聖HIJIRI Users thread

Based on a discussion with another forum member, I've been reading up on this Comback Corporation brand. The reviews I've found have been pretty positive, but I've also learned over the years to take all reviews with a grain of salt. So the purpose of this thread is for users to share their input on 聖HIJIRI cables. When you share, if you'd discuss what model of HIJIRI you demoed and what brands/models they were compared to, that'd be very helpful.

A little background: a few years ago I was reading the Audio Envy threads and decided to give them a try as the seemed to compete with much higher-priced cable.  So I decided to give AE a try. I found both the $179 P2 and the $279 M3 to easily best an Isotek power cord at $1k. So that got me thinking even more about value products. I was about to give Zavfino a try and then was given another recommendation to give HIJIRI a try. So this is how I got here. I'll be very interested to hear all user comments on HIJIRI and this should be a good repository for the brand.

Here is their website: www.combak.net


@grannyring : how does Tchernov Reference USB cable compare to your own USB cable? Where do you get these cables, direct from Russia? I do not see any US dealer.

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I know these helix builds intimately as you know having built many, many iterations. I have always shared they are as good as many big dollar cables and a great value. I still believe that. Time goes on, and since I am intentionally curious, I have actually listened to many more brands and designs. After hearing both Hijiri and Tchernov cables in my system, and other systems, I can emphatically say these DIY builds simply don’t reach the same level of musical connection and nuance. Still great for the money and fun to build! Also remember that all high dollar cables don’t offer the level of performance found in Hijiri and Tchernov. These two brands also represent value, but at a much higher price point.

I thought DIY Helix Geometry Cabling was the best. And it turns out now the new trend is HIJIRI cables.

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May be someday you get to experience the absolute art and soul of sound, HIJIRI cables embodies.

Whenever you’re ready, reach out to Colin for a risk free trial.

Maybe. Someday. Inevitable 😉. Just a matter of time


“All I am saying, for those kind of prices, they do need to get a better handle of how the value proposition is communicated.”


I get what you’re saying, what more I can say that hasn’t been shared here. The head honcho of Combak Mr. Kazuo Kiuchi is a man of few words. He let his creations do the talking through end users…lol! May be someday you get to experience the absolute art and soul of sound, HIJIRI cables embodies.

Whenever you’re ready, reach out to Colin for a risk free trial.

Go for it! I have given up after hearing these and what the designer did. Some say and think what I did for 35 years is easy. I suppose it’s easy to think that something we don’t fully I understand is easier than it really is to do very, very well. 

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They should hire me! Ha! I spent 35 years in sales management, brand management, marketing management and new product innovation.


You can read up on the designer as he is an interesting man who also produces CD recordings. The JVC Recording Studio in Japan uses Hijiri cables and vibration control products. 

Now @grannyring .... if they put exactly what you wrote above on their website, and explain it that way, everything would read much better and make more sense!

I have learned after making countless cables that the conductor material and type are but one part of the finished cable’s sound. The ear of the designer and their relentless curiosity of trying all manner of dielectric, geometry, shielding and vibration control are actually more important. I cannot overstate this. The designer of Hijiri cables says he tunes them and based on my listening he has nailed the natural flow and tone of music. He worked for five years tuning the sound of these cables. I realize I am paying for his talent, ears and artistry. Cable building at this level is every bit an art as it is anything else. No way to ever comprehend or assume how a cable like this will sound by a website, words or pictures. Must listen over time. Not a matter of quick A/B testing, but rather marinating in the sound over many days. Fun!

Hijiri’s site, Japan location and language barriers may not appeal to some. We all have differing sensitivities and that’s cool. Hijiri is simply another option for we music lovers.



