

Have always been a fan of Rick's technology and thought HFC was the best that I could get.  Took some time but found him and for anyone that is wondering - he is back with a tour de force.  The Illumination line surpasses anything that I had from HFC and does it at a price point that I still find hard to believe..  Have changed out my CT-2 3D double helix and orchestral.  Cleaner, black background, holographic.  

Can't wait to finish changing out things as each change seems synergistic with the one before,  Not just incremental

Welcome back !!

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Showing 1 response by acman3

Inagroove, he once gave me a prototype and just said bring it back when your done listening. First time I ever did business with him.


A) yes

B) up to you

C) yes, till he isn’t

It’s just cables, you keep listening to what you have or move on.

Some people need to work for other people, so they can do what they do. Hard to invent, build and manage, although some people do pull it off nicely.