Is SIM Audio and Moon going to be in business much longer? Seems like I read a few months back that they were biting the dust. A Trump tariff won’t help their bottom line.
Lots of great streamers out there. I would buy one from a company that will be around for a while
I’ve heard nothing about Sim struggling. They came out with the North line which appears to be doing well. Many dealers - lots of support. Great warranty, reliable build quality It seems to me that they’re more likely to be around longer than the vast majority of companies.
Yes - tariffs are and poor economic policy that willl hurt all consumers universally (I’m a finance/economics person) by triggering price inflation. That will spill through for domestically manufactured (assembled) products.
I heard the 390 several years ago and came away thinking it very nice and functional for the price. Fairly detailed - a touch bright at output. Their software is different but competitive. There are others to consider that will offer a different flavor, but I think most would be pleased with the price/performance.
I have one. It’s very good. Previously I used an ARC SP8. (I know!)
I find the sound very detailed and clear, but in general, talking about the way something sounds is very difficult for me.
The 390 is very well built and I’ve had no trouble. The MIND android app a little fussy. (BlueSound has nailed the app, imho.) I listen to cds on my nas, downloads and vinyl.
And I agree with Absolute Sound: the headphone amp is excellent.
I hope you get a chance to hear one. And I haven’t heard anything about Sim being in trouble, any more than, say, GM.
Good luck!
Oh, I did have one issue: The remote started to come unglued, I sent them a photo, they sent me a new one.
I own a Moon 390. It is one of the best in its class at this price point for preamp/dac/streamer phono. I use the phono stage and it is adjustable on the fly to almost any cart, MC or MM. it is about equivalent or a little betterave thanks tenir 110lp v2. It has also a decent headphone stage.
The sound of the Moon 390 is fairly neutral , détailed and with good soundstage. I recommend using with cables with a warmer organic sound like Cardas or Luna. An amp that is also a tad warm will be a good match. I use a Pass for example.
Sim audio has been in business since 1980 and it is not going anywhere soon. They are receiving praise after praise for their North Collection . They have one if the best service in the industry, a 10 year Warranty program and a 3 year trade up program. Good luck and keep us posted.
I’ve had great results with Simaudio Moon gear.
@mahler123 Can you please share your source?
The suggestion that Simaudio is in trouble is disgraceful and unfounded. Their North collection is flying off the shelves on the back of superb reviews (and listening).
I have not heard the 390 specifically but have done with many other Moon products from the 300 series to the current mix of 600, 700 and 800 components in my system. They are unremittingly neutral with an extremely low noise floor, in other words you get exactly what is on the disc or file.
I find the Android app to be intuitive and it regularly updates seamlessly. One thing to note is that the MiND 2 unit in the 390 is the same as in the MiND 2 box and my own, much more expensive, 780D DAC. With the 390 you are getting the best they do.
Wow some really positive responses regarding the Moon 390. I'm looking forward to previewing. It was mentioned that it is fairly neutral so will I have to be very selective in cables? Currently have Kubala Sosna cables in my system. Are most of your systems all Moon or varies components? Thanks.
I owned Moon 390 and multiple Moon products.
I view it as an excellent piece of equipment - I initially looked at it’s features as a streaming DAC. I replaced my McIntosh C 2600 with it and viewed it as an upgrade.
Lots of excellent equipment out there and I wouldn’t look past the 390 without listening to it.
I have a 280d and its really good. You will like the 390. Not sure why someone would say they might not be in business much longer. I would love to see a source / article you read stating that they are biting the dust...
+1…highly recommended
I also have the 280D MIND2 streaming Quboz.
lit has been flawless, rich, fluid, and with dynamic slam that bested all audition contenders and pretenders at its pricepoint in my system
- manual says minimum 200 hr run-in period. Practically, it took closer to 500+ hours to reach its max performance levels. It surprised me …the improvements were not linear, but rather periodic adhoc steps ….go figger.
- adding in quality-build Ag-over-OCC Cu Ethernet cables with heavily shielding & TELEGARTNER cable connectors, + audiophile-grade network switches powered by quality external linear power supplies; and finally inserting quality audiophile Ethernet network filters, all contributed notable further and not insignificant audio performance improvements.(ergo …think full Monty approach in digital to move from “good enough” to “ really good”)
Yes …. I used to be a card-carrying Ethernet “tweaks “ high skeptic too, until I took the YouTube Hans Beekhuyzen Channel advice to consider these digital system upgrade ….= a skeptic no more,
Buy MOON with confidence,.
Also dont ignore that the premium 5 year warranty is upgraded to a full 10: year warranty FOR FREE to original owner registration from new.