If @lalitk @lak @grannyring @wig say these are wonderful sounding cables, I trust them in full to be. However, they do have to do a better job with the website. From an outsider point of view, there is not much on the website that you can discern, an observation (and a correct one) shared by @ozzy

For example, looking at the Takumi maestro power cord, when trying to figure out the type of wire they use and the geometry / build, this is all you get:


Design principle: Crystal clear, wide and deep sound stage and musically reality

Wire material: Custom-made copper, directional, Meet RoHS reument


Forget the grammatical errors, other than "special / custom made copper" there is not so much info in terms of what they are doing.

And some of the language is extremely cheesy: like " produced with the care of Maestro can conduct AC current exceptionally smooth, and the electronics driven will deliver breathtakingly clear and natural to raise “The Art of Music” that one can most appreciate the unprecedented sound reproduction retrieval reminiscent of a live musical event.
“TAKUMI” 匠 Maestro is power cord specially designed for those who cannot compromised and seek always the Best sound


All I am saying, for those kind of prices, they do need to get a better handle of how the value proposition is communicated. Word of mouth can only do so much. I for one, looked seriously into the line last year, because of the opinion of @lalitk who I highly respect, but could not get past the shortcomings of the info available on the website. I just could not take the next step and obviously price is a factor, especially when considering resale value (or lack thereof). During that time back in April, Colin was indeed a great guy to communicate with. Zero issues with that.

Apologies if this comes out negatively here, but that’s not my intention. On the contrary...


To clarify, for the last year I have been using the Audio Envy $179 P2 and the $279 M3 power cords. I like them and as I noted before, they easily bested the Isotek $1k power cord. As many, including yourself, say that Zavfino is better than AE, I thought I'd give Zavfino a try since they appear to be value oriented as well. Around the same time I was thinking of trying Zavfino, Hijiri was also mentioned and so that's how I got here. I appreciate your comments.

My hesitancy to shell out money is based on the idea that the power cords are made using nothing that really jumps out at me, as "high tech". construction is with copper wire and Wattgate plugs.

I really doubt whether either of the models would compare favorably to my current power cords. Collin may be the greatest guy in the world but that would not be my reason for trying the cables.

BTW, I have seen on Audioshark many of these cables for sale throughout the world.



I only compared the Nagomi and TAKUKI Maestro power cords. After hearing the differences between the two, I felt ‘upper’ level cables in HIJIRI line is the way to go. I wanted to be done with cable upgrades and focus on other areas of possible improvements. And that’s exactly what I did, HIJIRI’s cables have been instrumental in approaching and more importantly differentiating the next level of digital front end along with new appreciation for my existing components in the system.

@pokey77 I think you mentioned that you hadn’t heard AE or Zavfino, but correct me if I’m wrong on that. Now I have not heard Cap’s NV11 ribbon SC or his Mega power cord, which I think used to be an off the menu type of thing. 

However, based on my time with the Prestige interconnects, the grounded and ungrounded power cords and the NV9 SC, I would say Zavfino interconnects are definitely better - and that’s both the Arcadia and Fusion, and the Power cable and speaker cables also perform at a higher level, but again, I haven’t heard the Mega or NV11 and I’m comparing those against the Prima mkII PC/SC.

I would love to try Hijiri down the road. I get what lalitk is talking about with the constricted nature of the Zavfino cables- that may be related to the high temp PVC, as I’ve heard this gives more punch and detail although it doesn’t help as much with smoothness or ease. The Zavfino cables are definitely inserting their sonic signature on the music, but it’s very engaging to listen to. 

I am comparing Zavfino SC/PC against Silversmith and Puritan, as they don’t do looms.

@lalitk you’ve heard both levels of the Hijiri cables?

I agree with all of the positive comments about Colin, he is a pleasure to work with. Having said that I appreciate and respect Ozzy's thoughts. This just might not be a venture for him.

I was introduced to Gestalt Audio by Grannyring.

To say Colin is an *Honest* stand-up gentleman, no-pressure dealer, would be an understatement.

I ordered cables from him and he delivered on a dime, always answered or returned calls immediately. 

I'm thankful to know him and his very unique, extremely musical product line.

Lots of great comments in here. Keep them coming.

