ISO good quality tube pre-amp

I would like to draw on the collective knowledge and wisdom of the membership to help me find a good quality tube pre-amp in the $ 2,000 neighborhood, new or used. I think I might prefer used so I can get a higher quality piece for the money!
This will be a secondary system in a 15x22 office. I have a SS system at home with Dynaudio speakers, so I want a different sound in my office-hence the tube pre matched to a SS power amp at 150 WPC @ 8 ohms, class D. I'm considering the new LSA-10 bookshelf speakers as they appear to be a great value.
I'm not looking to go all out on this system money wise as I am a value-proposition kind of guy who appreciates the law of diminishing returns.
I believe the pre-amp is more important to the overall sound,soundstage and imaging than many folks give the pre-amp credit for, so I don't mind putting more of my system budget into a fine tube pre and reap the cost savings from the class D amp with the latest ICE technology-good bang for the buck, and I need the higher WPC of an SS amp to properly power the LSA's that are only 88 efficient. I don't want to afford the dollars it would take to get a tube amp or tube integrated to properly push the LSA speakers with clean, dynamic sound.
I know there is alot of love for the Schiit Freya+ tube pre from many members and it does appear on the surface to be a great value proposition, but I believe that in most things you get what you pay for, and its especially true in brand new Hi-Fi equipment. Please do not "white knight" the Freya+ in responses to this discussion. I'm looking for something more, a piece that is rock solid and made with top, top quality components that will last for the rest of days of being able to hear well enough to appreciate great sound! Sadly, my ears are already beginning their downward descent at only age 62!
I will appreciate all thoughts and recommendations of a constructive nature. I have much to still learn from Audiogon, even after 16 years of quietly reading and absorbing...Thanks!.

You should be able to find some nice used CJ and ARC preamps in that price range. I assume no phono stage needed? There is also a lot of love for Don Sachs preamps but I've never listened to one myself.
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Quicksilver, Modwright, Rogue.

There have been several long threads recently on tube preamps.

I think you are making a mistake, Aesthetix Mina integrated 

iF you go the Tube Pre my votes Aesthetix, ARC, Quicksilver, VTL, Backert, and the modern Mc stuff is good

consider a SF Line 2, not so tubey sounding but with excellent soundstage and presentation. Needs only matched pairs of tubes to give its best. If for more tubey sound a CJ Classic. Both within your budget or less.
If memory serves, the minimum impedance on these speakers is 8Ohms or more depending on which model so I don’t think they present a tough load.  Anyway, I’d put the Linear Tube Audio MicroZOTL MZ2 with LPS+ power supply on your list of preamps to consider maybe paired with something like Bel Canto S500 or 500M Class D amps.  Or a hybrid integrated like the Unison Research Unico 50 with a tube preamp section and plenty of SS power, and there are a couple available here now for around $2k that’d probably sound fantastic with the LSA 10s and save you $$$.  Best of luck. 
There is a Rogue RP3 tube preamp listed here in the classifieds for around 2200-2300.00.  I used to own one and it is a very quiet and flexible preamp.  
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