Also note the full value trade- up credits on dealer model upgrades in the first yesr , 75% next yesr …blah .
Terrific bonus unmatched in the other brands
I know nothing about Moon.. I have been using LUMIN (D1, D2, and T2) for over 8 years. Great warranty, great build quality - constant software updates via the internet. The only amazing thing I am learning is as I have improved my signal quality coming into my two stereo systems - quality of sound ( lower noise floor, better imaging, larger stage, more instrument clarity, tighter base) keeps going up.
i just moved from Spectrum copper wire internet feed, to fiber optic feed, and added a SmoothLanNetwork Filter. OMG
My streaming has continued to improve!
Happy listening
@ericba you have a good point there. I have a 280d -> moon 740p -> Pass Labs x250.8
I might look into Luna going from the 280d to 740p, but maybe might need to do the same Im assuming from pre amp to amp as well? from pre amp to amp Im using Analysis Plus oval crystal xlr. From 280d to 740p its a non expensive Audioquest xlr.
I've spent some time with the 390 and really liked it. Thought it played very well with Sonus Faber speakers. The first thing I remember was that the sound staging punched way above its price point.
I have owned a 390 for a couple of years and have been very pleased with its sound. I tend to be a tweakaholic, and the Moon 390 has never failed to reveal the most subtle of differences in my explorations.
Customer service is excellent: prompt, personal and knowledgeable. Who can beat a 10-year warranty?
Judging by the positive reception of their new 800 series, you can be secure that Simaudio will be here for another 40+ years...
@skads_187 if you go for Luna, the Mauve is the sweet spot. Organic , well-rounder sound, detailed but not analytical. Cardas Clear rev1 is amazing but not cheap.
@ericba I see thanks, would the Luna gray or Orange be ok? Seems like Mauve is a out of my budget sadly.
Well Gents, I'm going to purchase the Moon 390. Eventually I need to get a new amp when funds allow. Thinking about the 330A or 400M. Which amps are you using for your set-up? I currently have an.ATI 4005 amp, Marantz AV 7706 processor and Sonus Faber Sonetto V speakers.
The room is a dedicated HT (Wife uses it about 4 times per week). I want to expand upon 2 channel. Recommended cables (interconnects - XLR) Currently have Kubala Sosna anticipation cables. Thanks for your input.
Are you buying used or new? Its a shame you have the preamp section in the 390 because I would probably suggest the 600i v2 if you can get it used. I sold my v1 for so cheap compared to what its worth, and its great. There is of course the 860 if the budget allows and you want to stick with Moon. Other considerations would be pass labs x150.8. Cables, look at the discussion I am having in this chat with ericba. He recommends Luna cables.
@skads_187 - I'm purchasing a new Moon 390. Have not come across any used units. I went online and did peak @ the Luna cables. Need to do some research on them.
There is one Moon 390 on us audio mart at 2800$ from a user in TX.
@mahler123, when claiming a long term and well respected company is going out of business, it would be nice to back up your claim with a source...
@skads_187, the 740P+250.8 make a very nice pre/amp pair! I ran that pair with a 380DSD DAC for many years and it was great. I've never heard the 390 but assume it would sound at least as good as the 380 which I found to be very musical and easy to listen to. I ultimately upgraded from the 380 as it was not the last word on resolution and dynamics, but the only two DACs I've owned I find more musical and relaxed was an R2R Mojo and the Meitner MA3. I personally think the Moon DACs are great if you are not an ultimate resolution hound and just want a very musical presentation.
@ddafoe Yes indeed! although, for the life of me, Im so curious to know and test what an xp22 would sound like in my room. Unfortunately, the only 1 store that sells pass labs here in my city, does not carry the speaker brand I own sadly.
I used two M400s to drive my 390. Two things to consider:
- 330 is the stereo version, buy 1 and if you desire more power get s second and the bridging cables
- If you are buying new and have a relationship with dealer inquire about purchasing refurbished 330 or M400 traded in with Moon’s trade up program.
@ overthemoon
Great recommendation regarding purchasing refurbished 330A or 400M. Wonder how often Moon has refurbished units.
How does the 2 M400's sound?
I have been using Moon 400Ms with my Moon 390. Effortless, detailed and spacious, yet very musical. (I understand the 400s use a proprietary transistor which might be their secret to wonderful music-making.)
Go for it (them)!
I ran the 390 in my system for about three years and still have it, even though I’ve replaced it with a hybrid preamplifier and a dcs dac streamer
I also use a simaudio phono stage. My experience with the brand in general, and the 390 in particular has been very positive. Very solidly built, reliable gear and well designed software.