I believe that @kimurastanley also has some Hijiri. If you'd comment, that'd add value. Thank you.

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Yeah, I had on trial from a dealer the newer version Shunyata Sigma V2 power cord, I thought it was a little subdued compared to my AudioQuest Dragon or the Synergistic Galileo SX power cords.

However, I did like the Shunyata Sigma V2 interconnect, and I bought it!


I own the HIJIRI Nagomi power cords and HIJIRI HCS Speaker cables and love them. Best cables I have own to date. They have a very detailed and natural presentation in my system. Not subtle at all, these cables are tuned and you can tell.

Colin was great to work with and I feel he is someone I can trust 100%. I know because I bought 3 pc’s, returned 1 and got my money back in a blink of an eye.

Why did I return 1 of the cords? Because I felt I only needed 2 pc's in my system. I installed 1 on my Power Conditioner and 1 on my Tube Pre Amp.

Oh and they were better than the $3000 Shunyata Sigma V1’s in my system :)


Please do come over next time you’re in Houston. I would love to hear your feedback and any suggestions you may have to kick the performance another notch. I have been thinking to re-do flooring and go with all wood flooring but not sure how that would impact the overall sound. BTW, the integrated is Accuphase not Luxman as you noted above. I prefer the slightly warm sound of Accuphase not to mention its delicious synergy with Canterbury’s.

@lalitk ,


Oh my! I just finished looking at your system. I would love to hear it someday. The Tannoy Canterbury GR speakers are fabulous. I also know the Merging digital units are very special. The Luxman amp, subs, turntable to die for, your room etc…You have a full loom of Hijiri’s finest cabling to boot! I know your music must sound so involving. Well done!


Very cool, looking forward to updated pics and your impressions on Muon and Rubicon. 

I love my Fyne F704 speakers! Just a joy to listen to. I need to update my pictures as the speaker placement has changed and we have two new diffusion panels. The panels will be installed tomorrow afternoon. A large custom build is going on the wall behind the speakers. Tried to post it here, but not able it seems  


I think the new Network Acoustics Muon products are wonderful. I purchased the set and am waiting to receive the new switch. 




Just looked at your system, quite a few changes but wow! I bet your system sounds amazing. My visit to Nashville long over due, would love to stop by and catch up with you and Colin. How are you liking the F704’s? Are you still compiling your impressions on Muon and Rubicon?

I have stated my beliefs and concerns. Each of us can decide on our own path.


“If you received a refund, then why are praising the product?”


The refund was received for another ‘custom’ product that did not meet my expectations. Colin asked, how can we make it right, I said I’m not comfortable with replacement and would like to send back the merchandise. He said no problems, I am going to issue you a full refund and address the quality issues with the manufacturer.

It is worth pointing out that custom orders are typically non-refundable.

PS: My system has a full loom of HIJIRI “Million” series cables. 


I do appreciate all your comments and concerns. All valuable here. Please, let's keep this on topic and cordial. Honestly, I never thought that this thread would go over one page, but glad that there are those out there who have contributed their impressions and those who'd like to give Hijiri a try. Ozzy, I do hope that you will be able to find a way to audition Hijiri, but I understand if it does not work out. Also, if you consider the Millions line too much of a risk, you could try the Performance line at about a fifth of the price. Several here have mentioned how good it is.

Ozzy, Colin is far more than a nice talker. He puts action behind his words. I find him a rare commodity these days. Low keyed gentleman that puts no pressure on you and speaks respectfully about other dealers and brands. Just a kind man.

He has listening skills like nobody I have ever experienced. Very talented listener with keen skills on how to properly set up speakers. He knows exactly what to listen for while patiently and tirelessly optimizing his customer systems. He coaxed so much more out of my new speaker, which I purchased elsewhere, that it left me realizing how much I still have to learn.


