Kevin's Tannoy priced as a Single speaker??

Bit confused,, saw a  pop up ad on ebay,,so i clicked (which i rarely/never do) Keven's ad for  his tannoy
Listing on site says
priced each...later says, must be purchased by the pair, 
someone please explain so Kevin can get things   corrected.
Never in my life have I seen by the each , unless it's a  speaker on Madisound.

Come on Kevin, you have wonderful PL amps, dont get all tricky here with your Tannoy.

Also note AER  lists by The single,,,whereas Voxativ by the pair,, who wants to purcahse a  single speaker??
When I see a  listing as a  single,, I just look elsewhere...

You should call guy and tell him you want both for price one like you mislead at checkout grocery store. Next coach guy on making better speaker using you depth experience in speaker making maybe he bring you on with nice gig in west coast. Final ask him for address for Tannoy manufacture in UK tell him you have concern made in China. Report back please 

I, for one, would like to have a second all-mono system with just one speaker...just sayin...

I would never buy any speaker listed as a single, Just saying,  
Big Red flag IMHO
Some loudspeakers are matched or mirrored pairs and MUST be bought in a set of two. Other loudspeakers are boxed and shipped as singular units. Their is no confusion in most cases, you should have at least an idea of what a speaker costs. If you see it listed at half price, it's a pretty good clue, they are selling singles. 
"Must be purchased in pairs."

Yep saw that, but forgot that **super fine print at the bottom**
yeah, now we have another issue, Kev sells singles yet requires you buy a  pair,,whats up with that,, Come on Kev you have one of the finest DAC's ever made,, yet have this  slick  sales pitch,,, on a  very fine speaker,, Come on Kev, lets get real here.
 Dump that Southern California snakeoil gimmick.
They are priced each for home theater application.

ahhh the old HT thing.
Got it, 
I only think in terms of high fidelity 2 speaker stereo systems. 
OK, well you know if it thats way, Kevin should make it 
3 for a  single and 5 for a  pair.
In todays market ya gotta give alittle , to make alittle.
I'm sure its a fine point source speaker btw. 
I've heard only good things about these Tannoy's. 
Kev if you are reading, try the buy one get 2nd 30% off. (return 1 , its the 30% off speaker)
Can we put our outrage back where it belongs -- on the little stickers placed on every single piece of fruit? 

I mean come on -- let's focus.
Certainly not something I would spend time worrying about.
But that's just me, I guess.
You can enter an odd number to your cart on Deal's website. No doubt one can purchase an odd number elsewhere. 
Price per pair would be fine if they would sell them that way. Try to buy 3 sometime for home theater and you will surly get the run around. 
Music Direct, Crutchfield, Audio Asylum all list certain speakers single price. Pro audio lists a lot of speakers single. 
Single pricing of speakers was rampant in the States for years but seems to have died away. Until now! Seems it's a nasty marketing strategy designed to catch your attention. The best bit is where it says "Must be purchased in pairs."