

Have always been a fan of Rick's technology and thought HFC was the best that I could get.  Took some time but found him and for anyone that is wondering - he is back with a tour de force.  The Illumination line surpasses anything that I had from HFC and does it at a price point that I still find hard to believe..  Have changed out my CT-2 3D double helix and orchestral.  Cleaner, black background, holographic.  

Can't wait to finish changing out things as each change seems synergistic with the one before,  Not just incremental

Welcome back !!

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Showing 3 responses by soix

…….this great but how many companies is Rick going to start and close ? I guess we will need to wait and see .

Fair point, but at least when a cable biz goes under people who bought them don’t need to worry much about repairs or getting replacement parts although resale may still suffer a bit.  HFC had a good reputation for performance so hopefully the new venture provides more of that, which would be a good thing. 

Obviously it’s easier to critique a recommendation than to take the time to look things up like I did.

Obviously it’s even easier if the OP just gives more sufficient info upfront rather than everyone else then having to go through the same search you went through for someone who’s clearly not a simple Google search away.  Don’t try to put this on me when all three long-timers here who responded didn’t know what the hell you were talking about.  That’s a clue for you.

Took some time but found him and for anyone that is wondering - he is back with a tour de force.

Good for you! Since he’s so hard to find it’d be nice to know how we could find him too. When you start a thread it’s most helpful if you give the just slightest thought as to how it is perceived and can be understood from the reader’s perspective. Sheesh.