Mitigating the Bubble

Today after many years of trials and tribulations I have mitigated a sonic aberration a horizontal phase anomaly in my center stage.  While the center image was always stable and outlined it seemed narrow and bubble like and I would need to shift my body angle to really lock in the image. This was obvious on many CDs and LPs .

I have many man made fixes that helped the situation but never a total cure. Some of these are now permanent fixtures on the ceiling in 2 different locations. I made my own acoustic panels filled with long hair sheep's wool and 3 Argent Room Lenses.  I have laminar flow lenses that focus and stabilize the image across the front stage. I have built and treated an acoustic fan that overcomes the  boundaries with in my room by reducing interference. I have loaded my speaker cabinets 3 times with new drivers and now an outboard crossover. This was after my Essence 30s speakers and my Dunlavy SC4s.  ..All my components are hard mounted and direct coupled to the floor...on rock solid racks and speaker stands, custom mono bloc amps each on their own stand. All of these devices and angles and positions made the image wider and more focused but I still had that little  bubble and shift before me. Always less annoying with each new device and tweak.

So, your probably saying to yourself hurry up and get to the end. The end finally arrived today after having applied a contact enhancer 7 days ago to just 6 RCA ends out of many connections in my system.  Today with a friend who has been here a hundred times sitting in the Chair playing the same music as usual he said there was a wider sweet spot. I despise that term but he said it and not me.What we both heard was a super stable center image that was a few feet wide and not just one. The bubble was gone. The head in the vise was gone.  Off came the straight jacket and helmet. What I have now in this space intime is a glorious fully extended soundstage with all the meat on the bones and the features of talking heads on a real live performance stage. 

I have probably used eight different contact enhancers over five decades but this one blows my mind. This product  Nano Flo is the ultimate in transparency. 




I wish you well @glory and while I can’t speak for others like @jerryg123 ​​​@thecarpathian @nonoise @agisthos @thyname @holmz , I don’t think I will be assisting any longer. I do reserve the right the slam @nano-flo should he crawl out from wherever he’s been hiding

@ghasley I am not I sure I was ever assisting.

The fellow made wild claims, and others hop on board saying not to disparage his snake oil… and other snake oil sellers as they need to run a business.

Then shift to now, and people are dog piling on about how the fellow may not be honest.

He didn’t respond yesterday so I withdrew my offer. I stand corrected as I am new to such things as this.  Nothing moves him but the legal way and that being PP. I was hoping  for some kind of redemption from all this but I was wrong. Showing him some kind of grace in all this was foolish thinking on my part. 

I am in direct contact with EBay and PP now. I will no longer text or communicate with him but through PP only.


@ghasley , +1.

I would have gone the official route strictly through PP and eBay.  His actions already established there will be no compromise. Best of luck to you as you are a good man, but that was a misguided thing to do.



All of us in this community are just trying to help you get your money back while also trying sincerely to help other would be victims of @nano-flo to avoid the same fate that you are wading through. With that said, are you following the EBAY and Paypal rules and are you communicating with Chris directly or through EBAY’s messaging system?


In either case, I’m disappointed that you just turned a simple and clear cut breach of contract issue between you, Chris and Ebay into a NEW negotiation between you and Chris. You do realize that’s what you just did right? If Chris accepts, especially if you communicated with him outside the EBAY messaging system then EBAY can just wash their hands of your issue. Did you place a time limit for Chris to respond or did you leave it open ended? No big deal to me because, if you recall earlier in this thread, several of us turned down the offer of a free cable from Chris/Nanofflo. That showed our commitment to your cause and our commitment to integrity and character. I want nothing to do with him or his questionable products/reputation.


I’ve been happy to assist by posting at least daily about @nano-flo ’s misdeeds as well as to sound the alarm about Chris and his inability to keep his word. My commitment to do so was open ended. Respectfully though, I have absolutely no desire to help you negotiate a new deal. I was posting because you seemed to need help because you had been taken advantage of. I also find it very poor form to offer him positive feedback, especially to someone so ill deserving of same, in exchange for him doing a new deal with you. Chris deserves negative feedback but if you were to ever post something positive about your dealings with him because you had received something less than you paid for but for less than what you were promised, then you would be willingly perpetuating his dishonest behavior. Someone could get burned down the road and you would have perhaps made it possible. All we have to rely on is honest and forthright feedback.


