Looking for a warm sweet speaker

That images great and resolves without etched treble. I love the british sound, but want something a little more modern sounding. The big Harbeths sound good to me, but the price is just out of my reach. Any American brands that you could suggest? In this day and age it’s getting harder to find brick and mortar dealers or even by appointment dealers that stock the type of speakers I am looking for it seems.

I have analog and digital sources.

Are you in the North Dallas area? If so, I have a pair of Focal Utopia Be for sale. They will fit your budget nicely and leave you some surplus for other upgrades.  Feel free to come by and audition them if you’re interested. 
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2 options...new lsa signature 10...they are almost as good as joseph pulsars.  Reference 3a mm decapo
Yes I had given some thought to the Spendors.  Years ago, when I first got into hi-fi the dealer that I worked for carried Spendor, Harbeth, KEF, Rogers and Quad.  I always had a fondness for SP-1's.  The vocal range on the best british monitors always sucked me into listening even if I had other things to do.  
The Silverlines with the DynaAudio drivers are are interesting, as some of my favorite designs over the years used the Dyna drivers.  Thanks for the inputs so far.  I may have to bit the bullet and spend a bit more to get what I really want.
Here are some floorstanders...
PSB Imagine T3... warm, great imaging (many B&M dealers).
KEF... neutral and organic (UK) (many B&M dealers).
Devore Gibbon series... warmish and very resolving.
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You want Silverline speakers. A set of Bolero speakers are up for sale and they meet your criteria perfectly.  Rare to see them used.  Great speaker. 
If so, visit John Rutan at Audio Connection in Verona, NJ!  If not, consider a field trip!