How critical is streamer hardware to SQ when it feeds a good DAC?

Hi all,

I currently have a Node2 connected digitally to either a Bricasti M3 or a Chord Dave. I am still evaluating which of those DACs improve the sound quality more. Suffice to say that both are a considerable upgrade. I am also thinking about replacing the Node2 with perhaps an Aurender or Auralic streamer, which I would also connect to the DAC. Once you bypass the internal DAC in the streamer, would the SQ be impacted by other elements in the streamer which would warrant such a purchase? I know a retail dealer who uses the following architecture to create an excellent sound: Roon NUC, Node, Chord mScaler, Chord Hugo, VTL Pre, VTL Amp, Fyne 704. 




Showing 1 response by nosualc

I don't know Audiotroy, have never purchased anything from him, and have no vested interest whatsoever in his business or life.

Audiotroy's got an opinion, based on his experiences which are certainly more broad and well founded than 90% of the drivel I read on this forum. Yes, it is also biased towards the products he sells (how could it not be).

He clearly states he is a dealer in every post. Any bias he might have should be clearly obvious to any sentient reader. Any agenda he might have is far from hidden. I don't see a problem, and find his posts insightful.

As to his spelling, grammar, and writing? That's his business. If you choose to discount what he says based on this, that's your business. Singling him out for this on a forum replete with terribly written posts is just being a pendantic weenie. Lighten up Francis.