I wish you well @glory and while I can’t speak for others like @jerryg123 ​​​@thecarpathian @nonoise @agisthos @thyname @holmz , I don’t think I will be assisting any longer. I do reserve the right the slam @nano-flo should he crawl out from wherever he’s been hiding.

This guy is saturated with bad karma. With his demeanor and dishonest business practices he will never be a success, neither professionally nor personally.

Indeed, a sad way to live your life.


@nano-flo You will pay one day. And I think it will be sooner than later.

God frowns on predators and that is what you are.

Eye for an eye.

Enjoy the lake of fire. 


It took him all this time to come up with that disclaimer? Maybe with all the ripping off he's done he can buy himself a conscience, or treat himself to a night out at Applebees...

All the best,

His now ad on EBay is a game changer in my favor with PP. He now has a protocol on buying his cables that he didn’t when I bought. He messed up by his own writings.


Warning: If your system has had any contact enhancer applied to it, such as Perfect Path Technologies or Schultz products, it must be 100% removed before installing our cable or warranty is void, and no returns are allowed. All discounted sales are final. Check out our first negative feedback in 20 years at the end of description.

I got no instructions on such matters when I opened the box of cables.


I refrain from any more posts here.

May I be blunt @glory ? Here we go:


You will NEVER get the money back from the grifter. Period.

If you are incapable of getting the money back from official sources (eBay, PayPal, credit card company), you are out of your money. 

Does this seem straight forward to you?

Post removed 

Merry Christmas to all Audiogon members 


Do all that’s within you to live at peace with all men.

Here’s my writings to Chris yesterday.


Good afternoon Chris, Merry Christmas.

A Christmas proposition for you:

Reimburse me for one cable and  make sure it’s gooped up and also a full vile of goop and ship back to me. Rest assured, I am NOT in the in the market to steal Nano Flo from you and start a cable company. I’m 69 years old, retired and I don’t need the hassle of doing something like that, stealing from you. That’s not on my agenda you can see by my audiogone Feedback I don’t do members wrong.. I’m a pretty upright straight shooter. It’s not in my DNA to steal as I’ve been a business owner,  operator for over 30 years as a high-end paint contractor and I’ve never screwed anyone.

I in return will have Audiogon delete the whole thread that’s online and before it’s deleted I will write in, refund received by Chris Arnold, everything is cool and thanks everyone for your input.

I would then write a positive review of your work and submit it to you before posting with no hint of our conflict.

 Each of us will have to trust each other that we are upright business owners and that in the end we always do the right thing .

We may become friends in all this.


Chris was selling a full vile of goop at $900.00 before he yanked the goop. He would still be $600.00 ahead on the refund but I wanted to cast this line in the waters to see if he would at least respond.




Now I await PP to do their thing. 







Thank you, and Merry Christmas to you and all.

Yes, unfortunately for him, that is the direction he chose.


@thecarpathian Merry Christmas and I like your post. 


So where do you go from here? 

I hear the sound of a toilet flushing...


 I don't take issue with someone who buys the power cord or the "contact enhancer" or even the off the shelf fuses smeared with the gel. Its all good. In fact, he at least seems to be learning from this demolition derby exercise: the reason he will remove the gel from the market probably has more to do with the fact that some are prepared to pay considerable sums for a treated fuse with less pushback than selling enough gel to treat a case of fuses. I also predict version 3.0 of the power cord will be out before he has shipped version 1 or version 2 to any actual paying customers. 

Very prophetic.  

Let me fill you in more on what is really going on here. All of Chris's old endeavours and websites are available to see via Internet Archive or Wayback Machine.

He claims to have invented a lubricant solution using spherical nano diamond particles. I do not know how good his product was, but the general idea is legit. Microscopic NM size particles which can polish and plate the insides of bearings and engines is not an original concept and there is many successfully products that do this.

