

Have always been a fan of Rick's technology and thought HFC was the best that I could get.  Took some time but found him and for anyone that is wondering - he is back with a tour de force.  The Illumination line surpasses anything that I had from HFC and does it at a price point that I still find hard to believe..  Have changed out my CT-2 3D double helix and orchestral.  Cleaner, black background, holographic.  

Can't wait to finish changing out things as each change seems synergistic with the one before,  Not just incremental

Welcome back !!



How bout giving us some details...

Website/Contact info?

A tour de force of what?

What did you buy? What does he sell?


Took some time but found him and for anyone that is wondering - he is back with a tour de force.

Good for you! Since he’s so hard to find it’d be nice to know how we could find him too. When you start a thread it’s most helpful if you give the just slightest thought as to how it is perceived and can be understood from the reader’s perspective. Sheesh.

Sorry.  Didn't mean to be mysterious.  He's on Audiogon both under his name, the cable line and draudio as the Agon member.

Obviously it's easier to critique a recommendation than to take the time to look things up like I did.

Was just trying to give  Rick a shout out for anyone that was interested.  Since my post mentioned him and HFC - if anyone was aware of him, HFC and Virtual Dynamics it shouldn't have taken much more than what was posted.

Best cables I have owned.  Think he's only selling on Agon presently without a website.  A number of previous reviews including a great one on 6 Moons of the previous HFC technology.

Have multiple cables from the Illumination line; there's one level above it that I haven't listened to but I'm more than satisfied with what sound I have now

That's all I can provide at this time.



Obviously it’s easier to critique a recommendation than to take the time to look things up like I did.

Obviously it’s even easier if the OP just gives more sufficient info upfront rather than everyone else then having to go through the same search you went through for someone who’s clearly not a simple Google search away.  Don’t try to put this on me when all three long-timers here who responded didn’t know what the hell you were talking about.  That’s a clue for you.

+1 @soix .

Raving about some products but no links, not a typical Audiogon post.

The HFC products I own all raised my music playback to a higher level. I guess I'll use the clues provided and use Google to find Rick.

Thank you @facten .  Too many old HFC and Virtual Dynamics posts on Google.

Hopefully he will expand his line and set up a online direct website.


"Obviously it's easier to critique a recommendation than to take the time to look things up like I did."

Next time, do your part and communicate clearly what you are talking about.

Who's "Rick"? Astley, Springfield?  A last name might help.

What is "HFC"? Hydrofluorocarbon is what a Google search comes up with.

Why should we need to do research just to figure out what the heck you are trying to say.


+1 @soix .

People need to reread their communications.  They should judge their writing as if read by someone with minimal knowledge of what they are discussing.  All abbreviations should have the first abbreviation spelled out.  All references should be easily explained and understandable by a novice reader.  All punctuation and capitalization should be correct.  This is the basis of good correspondence.


My sincerest apologies; I was so accustomed to seeing the abbreviations I defaulted to using them myself

HFC - High Fidelity cable

Rick Schultz ( from Virtual Dynamics and HFC designs)

No website; look up under Agon member name draudio

That's as much as I can provide other than saying I've owned High Fidelity cables - Reveals, then CT-2 signature, both interconnects and speaker cables.  To my ear, his new line bests them both by a wide margin.  As we all know how each system "voices" with these changes is different and has stimulated myriad discussions and debates

For those who liked high fidelity cables, you're going to be happy with these

For a review of the High Fidelity cable, there's a good one on 6 Moons




You are one patient cat, I admire that in a person because I don’t have it. I spend too much time around other men I suppose. 

…….this great but how many companies is Rick going to start and close ? I guess we will need to wait and see . Good luck to this venture and let’s see what happens  but if his past is any indication of the future well we may already know the answer.


I understand what you're saying. I know COVID contributed to his HFC shutdown. That and supply chain issues, although he should have been more transparent and forthcoming.

It's possible he'll remain as a one-man shop and sell his products in the Marketplace. This is how he sold off his inventory while HFC was going down the tubes.

…….this great but how many companies is Rick going to start and close ? I guess we will need to wait and see .

Fair point, but at least when a cable biz goes under people who bought them don’t need to worry much about repairs or getting replacement parts although resale may still suffer a bit.  HFC had a good reputation for performance so hopefully the new venture provides more of that, which would be a good thing. 

This last closing of HF went thru short supplies and employees got Covid. According to one close to Rick who is from Texas one  cable or conditioner needs 42 parts. That was the time, also he bought expensive machine so he can manufacture in house. Many companies close that time. It was hard for businesses, Iiam glad He is back, and also hope money were refund to those who did not get their cables.

Loweider57 I agree with you. I like Rick very nice guy. It would have been nice if Rick is more transparent and apologize for what happen.I want him to succeed he has the ability to do it.

+2 jayctoy

OK, Rick is a nice guy, and I should ask him over for drinks, but what about buying/selling audio gear?

a.) is his gear truly superior?

b) is his gear a fair/good value?

c) will he be here in the future (support, trades, upgrades, etc.)?

To me, both the product and the vendor must be worth the investment.

Inagroove, he once gave me a prototype and just said bring it back when your done listening. First time I ever did business with him.


A) yes

B) up to you

C) yes, till he isn’t

It’s just cables, you keep listening to what you have or move on.

Some people need to work for other people, so they can do what they do. Hard to invent, build and manage, although some people do pull it off nicely.



With regard to Rick’s new cable line, I have auditioned the lower version and find it to be absolutely superb in keeping with the previous cables Rick has created. I went ahead and purchased the higher level cable and expect that to be delivered actually today. Rick is selling through his own company,currently living in Canada. He’s very easy to find with a search on Audiogon.Took me no time at all to find him. I’ve texted him numerous times and talked with him on the phone also. Could not be a nicer gentleman. As for starting numerous companies, how many of you have started cable companies and how many of you would’ve continued creating more companies had your initial ones failed, for whatever reason. It says a lot about someone who has that kind of persistence. I was very impressed when I tried the lower of the two lines of cables initially, and decided to go ahead and purchase the higher line. It was very obvious that the cable was superior to those that I’ve tried previously. Cannot wait to get home tonight and try the Upper level cable.

@calloway, I anxiously wait to hear your thoughts regarding the new illumination interconnect.

lak...calloway here. I have about 50 hrs on Rick's 'Apparition' model RCA cable.It is much better,as it should be' then the 'illumination' is still improving almost daily.the music is very engaging and the instrumental tonality is superb.the soundstage is very precise front to back and side to side.the vocals are clear and subtle nuances are audible that weren't previously. So far it is the best interconnect he has created to my ears.more later..

Lak…I didn’t mean to leave out my findings on the ‘Illumination” cable…,too is a superb cable that I came very close to keeping. It conveys 90% of what the Apparition does but after trying the upper level I wanted the whole package.hope that helps..dave