung of Blue Circle, Elina Lamm, Victor of BAT, Armin Kraus/Holger Fromme Avant Garde this folks is the best. I respect them.
Do you think Richard gray would be on the list of giving you a bunch of non sense explanations like bad salesman???