I think the 390 offers great value for all it does. It’s an all in one that offers good sound quality. I agree it is “neutral” but I say that as a positive. The 390, to my ears, was never overly bright, sterile, analytical or any of the other perjoratives that sometimes can be mistakenly conflated with neutral. It delivers a faithful reproduction of the signal it receives, at least that’s my impression. Good soundstage, detail retrieval and imaging.
I also found the 390 to be completely reliable. Used it for about three years without a bobble.
Running the 390 using the 330A amp. Works very will, 400M would probably be even better. Or could add a used amp from higher series.
Note that the 390 has optional HDMI inputs. Depending on your setup, it may be worth getting the HDMI. We run the TV into the ARC HDMI and it permits ROKU remote to control TV volume which reduces remote clutter.
My system originally started out as HT (wife uses it all the time). I connected the Moon 390 directly to my ATI 4005 amp and to the analog input on the moon to my Marantz AV7706. Here is the problem, I can listen to 2-channel, but when I watch movies only the center channel works. Left and Right front and rears no sound is available. Anyone incorporating HT with 2 -channel running through the 390? If so, how are you hooking up. Thanks.
I think I saw a post on Reddit some time back that Moon was having some issues, but I’ve tried to dig it up and can’t. I think that one of their founders had passed and there might have been an issue about their future but I guess that it fortunately worked out for them. I don’t wish them ill luck as they make good gear.
All Audio companies face some uncertainty. Even a company like McIntosh has been tossed around lately like a corporate football. Hopefully Canadian Audio companies won’t be burdened by painful tariffs
"Is SIM Audio and Moon going to be in business much longer? Seems like I read a few months back that they were biting the dust."
It is posts like this that make almost anything you read on a forum questionable. Where was this read? Such a post sounds more like a b/s comment probably from a competitor’s friend to try and spread rumours and stir up trouble about our company. And to top it off he cannot even correctly spell our company name.
We are doing great. There is no sign of financial trouble at Simaudio.
Thank you,
Costa Koulisakis
Simaudio Ltd.
I don’t know what post you saw but getting your news from Reddit is not the appropriate place for serious, reliable news.
Yes, one of my partners passed away over three years ago. However as a successful business for almost 45 years we have mechanisms in place to prevent that from destroying the stability of our company. I miss my partner, but we are alive, healthy, and doing well as a business, especially in this economic climate.
Costa Koulisakis
Simaudio Ltd.
Costa: glad you’re here and participating in these forums.
Also glad to hear your company is doing well. I recently bought your new 761 amp for one of my systems. I considered the 861, but it wouldn’t have fit in my cabinet well. And, I considered several other considerably more expensive amps. I’m delighted with it overall and on a price/performance ratio, it’s exceptional. Thank you.
Regarding the political/economic climate, I sincerely wish it weren’t so, but here we are. My best wishes to you and all at Simaudio.
@singere M400s were awesome- I got an offer I couldn’t refuse to trade them in for 860A V2.
I used to have a McIntosh amp and when I was auditioning -I thought 330 blew an M462. So I decided to go for M400s.
I think 390 & M400s are an excellent combo with ability to add a turntable and the power and finish for virtually any speaker.
@costa94109 Thank you Costa - I am a very happy Simaudio customer.
@overthemoon -
How would you compare the 860 V2 to the M400 or 330A. I have the 330A and the 390. Space limits to one box and interested in improvement higher level Sim amps would bring. Thanks!
The 860A V2 is a significant leap.
More dynamics and finesse simultaneously. The increased ability to control of the speakers is noticeable. The biggest surprise for me was the 860A v2 never gets hot, it keeps control of the speakers. I've never got the amp warm even playing for hours on end listening 80-85 dbs.
I still think the 390/M400 is an excellent value. The 860A (and the new North series) is a significant step up.
@overthemoon - Thanks for your comments. Will keep an eye out for a used 860.
I previewed the Moon 330A and 761 yesterday at a local retailer. Components were similar to mine (Moon 390, Sonus Faber Sonetta V G2 (I have the SF Sonetta V) and they used better speaker cables and interconnects). The retailer started with the 330A and went to the 761. Then started with the 761 and went to the 330A. What a significant difference between the two units. Wish I never heard the 761.My question will I be happy with the 330A now that I heard the 761? Significant difference in price.330A ($4,400) 761 ($14,000). So, for you folks that have the 330A are you happy or do you plan to move up to the 761. 761 has more control, better base and authority. It should since it’s in a different league. Willing to wait if I decide on the 761 until I can afford.
Any help making this decision easier would be appreciated.
