I'm Goin' Home

IMHO, one of the greatest live musical rock performances of all time, yet they get virtually no mention, no acclaim, no top-10, no anything. It’s not right.  They deserve better.  Ladies and Gentlemen - 10 Years After at Woodstock -


I don't know about that, as they certainly get their acclaim at my home and always will. Love me some Ten Years After. Enjoy the music
Gibson 335 just plugged straight into the amp and CRANKED!
Blues Rock guitar doesn't get any better than this performance.

Alvin Lee is home, playing to grateful audiences.
The bass player, Leo Lyons is KILLING. 

This clip will never get old.
I don’t think there’s anyone who wouldn’t agree with the fact that TYA’s performance was nothing less than magnificent. It’s just that nobody ever seems to bring them up on their own. Then again, Woodstock had Hendrix, Sly, Santana, Creedence... It's tough to be remembered in that crowd.  
@chayro , you will get no argument from me, just glad to see them mentioned.
Saw them at the Warehouse in New Orleans and Alvin Lee and I believe Leo Lyons got into it on stage, it got ugly real quick, a few people came out and calmed them down and they finished the night off like nothing happened.
Depends where you live. Even discounting Ten Years After I'm Goin Home at Woodstock they were popular with albums such as Watt, Space in Time, Ssssh, and Cricklewood Green. There's a pretty decent comp The Chrysilis Years. Alvin Lee's always got my vote.
Now that I rethink this in the cold light of day and sobriety, TYA was far from my favorite band and I was never overly interested in their music compared to many other artists at that time. That said, their performance at Woodstock was one of the festival’s magical moments, no doubt.
43 years after,  R.I.P. Alvin Lee.
I saw pictures of the 335 at the Hall but it wasn't there last year at the Woodstock exhibit.
While I also love me some Alvin Lee guitar playing and that was one of the best songs to learn to play with his signature guitar solo, Space in Time was a HS favorite, the band was fun but not long lasting.

Happy Listening.
Luv it-
and I have always preferred  this version over the "record" version. But then, 29 yers ago I dropped into the tent 5 kms away from my hometown here in Germany where an event took place called the "Hessentag" (an annual event week for the people of Hassia in Germany set in different small towns).
A band occured on stage and I saw a guy with a leather vest who reminded me with Alvin Lee. And it was  Alvin Lee! And then I recognized them all- Leo Lyons, Chick Churchill and Ric Lee!
And what happened then was one of the most exciting, thrilling live gigs I ever listened to- a version of "I'm Going Home" by far better than even the one at Woodstock (I swear, no fooling). I will never forget that evening. They played other goodies after but IGH was the highlight.

Jan (high in the sky with the remindings)
Chayro great call, also one of my fav bands of all time.  As a bonus TYA lps are solid sonically.