In 2006-2012 he had a series of nano diamond lubricant products (under the names NanoLube, DiamondLube, QuantumCoat) targeting the automotive markets with oil additives, armament industry with gun/knife lubricants e.t.c

But this is a heavily saturated and competitive market. So in late 2021 Chris discovered the Audiophile world, with its huge margins, 10x markup, and saw easy green pastures. So he pulled all his previous retail products, and now just does audio only. A $20 power cable with nano diamond coating on the prongs for $1500 e.t.c

I sincerely hope the product is good and this is a superior contact enhancer solution for audiophiles. But Chris past history, and how he has acted here, so far show all the signs of him being a grifter. The fact he has pulled the contact enhancer product and is now just selling $4000 power cables and a soon to be released line of fuses (which will be $1 fuses with the contact goop polished into them) shows where this is all going.

Yes Merry Christmas @nano-flo today is a very special day for those of that are Christian. Today could be special for you and you could send your company down the ethical path and on the road to redemption. Just by doing the right thing and honor your word, honor your company’s policies and issue @glory his refund.

This could just be a detour and you can bring your company back on to the road of ethics and integrity, or you can just keep rolling down this dirty, dusty bumpy, backroad. 

Choice is yours and every day you delay, the longer it will take for you to repair the damage you caused.

To all in the Audiophile community, EBay, Etsy, the Audiophile reviewers I would steer clear of any product that Chis Arnold, Nano Flo or any of his other company aliases, that are located in Lombard Illinois. 

I hope we do not hear of any more victims of this Chris Arnold’s predatory business practices.




A Merry Christmas to you. How do you feel today on this day where so many think of others before themselves? The irony here Chris shouldn’t escape anyone, that your name Christopher finds its origins many centuries ago and literally translates to “Christ bearer”. SO, when we are asked if we are upholding our name, what will you say?


Chris, you owe @glory money and you are not honoring your money back guarantee on his return of these cables. There is still time for you to act before EBAY and PAYPAL do it for you. If you wait then no one will draw the conclusion that you are honorable…


To all of the Audiogon community, have a great day and know that we must all do our due diligence when making a purchase. Nanoflo, Enterprise Coatings and Chris Arnold deserve extra scrutiny. Peace.

@nano-flo I would hope you could find your way out of this mess.

Your company is not going to be sustainable conducting business the way you do. 

So where do you go from here? 





A Happy Christmas eve to you. Is this the day that you think about right and wrong, that you you think about how you might like to be treated if you were on the receiving end of the egregious treatment to which you are subjecting @glory ?


You are either unwilling to honor your money back return guarantee or you are unable. If you are unwilling, you should be ashamed and rectify this situation immediately. If you are unable for financial reasons then that is a different conversation but nonetheless a conversation that should be taking place.


If you are unwilling then I truly hope that the audio community takes note and with SO MANY power cable choices on the market, that they choose an option from an ethical company and an ethical person.


If you are unable to repay your obligation, then you should make arrangements to pay @glory  back for your failure to honor your guarantee. No one forced you to offer the money back return guarantee, you did it as a way to entice potential buyers. If you spent the money, paid a medical bill, bought Christmas presents for an orphanage…whatever you did with the money, there is no escaping your obligation.


POTENTIAL NANOFLO CABLE BUYERS, do your due diligence. Chris Arnold and NANOFLO isn’t honoring his word.


To those who have touted Nanoflo, are you proud of Mr. Arnold’s conduct? 



Such a shame that you find yourself in an untenable position. You can still do the right thing and feel good about the outcome. With ebay involved, its inevtiable that you will be refunding @glory  You are choosing between your cable company dream ending right here or being able to save face and claiming an unfortunate misunderstanding. Every choice to get to now has been yours. Think about what you are doing.

PP has contacted me wanting some payment confirmations.

Will deliver to them today.


Thank you Tammy for allowing these gentleman to write in a very graceful way their wisdom and guidance. 

All telephone numbers for EBay Leeds to a non human.

So is the now silence from the  company owner himself.

Every moment is an opportunity to do the right thing for both he and his business. 

