MBL 101E

Seller A sells for $27k OBO, but Seller B sells them for $35k OBO on ebay.


What will be the fair offer?


How old is each pair? This model has been around 30 years or more.

A five year old pair is worth more than a 25 year old pair.

@dweller , makes a good point. Also, consider shipping. I have been looking for the smaller models, but have yet to find something. 


If more then 5 years old no , the leads tend to break on the mids tweeter on older models, newer ones not so.

"$27k OBO, but Seller B sells them for $35k OBO ". I don't know how old they are, but $27K and $35K is better than what a dealer quoted me for a three year old used pair for $63.5K($51K for the speakers and $12.5K credit for my speakers)! I know they list for $90K now, but I don't think they listed for $90K three years ago?

I’d tread carefully, and ask a lot of questions....

...but I know I’d be paranoid when the $s’ get that high.... ;)

When it comes to people’s asking prices EBay,  just remember P.T. Barnum.

What will be the fair offer?

I think "fair" is the incorrect way to look at this transaction because "fairness" implies some sort of rule book we should all be following.  Sure we have our own rulebook as to what we would judge to be reasonable, problem that everyone has their own "unique" rulebooks with different priorities, morals, value,  and beliefs than ours.  

I'm guessing the OP is looking for some sort of number like "average" so he can feel good/secure in having some point of reference, but it doesn't exist as a good reference unlike higher quantities sold per period to make the average more meaningful.  


Better to focus on the quality/condition of the speaker, and the seller's motivation.  Fantastic deals do happen, but are extremely rare.  


I figures @kennyc that I’ve lived off mostly from fantastic deals or no deal at all.

I like dollar to dimes. Moreover i plan to screw ebay by agreement to deliver cash on local pick-up. Many sellers would happily do that especially on expensive items.

There will be another few bucks off by saving on ebay fees!! 

Personally I wouldn’t spend that much money on eBay unless I could go to the sellers house and listen to them. I suppose I might be a bit distrusting but just because your paranoid, it doesn’t mean people aren’t following you.