And so it goes with this hobby.
I’ve listened to a fair number of high dollar amps. I now own the 761 in one of my systems. While you should never stretch your budget such that it might impact your finances, if you do end up going upstream here, take some comfort in the notion that the 761 is a high value amp. It’s not cheap, but it’s better than many amps I’ve heard for which the cost is significantly greater.
Good luck,
Thanks for your response. Sounds like you are extremely happy with the 761.Just peaked at your system and it's extremely nice and a lot better than mine. I agree that the 761 is a lot better than some other amps out on the market. Where did you purchase the 761 and did you preview other brands prior to deciding on the 761?
Thanks for the kind words. It’s been an evolution for both systems. I started out relatively simple but, like you, heard some things I couldn’t “unhear” which led to upgrades. I’m pretty much done in system 1, but system 2 is in the midst of that process with an analog source in addition to digital. All fun. All $$$.
I am pretty happy with the 761 - certainly for the price. I also auditioned the 861 but that - fortunately - would not fit in my cabinet. They are very similar tonally and in resolution. The bigger amp just a bit more ease to it.
I purchased the 761 at University Audio in Madison, WI. Ben Gottlieb, the owner, is a great guy - honest, candid, and helpful. I’ve purchased quite a bit of gear from him.
I’ve heard the previous versions of the Moon amps, as well as mac, Parasound and a wide variety of “uber” amps which impressed more with their size and cost than they did with better sonics. Were they better? Of course. Were they worth the $50k -to >$200k the asking price? Not in my view. I had also listened to a number of tube amps but passed based on worries about maintenance. I loved the sound, but control wasn’t as good, and didn’t want room heaters either. That said, I did just purchase a tube preamp for system 2.
Simaudio is a fine company with a strong warranty who stands behind their products. I also like supporting Canadian companies these days.
fyi: the only caution I would note. They use speaker terminals with a safety shield (to avoid accidental shorting) that was too small for my speaker cables which have large spades. They offered to build me an amp customized with speaker lugs of my choice for an additional fee which i thought reasonable. I just got banana adapters and problem solved but I came away impressed with the company’s willingness to help, even though I was frustrated initially. Cables with normal spades fit fine. Anything with bananas is fine.
@singere There's a program called "Over the Moon' where you can purchase your first moon gear and get 100% on trade in 12 months or 75% in 24 months if you upgrade in the product line.
I'd strongly consider verifying it still exists and purchase the 330 then upgrade to the 791 in twelve months if you aren't satisfied. There's a big difference between the two pieces - and the 330 is an excellent value.
Thanks for your response.
I am aware of "Over the Moon" program.
I talked to my local retailer yesterday since I previewed the 330A and 761 last week. I may try to bring home the 330A to preview for a few days and do the same for the 761. He recommended purchasing the 400M unfortunately they do not have any to preview. He said, I can always upgrade to the 761 within the year (over the moon trade in program).
When I make a decision, I keep thinking just get the one I really like at first. It would be most economical (not paying taxes on 2 units). I can save $1,200 and put that money towards new interconnects.
Do you have any experience with the 400M amps? Is it sonically better over the 330A?
Thanks for any input. Cheers!!
@singere I owned the M400s -I loved them. I'd recommend them in a heart beat.
Prior to the M400s I was using McIntosh MC-302 (300 watt/ch) and considering upgrading to the MC-462 (450 watt/ch). I listened to the 330a and I preferred them to the MC-462 hands down and listening at similar volumes.
I decided to purchase two M400s versus 330A in order to provide improved control of my speakers because I like higher listening volumes than most (85+dbs). The decision was easy because 2 M400s cost less than the MC-462.
I expect their sound to be virtually identical when the volume is 75 to 80 dbs - chassis is the same and the only real difference you'll see is number of inputs and outputs At higher volumes ability to manage musical peaks and impedance variations would favor having the M400s. (It is twice the power supplies, capacitors, etc.).
Considering the cost and future proofing your system, my decisions would be buy the M400s and 3 quality power cables for 390 and the M400s. This will be less than the 761 and is an excellent system (I know because I've done it).
@ over the moon
You're using the 860AV2 in your system, which probably similar to the 761. I need to decide on one of the 3 units (330A. 400M or 761). The difference in price including tax going from the 400M to the 761 is $4,373. One side of me says bite the bullet now versus later.
Once you purchased the 860A V2 was the wow factor versus the 400m significantly better?
There is a significant difference between the M400s and 860Av2. The space between notes is extremely apparent.
I personally would step up the model line since the cost is still the same. I’d even consider see if there are 860Av2 available and their price.