How critical is streamer hardware to SQ when it feeds a good DAC?

Hi all,

I currently have a Node2 connected digitally to either a Bricasti M3 or a Chord Dave. I am still evaluating which of those DACs improve the sound quality more. Suffice to say that both are a considerable upgrade. I am also thinking about replacing the Node2 with perhaps an Aurender or Auralic streamer, which I would also connect to the DAC. Once you bypass the internal DAC in the streamer, would the SQ be impacted by other elements in the streamer which would warrant such a purchase? I know a retail dealer who uses the following architecture to create an excellent sound: Roon NUC, Node, Chord mScaler, Chord Hugo, VTL Pre, VTL Amp, Fyne 704. 




 Troy is ok.  He puts his personal interest out there in each post.  
DACs are 80% of the sound. Streamers the other 20%.  So streamers matter but get the DAC part of the equation right first.

  I really enjoy my CA CXN 60, which into the same DAC beats the Node2 and Chromecast and AirPlay to boot.  It’s worth twice the price of the Node2, but the Node2 is a great value

Shilling your products again will you ever stop Audiotroy?

Under the forum rules, dealers are welcome to post here.   @audiotroy always identifies himself as a dealer, so I don't see why he troubles you.

@sfseay Maybe there is a reason people post a certain way. I wish this site had an ignore feature to avoid weasel like post as yours.

I don't know Audiotroy, have never purchased anything from him, and have no vested interest whatsoever in his business or life.

Audiotroy's got an opinion, based on his experiences which are certainly more broad and well founded than 90% of the drivel I read on this forum. Yes, it is also biased towards the products he sells (how could it not be).

He clearly states he is a dealer in every post. Any bias he might have should be clearly obvious to any sentient reader. Any agenda he might have is far from hidden. I don't see a problem, and find his posts insightful.

As to his spelling, grammar, and writing? That's his business. If you choose to discount what he says based on this, that's your business. Singling him out for this on a forum replete with terribly written posts is just being a pendantic weenie. Lighten up Francis.


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we are a roon dealer their hardware is decent your dealer should try a better server


we have tested the node and the nucleus  vs our 432EVo servers and the high end and aeon models sounded way more like an analog source however they are way more expensive devicesat $5500 and $7500 rerspectively


for this reason we decided to import threm into the us so yes trhe ource feeding the dac is important


Dave and Troy 

Audio intellect NJ

US importers 432EVO music servers 

roon core and endpoint

Most sound better than the 2i. The more they cost the better the likelihood of less work for you. Non Apple is a huge consideration also. Oi can be better but you gotta spend up for LPS and DDC usually helps even more. 

I jumped from the Vault 2i to a Auralic Aries G1 and it was a noticeable jump in overall sound quality. Both were connected to my Anthem STR preamp 

I own a Bricasti M3 with the Network card (streamer) option.  It streams very well.  I made the decision based on forum feedback, reduction of cables (interconnect and power), Bricasti's

experience in the commercial market, their upgrade history and over all cost.  It is a high quality component from a great company.  Sound quality is really good from my perspective.  Sound staging and space have never been better in my listening room. Connection to my home network and music server was easy and everything just worked out of the box.  Could not be any happier.  

If you just do a forum search, you will find at least five or six threads about this very subject.

The Node is good at it's price point. However, it can be bettered. From a sound quality only perspective, a Raspberry Pi device can sound better, although not as user friendly. I replaced my Node 2i with a Lumin U-1 mini and there was a noticeable improvement.