Apparently he cares nothing about doing that. What a sad way to live, being like that.

Incidentally, not a single customer or user chiming in to defend Nanoflo's business practices. Imagine that! Wonder why that is...



Hear hear!

It's becoming clear that Nanoflo has no intention of voluntarily honoring his own money back guarantee. It's through this forum and threads like these that allow others to get the story on integrity nonexistent vendors and their owners.

Bribery, deception, refusal to answer the simplest questions...

A terrible way to do business and a terrible way to live your life.





First of all this morning, I want to thank Tammy/Audiogon for allowing these posts to remain up. Its important for our hobby and fellow hobbyists to understand there is a “vendor” out there not honoring their money back guarantee. To date Nanoflo has not refunded @glory ’s money for his purchase and subsequent return of Nanoflo’s power cables.


Everyone, please do your due diligence before making purchases, not all “vendors” honor their word. Of course, Glory thought that buying a hyped product via Ebay offered him some protection, which I believe will be the case in the end but Nanoflo’s reluctance to honor his money back offer is troubling.

@nano-flow keeps digging his hole. Every statement makes this situation worse, and sales to disappear.

The argument is not about the product. Money back guarantee is just that. Honour your statement. Man up, pay Glory his money.

holmz : nasty little person. That’s all I have for you. I don’t even know why I am engaging you. As my grandpa used to say: Never wrestle with a pig. You just get dirty and the pig enjoys it. Perhaps I should have listened

@thyname OK …

If there is a possibility of a New Years resolution of civility, then I’ll look forwards to next year.

Happy holidays to you, and yours.

@holmz : nasty little person. That’s all I have for you. I don’t even know why I am engaging you. As my grandpa used to say: Never wrestle with a pig. You just get dirty and the pig enjoys it. Perhaps I should have listened 

As the sun sets on another day @nano-flo will not change his ways. Ethics and integrity will never be part of his corporate charter, making success all the more harder. 

My children are home for the Christmas Holiday and I am not going to waste another day on this grifter Chris.

Sad desperate little man that he is.






Yes indeed today is a new day! Choose today to do the right thing for your customer and fellow human.  Hoping you step up and make this right 

Is this the day@nano-flo ???

Get above the fray and do the right thing today, refund Gary before you lose even more sales and your status on EBay. Do it today.


Good morning. It’s another new day and with it comes the unique opportunity to be better than we were yesterday. We each make a choice every morning and there are only three choices: to be better, to be the same or to be less than what we can be. It can be fun Chris, to stretch and change. I hope today is that day for you and that you finally choose to honor the money back guarantee that your original Ebay ad listed, under which @glory weighed his options and purchased from you.


While I doubt today will be much different than yesterday, the Audiogon community sticks together and helps one another push the hobby forward. You either have the option to join in the fun or remain on the outside looking in…its more fun to be in the former group rather than the latter group. Think about what you are doing and ask yourself if its how you’d like to be treated.


Make today the day Chris…the day where you admit that you made an error in judgement and today you rectified it.

I think you have to figure out what “snake Oiler” means 😉.


‘’Oh… and you are Full Time such. Your hobby 

I suppose you are trying to compete with the Gary fellow for the title of “tool de jur”?
And that you are trying to be offensive to the people who like oiling snakes?

Maybe you need to make friends, or just play alone?
And then you can leave the adults alone here, whom are trying to engage in conversation…and resist with your attempts to display your intolerance and general rancorous character.

Or, this number (if it's legit) for a real person:

One eight six six five four zero three two two nine.

@glory ,

Gary, log into eBay, upper left click on help and contact. Next screen will give you options as to your problem. Hit any one. Next screen scroll all the way down to the bottom to 'contact us'. Hit that and next screen will give you automated help. Keep hitting more options and 'contact agent' will pop up. Give them your phone # and they will call you. You may even get that option in the previous screen with 'contact us'. If not, just follow this...

I think you have to figure out what “snake Oiler” means 😉.