He has listened to many, many high dollar cables. He did the comparisons while deciding on the brands he would carry. After testing he decided on Hijiri and Tchernov. These cables are very special. Both deliver on music’s beauty and nuance in a special way. I know his listening skills are better than mine. They just are. He is gifted in my opinion. Without him I would still have a nice sounding system and cables. However, I would have missed the level of engagement and enjoyment I now find with my music. That is true for me.


This is certainly as, if not more important,  than the size or annual sales afforded by a dealer in my experience and opinion.

Well, that’s a good comment. I appreciate it. But I disagree, IMHO the buyer has the most to risk when it comes to securing a refund once the transaction has been completed. 

Again though, before the Pandemic there were demo units available.


For whatever it may be worth to anyone, I agree with members who are speaking highly of Colin. A few months ago, I auditioned some $15K speakers from Gestalt, which were excellent, but--in the end--not for me. He did not hesitate for an instant to refund my money in full when I informed him I was going with a different speaker. In fact, he was a perfect gentleman, even though he had invested quite a bit of time conversing with me about how to set-up the speakers I was auditioning to get the most out of them.

With all due respect, it is the dealer who is taking the bigger risk in these auditions. Even with a credit card number as "insurance," a buyer can always fabricate a reason to do a charge back and leave a dealer in an untenable position if gear is damaged, etc. I do not deny there is some mutual risk, but it has also been my experience that most dealers require purchase with an agreed-upon window to return for a full refund. That works for me, as long as the dealer has an established track record and excellent feedback from respected longtime members, as is the case here.

As others have indicated, you can deal with Colin with the utmost confidence.


Now don't get nasty. It is just business. Most dealers understand and appreciate it.

Question though:

If you received a refund, then why are praising the product?


“Have you ever received a refund from him?”


Yes. He is a man of very high values. He does what he says, a class act all the way. Wish I can say the same for you! 


Perhaps you are not at the level of being an Audiophile like me. Once I decide on an item that I may be interested in, I seek out potential dealers. You can do that without my assistance.

The first few questions I always ask is how much, is it in stock, and do you have demo units? Not hard to do, just try it.

They are not gonna be knocking on your door if that’s what you want. You have to be tenacious.

Sheesh, I was a Salesman and a Senior Purchasing Agent for a large corporation each side has its needs. It is not too much to ask these questions.

If they say no, then move on or try another dealer. Many, however, will work with you if you sound sincere.

In the case of Collin he appears to be a nice talker but a small-time operator with limited resources. I have never heard of him before and his website looks anemic. That throw’s up a caution flag to me before I would send him money and hope for a refund.

Have you ever received a refund from him? Has anyone? That would be good information also.



Nope, not calling you a liar. Simply taking you up on your amazing spirit of sharing the names of dealers who are willing to send merchandise without any payment security or take the CC info for security but not actually charge it until you decide. Why not disclose their names here so our community can mutually benefit from their generous business practices.

Surely you are not calling me a liar. Perhaps it’s my charm... If you read my posts properly, I did state that some dealers will take the CC info for security but not actually charge it until you decide.

If you are really interested and not just being sarcastic, send me a PM.



Care to divulge dealers who is willing to send merchandise without any credit card or payment security if you’re a first time customer? I would love to explore these small or big dealers. Thank you! 

You have some great gear OZZY. I look at your virtual system occasionally to see what’s new. Great system!


I have made some recent upgrades that I love.  Still waiting on some nice diffusion panels. 


Surprisingly many big-time dealers representing major and sometimes minor manufactures will or did. Perhaps now with the pandemic stock is low which would prohibit trials.


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grannyring, laltik,

The difference is that the power cord that I would like to try is > $5000. A lot more than a cost of a fuse! And I have had many instances of difficulty trying to get my money back after so called trial periods. I even had one company want to refund just 50% because of claimed shipping, handling, restocking costs etc.

I think the challenge on the cable’s merits against Synergistic Research SX Galieo, or the AudioQuest Dragon would have been a good one. And if it prevailed, I would have bought one, perhaps even more and sold my existing cables on the gon

But enough said on my part. Enjoy!