‘’Oh… and you are Full Time such. Your hobby 

And a merry XMAS to you as well @jerryg123 


holmz : as a master snake oiler, you should know this very very, very well. People present all kind of stuff. This was not even slightly difficult to figure out

A part time cable denier, cannot be a very good snake oiler…

Or were you were trying to intimate some double entendre?

@holmz kind of wordy for saying he never had any credibility.

I was trying to be kind, playing good cop.

I am very aware that @nano-flo is a carpetbagger, snake oil salesman with zero cred. 

I did enjoy your post and Merry Christmas. 

@holmz : as a master snake oiler, you should know this very very, very well. People present all kind of stuff. This was not even slightly difficult to figure out. 

Oh…. And why someone would really pay $1,500 (or even $100) for this crap is truly beyond my comprehension 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Well, to be fair… it is made to sound like goodness, and it was also presented as a no risk deal.

Just in hindsight all the clues were there.

@glory : please don’t take this wrong, but you appear to be unable to claim your money back from obvious channels (eBay, PayPal, Credit Card). Shall we say a bit “slow”? And the Nano Flo shark has figured this out already. Good luck to you.


Oh…. And why someone would really pay $1,500 (or even $100) for this crap is truly beyond my comprehension 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Another day and no refund @nano-flo you have zero credibility now.

Sad and pathetic.

@jerryg123 to be fair, once many people hear things like room temp superconductors, the average person is filled with awe, and usually soon after…l they are filled with a foreboding feeling of a BS festival.

The person spruiking the stuff, either:

  1. Believes genuinely this… and the conclusion is then to question their mental faculties.
  2. Or they do not believe it, and they are a well aware of what they are doing.

In either case, the conclusion one should reach, after the initial awe wears off, is it politely remove themselves from the company of that person.

To say that they have “zero credibility now” assumes that they one did have some.

So it is sort of an insult to everyone’s basic intelligence, or at least a nod to peoples gullibility and desire to not miss out.



I do believe this stuff probably works, but like a magic trick, it’s not working how one believes it is.
(I suspect that it is more likely the scraping action of the shards in the Vaseline are removing corrosion and effectively working like a cutting compound making an old paint job shiny.)

I am not the smartest fellow, but I will not pretend that there is all of a sudden, some loss of credibility. The snake oil has been there since the opening post proclaiming things like…



Today after many years of trials and tribulations …

Sounds like martyrdom.
Or at least some religious quest, like a grail or quixotic endeavour. 

Certainly not trail and tribulations like fleeing war.


I have many man made fixes that helped the situation but never a total cure. Some of these are now permanent fixtures on the ceiling in 2 different locations.

I made my own acoustic panels filled with long hair sheep’s wool and 3 Argent Room Lenses.

I have laminar flow lenses that focus and stabilize the image across the front stage.

I have built and treated an acoustic fan that overcomes the boundaries with in my room by reducing interference.

I have loaded my speaker cabinets 3 times with new drivers and now an outboard crossover.

This was after my Essence 30s speakers and my Dunlavy SC4s. ..All my components are hard mounted and direct coupled to the floor...on rock solid racks and speaker stands, custom mono bloc amps each on their own stand. All of these devices and angles and positions made the image wider and more focused but I still had that little bubble and shift before me. Always less annoying with each new device and tweak.

These trail and tribulations are pretty first world.


So, your probably saying to yourself hurry up and get to the end.



The end finally arrived today after having applied a contact enhancer 7 days ago to just 6 RCA ends out of many connections in my system. Today with a friend who has been here a hundred times sitting in the Chair playing the same music as usual he said there was a wider sweet spot. I despise that term but he said it and not me.

How can we not be impressed?
And his friend said it, and not him…


What we both heard was a super stable center image that was a few feet wide and not just one. The bubble was gone. The head in the vise was gone. Off came the straight jacket and helmet.

The straight jacket… and tin foil helmet?


What I have now in this space intime is a glorious fully extended soundstage with all the meat on the bones and the features of talking heads on a real live performance stage.

Wow… where can I get some?


I have probably used eight different contact enhancers over five decades but this one blows my mind. This product Nano Flo is the ultimate in transparency.




I did ever number possible. No way you can talk to flesh and blood.

More to discover